[Canberrauav] The way forward
Stephen Dade stephen_dade at hotmail.com 
Sat Oct 13 00:33:37 EST 2012 

Hi all,

After much discussion CanberraUAV has decided to become an incorporated
association (in a similar vein to MHV). The major reasons for this are to
limit personal liability and more transparent handling of money.

We had our inaugural meeting last Thursday night at Tridge's place. We also
elected our position holders:

President: Stephen Dade

Vice-President: Chris Gough

Treasurer: Paul Tridgell

Secretary: Andrew Tridgell

The minutes are available at:


There was much discussion on what CanberraUAV should "be". We came up with
the following:

(it may need some fine-tuning)

CanberraUAV is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to developing and
promoting the field of civilian UAV's

CanberraUAV will focus on two major items (apart from the 2014 Outback

         i.            Research and Development of hardware/software parts
for amateur civilian UAV's

a.      This will all be open source

b.      Piece-meal approach. We won't be deploying complete UAV systems
(apart from the Outback Challenge and flight testing)

c.       Any CanberraUAV member can R&D anything they think is worthwhile.

       ii.            Educating the public about the potential uses of
civilian UAV's

a.      Collaborating with local search and rescue organisations with what
they want from UAV's

b.      Showing that open-source UAV's are easy-to-use, safe, accessible,
practical and affordable.

CanberraUAV funds will be used to achieve the above goals. The CanberraUAV
membership will decide the level of funding any R&D sub-projects.

If anyone has any questions/comments you can email me or the other committee
members directly, or reply to the list.


Stephen Dade

President (yay!), CanberraUAV

Copyright 2012 http://canberrauav.org.au/