PX4 autopilot

PX4FMU (Flight Management Unit)

PX4FMU is a high-performance autopilot suitable for fixed wing, multi rotors, helicopters, cars, boats and any other robotic platform that can move. It is targeted towards high-end research, amateur and industry needs. PX4 is an expandable, modular system comprising the PX4FMU Flight Management Unit (autopilot) and a number of optional interface modules (PX4IO [ http://store.diydrones.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BR-PXIO ], PX4IOAR [ http://store.diydrones.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BR-PXIOAR ]).

In addition to the versatile hardware platform, PX4 introduces a sophisticated, modular software environment built on top of a POSIX-like realtime operating system. The modular architecture and operating system support greatly simplify the process of experimenting with specific components of the system, as well as reducing the barriers to entry for new developers.

Adding support for new sensors, peripherals and expansion modules is straightforward due to standardized interface protocols between software components. Onboard microSD storage permits high-rate logging and data storage for custom applications. MAVLink protocol support provides direct integration with existing ground control systems including QGroundControl and the APM Mission Planner.


Revision notes from 1.6 to 1.7:


Module home page



Eagle files for version 1.6 [ http://stuff.storediydrones.com/PX4FMUv1.6.zip ]
Eagle files for version 1.7 [ http://stuff.storediydrones.com/PX4FMUv1.7.zip ]

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