[Canberrauav] Spectrum Goodies
Stephen Dade stephen_dade at hotmail.com 
Wed May 30 21:57:52 EST 2012 

Hi all,

In an effort to avoid the "Kingaroy Triangle" of spectrum interference. I've
trawled the ACMA databases for a listing of all radiocommunications
transmitters within 50km of Kingaroy.

The resulting Excel files have been put up on Google docs:

1GHz - 6 GHz https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5zTGFMNnhGdVFqeTg 

30MHz - 1 GHz https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5zWTRmSGVoZS1qeU0 

Everything https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5zUzVUbWtOcU9MRjQ

Mobile phone towers

I've also mapped them to Google Earth (kml) files for a more visual view:

1GHz - 6 GHz https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5zMHJtOTQwb012eWc 

30MHz - 1 GHz https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5za1dyeUJ0eXVwakk 

Everything https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5zai1oeGxQeWVuYVE 

Mobile phone towers

There's the OBC map too
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxJBg_6KSZ5zOHR2Y1A0NGlOWnM (note this
isn't the one the organisers provided. I made this one myself from the
coordinates in The Rules Document)

One thing to note is that Optus has a mobile phone tower operating 2km from
the search area (and 700m from the competition boundary). It operates in the
935 - 960 MHz band.  I'm wondering if it may (unintentionally) interfere
with our 900 MHz link, like what happened at Mt Pleasant on the weekend - it
may be something worth testing.

The flipside of this it that it's viable to use a (900 MHz band) GSM/3G
modem on the UAV, should we wish to. I've confirmed that it's a 2G/3G tower.

Other than that, there's 2 fixed links running through the competition
boundaries: One at 1.9GHz and another at 460 MHz. There's also 2 navigation
beacons operating at the airport: 125MHz and 207 kHz. I don't see any of
these links affecting the current radios on the UAV.

[Any other teams lurking on this mailing list are most welcome to use this
data too!]



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