From: (Leonard H. Tower Jr.)
Newsgroups: gnu.announce
Subject: (none)
Message-ID: <8907072148.AA00390@gluteus>
Date: 7 Jul 89 21:48:47 GMT
Distribution: gnu
Organization: GNUs Not Usenet
Lines: 1431

Here is the info-ized version of the latest GNUs Bulletin, which was
distributed at the Baltimore Summer Usenix.

If you would like a hardcopy, send a SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped
Envelope) with your request to the FSF address below (including a
small donation to cover copying costs would be appreciated, but is not

Please freely redistribute this text to other forums under the term of
the Copyright Notice below.

thanx -len 


GNU's Bulletin				June, 1989

The GNU's Bulletin is the semi-annual newsletter of the Free Software
Foundation, bringing you news about the GNU Project.

Free Software Foundation, Inc.		Telephone: (617) 876-3296
675 Massachusetts Avenue		Electronic mail:
Cambridge, MA  02139


What Is the Free Software Foundation?
What Is Copyleft?
GNUs Flashes
``Programming Freedom Activism''    by Richard Stallman
GNU Wish List
``Porting BSD Unix Through GCC''    by John Gilmore
GNU Project Status Report
GNU Documentation
GNU Software Available Now
How To Get GNU Software
Thank GNUs
FSF Order Form


Gnu's Who

Some new people have joined our full-time staff.  Joseph Arceneaux is
working on Emacs version 19.  Soon to arrive are Karl Berry, Kathy
Hargreaves, and Jim Kingdon.  Randy Smith, who has been working on GDB,
will be leaving us for grad school in the fall.

Mike Haertel is back with us, working on a new, more efficient malloc
and on finishing the C interpreter started by Nobuyuki Hikichi.  Roland
McGrath has been hired for the summer to complete the ANSI C library
which he started.

Brian Fox is still working for us at UC Santa Barbara.  He is
beta-releasing BASH, the `Bourne Again SHell' which is the GNU version
of `sh' that incorporates extensions found in the Korn and C shells.
Jay Fenlason is writing the GNU spreadsheet program Oleo, and
maintaining the GNU assembler, `tar' and `sed'.  Jay also takes care of
our backups and creating distribution tapes.  Diane Barlow Close, our
first full-time technical writer, is writing the documentation for all
of the small Unix utilities that have been completed for us, while
living in San Diego, CA.

Opus Goldstein is our jack-of-all-trades office staff.  If you call our
office, she is the one who answers.  She fills the orders, and handles
the day-to-day operations of the Foundation.  Robert Chassell is our
Treasurer. Besides dealing with foundation issues not related to
programming, he is working on an elementary introduction to programming
in Emacs Lisp.

Richard Stallman continues as a volunteer to do countless tasks,
including refining the C compiler, GNU Emacs, etc. and their
documentation.  Finally, volunteer Len Tower continues as our electronic
JOAT (jack-of-all-trades), handling mailing lists, information requests,
system mothering, etc.

GNU's Bulletin

Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Written by: Joseph Arceneaux, Robert Chassell, John Gilmore,
	    Leonard H. Tower Jr., and Richard Stallman

Illustrations: Etienne Suvasa

     Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim
     copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that
     the copyright notice and permission notice are preserved, and that
     the distributor grants the recipient permission for further
     redistribution as permitted by this notice.

What Is the Free Software Foundation?

The Free Software Foundation is dedicated to eliminating restrictions on
copying, redistribution, understanding and modification of computer
programs.  We do this by promoting the development and use of free
software in all areas of computer use.  Specifically, we are putting
together a complete integrated software system called "GNU" (GNU's Not
Unix) that will be upward compatible with Unix.  Some large parts of
this system are already working and we are distributing them now.

The word "free" in our name refers to two specific freedoms: first, the
freedom to copy a program and give it away to your friends and
co-workers; second, the freedom to change a program as you wish, by
having full access to source code.  Furthermore, you can study the
source and learn how such programs are written.  You may then be able to
port it, improve it, and share your changes with others.

Other organizations distribute whatever free software happens to be
available.  By contrast, FSF concentrates on development of new free
software, building toward a GNU system complete enough to eliminate the
need to purchase a proprietary system.

Besides developing GNU, the Foundation has secondary functions:
producing tapes and printed manuals of GNU software, carrying out
distribution, and accepting gifts to support GNU development.  We are
tax exempt; you can deduct donations to us on your tax returns.  Our
development effort is funded partly from donations and partly from
distribution fees.  Note that the distribution fees purchase just the
service of distribution: you never have to pay anyone license fees to
use GNU software, and you always have the freedom to make your copy from
a friend's computer at no charge (provided your friend is willing).

The Foundation also maintains a Service Directory: a list of people who
offer service for pay to users of GNU programs and systems.  Service can
mean answering questions for new users, customizing programs, porting to
new systems, or anything else.  Contact us if you want to be listed.

After we create our programs, we continually update and improve them.
We release between 2 and 20 updates a year for each program.  Doing this
while developing new programs takes a lot of work, so any donations of
pertinent source code and documentation, machines, labor or money are
always appreciated.

The board of the Foundation is: Richard Stallman, President; Robert
Chassell, Treasurer; Gerald J. Sussman, Harold Abelson and Leonard H.
Tower Jr., Directors.

What Is Copyleft?

In the section entitled "What Is the Free Software Foundation," we state
that "you never have to pay anyone license fees to use GNU software, and
you always have the freedom to make your copy from a friend's computer
at no charge."  What exactly do we mean by this, and how do we make sure
that it stays true?

The simplest way to make a program free is to put it in the public
domain.  Then people who get it from sharers can share it with others.
But bad citizens can also do what they like to do: sell binary-only
versions under typical don't-share-with-your-neighbor licenses.  They
would thus enjoy the benefits of the freeness of the original program
while withholding these benefits from the users.  It could easily come
about that most users get the program this way, and our goal of making
the program free for *all* users would have been undermined.

To prevent this from happening, we don't normally place GNU programs in
the public domain.  Instead, we protect them by what we call
"copylefts".  A copyleft is a legal instrument that makes everybody free
to copy a program as long as the person getting the copy gets with it
the freedom to distribute further copies, and the freedom to modify
their copy (which means that they must get access to the source code).
Typical software companies use copyrights to take away these freedoms;
now we software sharers use copylefts to preserve these freedoms.

The copyleft used by the GNU project is made from a combination of a
copyright notice and the "GNU General Public License".  The copyright
notice is the usual kind.  The General Public License is a copying
license which basically says that you have the freedoms we want you to
have and that you can't take these freedoms away from anyone else.  (The
actual document consists of several pages of rather complicated legalbol
that our lawyer said we needed.)  The complete license is included in
all GNU source code distributions and many manuals, and we will send you
a printed copy on request.

Recently the Foundation made a dramatic change in the General Public
License.  The terms for copying remain unchanged, but the structure of
the license is different, and it is now easier to copyleft programs.
The License is now essentially a subroutine, and programs need only
state that the General Public License applies to them.  Specifics on
using the License now accompany it, so refer there for details.

     "As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we
     should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention
     of ours"
                         -Benjamin Franklin

GNUs Flashes

   * Anonymous Donation

     We have received a surprise donation of $100,000 from an English
     person who wishes to remain anonymous.  This, plus the $100,000 we
     have just received from Hewlettf-Packard, and the $25,000 we have
     received from the Open Software Foundation, has enabled us to hire
     several new employees.

   * New Version of RCS Distributed with Compiler

     We are now distributing the latest version (V4 from Purdue) of RCS,
     the Revision Control System.

   * BASH Now Available

     Brian Fox has just released the `Bourne Again SHell' for Beta

   * GNU Emacs Lisp Manual

     The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference manual should be published this

   * New `qsort', `gdbm'

     We now have an improved `qsort' which is faster than Berkeley's and
     is also reentrant.  It will be released in the future with the GNU
     C Library.

     Our `gdbm' library is about to be tested.  A `gdbm' data base
     consists of one file with no large holes.  `gdbm' supports fancy
     automatic crash recovery and interlocking.  It handles keys and
     data of unlimited size.

   * File Manipulation Utilities

     A collection of utilities for file manipulation, including `ls',
     `mv', `cp', `cat', `rm', `du', `head', `tail' and `cmp' will be
     released soon.

   * GPC: GNU Pascal Compiler

     Some volunteers from Helsinki University of Technology are now
     working on a Pascal front-end for GCC.  Currently they support a
     subset of the language.

   * Some Parts of BSD are Becoming Free

     Berkeley has now released those parts of their Unix system not
     containing AT&T code, including the TCP/IP code.  The files freed
     in the 4.3 BSD-Tahoe distribution are now on our beta test tape.

     Also, the next release of Berkeley Unix may contain Make, AWK, and
     `sh' from the GNU Project.  Berkeley will also be distributing GCC
     in place of their PCC-based compiler.

   * NeXT, Inc. Using GCC as Production Compiler

     NeXT uses GCC to compile their entire system, including their

   * Distribution of 80386 Floppies Happening Soon

     This will probably take two forms, via 1.2 megabyte diskettes and
     through an electronic BBS.  It's possible that the newly
     reactivated Programming Language SIG of the Boston Computer Society
     will be one of the major routes of distribution.

Programming Freedom Activism

by Richard Stallman

     "To benefit by the discoveries of his fellowmen is thus not only a
     natural right, it is also the natural duty which every man owes to
     himself and to society; and the mutual, universal progress thence
     resulting is the fulfillment of the earthy destiny of the human

           	-Robinson, "Treatise on the Law of Patents."

Interface Copyright Battle Gaining Speed

The battle against user interface copyrighting is gathering momentum.
GNU founder Richard Stallman joined MIT professors Gerald J. Sussman and
Marvin Minsky in placing an ad in The Tech, MIT's student newspaper,
warning of the harm that such monopolies could do to computer users and
the computer industry.  Here is the text of the ad:



Apple and Lotus are trying to create a new form of legal monopoly: a
copyright on a class of user interfaces.  These monopolies would cause
serious problems for users and developers of computer software and

Until two years ago, the law seemed clear: no one could restrict others
from using a user interface; programmers were free to implement any
interface they chose.  Imitating interfaces, sometimes with changes, was
standard practice in the computer field.  The interfaces we know evolved
gradually in this way; for example, the Macintosh user interface was
developed over fifteen years at Stanford, SRI, Xerox and other places.
Hundreds of students and researchers contributed to this effort, and no
one has a right to own it all now.

Most computer companies, and nearly all computer users, are happy with
this state of affairs.  Lotus and Apple say it does not offer "enough
incentive" to develop their products, but they must have considered it
"enough" when they made their decision to do so.  It seems they are
not satisfied with the opportunity to continue to compete in the
marketplace---not even with a head start.

If Lotus and Apple are permitted to make law through the courts, the
precedent will hobble the software industry:

   * Gratuitous incompatibilities will burden users.  Imagine if each car
     manufacturer had to arrange the pedals in a different order.

   * Software will become and remain more expensive.  Users will be "locked
     in" to proprietary interfaces, for which there is no real competition.

   * Large companies have an unfair advantage wherever lawsuits become
     commonplace.  Since they can easily afford to sue, they can intimidate
     small companies with threats even when they don't really have a case.

   * User interface improvements will come slower, since incremental
     evolution through creative imitation will no longer be permitted.

   * Even Apple and Lotus will find it harder to make improvements if they
     can no longer adapt the good ideas that others introduce, for fear of
     weakening their own legal positions.  Some users suggest that this
     stagnation may already have started.

Express your opinion!  Reconsider your plans!  You can make a difference.

     	  This is a paid political advertisement, sponsored by
     	   Marvin Minsky, Richard Stallman, Gerald J. Sussman



Reporters from the Boston Globe and Computer Reseller News saw the ad
and then published articles in their papers.  Followups to the Globe
article then appeared in Computerworld and InfoWorld.  The InfoWorld
article was seen by a public relations agent who is donating time to
help fight the user interface copyright.  Additionally, several lawyers
have asked for our help to find useful expert witnesses.

On Wednesday, May 24th the League for Programming Freedom picketed Lotus
Development Corporation in Cambridge.  Despite a heavy threat of rain,
some 200 people showed up for the demonstration carrying signs and
handing out flyers.  Attendees included Bryan S. Kocher, President of
the ACM, and Patrick Winston, head of MIT's AI Lab.  The protest was led
by FSF founder Richard Stallman.

If you would like to help fight for the freedom to write programs, you
can do so by joining and working for the League for Programming Freedom.
Since the League is still being organized, it does not have an address
of its own.  For the moment, you may phone or write to the League in
care of the Free Software Foundation.  Note, however, that the League
will be an entirely separate organization from the Foundation with
different agendas and personnel.  The League will be exclusively devoted
to fighting monopolistic attempts to limit the freedom of programmers to
develop software.

Dangerous Legislation Proposed

Legislation has been proposed by Senator Orrin Hatch to prohibit the
lending and rental of software by *anyone*, including private
individuals.  Similar legislation has been considered for musical
recordings.  Such legislation would be an aggressive attack on the
traditional freedom to borrow and lend.  Libraries could eventually be
forced into oblivion if they begin limiting their contents to media
which become obsolete.

Hatch and other supporters of this bill reason that software publishers
are losing much money because people only borrow the software to make
copies.  Libraries that lend software say this is untrue, but even if it
were, this would be insufficient reason for such an attack on our
liberties.  There is essentially no resistance on Capitol Hill to this
legislation; the software publishers have been very outspoken in their
position, but there has been little or no effort made to explain the
interests of users.

The only resistance to this proposal has been from the American Library
Association, who have obtained language in the bill which would exempt
libraries from this legislation for a three year test period.  It seems
likely, however, that software publishers will only continue complaining
about "lost" profits and at the end of the test period even libraries
will be prohibited from lending software.

Regaining these rights will be much more difficult than making an effort
to preserve them now.  Please help alarm people about this problem.
Write to Senator Hatch and Representative Dennis DeConcini as well as
your own legislators and ask them to vote against bill S.198, the
Computer Software Rental Amendments Act.  A sufficient address is:

	Senator So and So	Representative Such and Such
	United States Senate	U.S. House of Representatives
	Washington, DC 20510	Washington, DC 20515

You can also phone senators and representatives at (202) 225-3121, or
look in your phone directory for their local offices.

Common Knowledge's Universal Index

There is also an international group called Common Knowledge working to
compile public domain, copyright free and machine-readable information.
The group, consisting of journalists, scientists, librarians and others,
is amassing a database of non-copyrighted information which they call
the "Universal Index".  They are doing this to provide an alternative to
the information merchants, who are increasingly successful at reducing
the amount of material available to traditional libraries.  Their
address is:

     Common Knowledge,
     Jefferson, MD 21755, USA
     Phone: (301) 695--3100

GNU Wish List

Wishes for this issue are for:

   * Someone skilled in compiler maintenance who could take over GCC
     maintenance for RMS.  This would probably be be a full-time job.

   * Volunteers to help write utilities and documentation.  Among others, we
     need manuals for X-Windows and the C Library.

   * Professors who might be interested in sponsoring or hosting research
     assistants to do GNU development, with full or partial FSF support.

   * Fonts.  We are looking for Ghostscript format fonts.

   * Speech generation and character recognition software (if the devices
     aren't too weird), hopefully with the device drivers.  This would help
     at least one partially disabled programmer we know to be productive.

   * Grammar checking software for English or other natural languages.

   * Copies of newspaper and journal articles mentioning the GNU Project.
     Send these to the addresses on the front cover, or send a citation to

   * Money, as always.  Please remember, donations are tax-deductible.  With
     the latest donations, we have been able to expand our staff.

     One way to give us a small amount of money is to order a distribution
     tape or two.  This may not count as a donation for tax purposes, but it
     can qualify as a business expense.

Porting BSD Unix Through the GCC

by John Gilmore

I have ported the University of California at Berkeley's latest Unix
sources through the GNU C Compiler.  In the process, I made Berkeley
Unix more compatible with the draft ANSI C standard, made many programs
less machine-dependent and less compiler-dependent, and tested GCC.

Berkeley Unix has set the standard for high powered Unix systems for
many years, and continues to offer an improved alternative to AT&T Unix
releases.  However, Berkeley's C compiler is based on an old version of
PCC, the Portable C Compiler from AT&T.  By merging GCC into the
Berkeley release, we provided ANSI C compatibility, better optimization,
and improved compiler maintenance.  The GNU project gained an important
test case for GCC, and a strong collaborator in the free software

The project was conceived by John Gilmore, and aided by Keith Bostic and
Mike Karels of Berkeley, and Richard Stallman of FSF.  I did most of the
actual porting, while Keith and Mike provided machine resources,
collaborated on major decisions, and arbitrated the style and content of
the changes to Unix.  Richard provided quick turnaround on compiler bug
fixes and problem solving.

We are producing a Unix source tree which can be compiled by both the
old and the new compilers.  Rather than introducing new `#ifdef''s, we
are rewriting the code so that it does not depend on the features of
either compiler.  Whenever we have to make a change, we are moving in
the direction of ANSI C, POSIX compatibility, and machine independence.

We have used GCC releases 1.15 through 1.35.  I did four complete
"passes" over the Unix source tree; each involved running "make clean;
make" on the entire source tree, and examining 500K to 800K of resulting
output.  I'd fix as many errors as I could, testing small parts of the
source tree in the process, then merge my changes back into the master
sources and rebuild the whole thing again.

The errors fell into two general categories: language changes in ANSI C,
and non-portable code.  In some cases it was hard to tell the

The major ANSI C problem was the generation of character constants in
the preprocessor.  Excessive use of this now-obsolete feature in system
header files caused us to change about 10 include files and about 45
source modules.  Another preprocessor problem was that ANSI C uses a
different syntax for token concatenation; we rewrote pieces of five
modules to avoid having to concatenate tokens.  ANSI C clarified the
rules for the scope of names declared `extern'.  We moved extern
declarations around, or added global function declarations, in more than
38 files to handle this.  Nine programs used new ANSI keywords, such as
`signed' or `const', as identifiers; we picked new identifiers.  Eleven
modules used typedefs as formal parameters names, or used `unsigned'
with a typedef.

The worst non-portable construct we found in the Unix sources was the
use of pointers with member names that aren't right for the pointer
type.  Fixing this problem caused a lot of work, because we had to
figure out what each untyped or mistyped pointer was really being used
for, then fix its type, and the references to it.  We changed 5 modules
due to this, and abandoned one program, efl, which would have required
too much work to fix.

Another problem was caused by using CPP as a macro processor for
assembler source.  We circumvented this problem by making the assembler
source acceptable to both old-CPP and ANSI CPP.

A major problem was `asm' constructs in C source.  Some programs were
written in C with intermixed assembler code, producing a mess when
compiled with anything but the original compiler.  Other routines, such
as compress, drop in an `asm' here or there as an optimization.  Still
more modules, including the kernel, run a sed script over the assembler
code generated by the C compiler, before assembling and linking it.  We
eliminated as many uses of `asm' as we could, and turned others into
assembler language subroutines in `.s' files.  Both the Pascal and Lisp
interpreters used heavy hacking with sed scripts; each of these took
several days to fix.

We fixed three programs that used multi-character constants; two were
clearly errors.  Fifteen programs tried to declare functions or
variables, while omitting both the type and storage class; we added
`int' to the declarations.  In two modules this diagnosed errors caused
by use of `;' where `,' was intended.  Changes to the rules for parsing
declarations made us fix five modules, and declaration bugs in six more
were caught by GCC's improved error checking.  Fifteen programs had
miscellaneous pointer usage bugs fixed.  GCC caught bugs in five modules
caused by misunderstood sign extension.  Five or ten other miscellaneous
bugs were caught and fixed.

We are pleased with the results so far.  Most of the Unix code compiled
without problems, and the parts which we have executed are free from
code generation bugs.  The worst of the ANSI C changes only required
roughly fifty modules to be changed, and there were only two problems of
this magnitude.  A total of twenty bugs in GCC have been found so far,
and most of them are now fixed.  We expected several times this many
bugs; the compiler is in better shape than any of us expected.

Many minor problems and nit incompatibilities with ANSI C have been
removed from the Unix sources.  Far fewer user programs should require
attention when doing a BSD Unix port now.  However, we did not attempt
to make Berkeley Unix fully ANSI C compliant.  In particular, we kept
preprocessor comments (`#endif FOO') as well as machine-specific
`#define''s (`#ifdef vax').  GCC supports these features even though
ANSI C does not.

Unfinished work remains.  The BSD kernel has not yet been ported to GCC,
though it has been syntax-checked.  Optimization of the kernel will
cause problems until `volatile' declarations are used in all the right
places.  Pieces of the Portable C Compiler are still used inside lint,
f77, and pc.  Various sources still need their `setjmp' calls fixed so
that only volatile variables depend on keeping their values after a

Our changes will be available to recipients of Berkeley's next software
distribution, whenever that is.  We will also make diffs available to
others involved in porting Unix to ANSI C.

Future projects include building a complete set of ANSI C and POSIX
compatible include files and libraries (including function prototypes),
and converting the existing sources to use them.  An eventual goal is to
produce a fully standard-conforming Unix system---not only in the
interface provided to users, but with sources which will compile and run
on any standard-conforming compiler and libraries.

The success of this collaboration between GNU and Berkeley has
encouraged further cooperation.  The GNU project is working to provide
reimplementations of System V features that Berkeley Unix lacks, such as
improved shells and make commands.  In return, Berkeley has released
much of its software to the public, eliminating the AT&T license
requirement for programs that AT&T did not supply.  A large set of
"freed" BSD software is available by uucp or ftp from `' in
the subdirectory `bsd-sources', as well as on the GNU Compiler tape and
the UUNET tapes.

GNU Project Status Report

   * GNU Emacs

     GNU Emacs version 18 is in wide distribution.  Version 18.55 will
     soon begin distribution.

     Berkeley is distributing GNU Emacs with the 4.3 distribution, DEC
     is distributing it with Unix systems on Vaxes, and NeXT is shipping

     Emacs 18 development has now ceased (although bugs are still fixed,
     of course) and version 19 is being worked on.  New features so far
     include: multiple X windows (a `screen' object in Emacs Lisp);
     scroll bars; per-buffer redefinition of mouse commands; support for
     European character sets; source-level debugging for Emacs Lisp; and
     floating point numbers.

     We are also considering these new features: associating property
     lists with portions of the text in a buffer, and using them to
     control visibility of the text; specifying different visibility
     conditions for multiple windows showing one buffer; incremental
     syntax analysis for various programming languages; a visually
     enhanced Info mode; an object-oriented graphics-drawing extension;
     hooks to be run if point moves outside a certain range.

     It will take a while to do this (plus any other ideas we get), so
     please don't ask when Emacs 19 will be available for beta test.  We
     will announce it.

   * Shells

     Brian Fox has now completed GNU's version of `sh', called BASH, the
     `Bourne Again SHell'.  In addition to Korn shell features, it now
     has job control and both Emacs-style and `csh'-style command
     history manipulation.  Look for it soon on our distribution.

     There is a good chance that the C Shell from BSD will be declared
     free software by Berkeley, so we won't need to write that.

   * Kernel

     We hope to use the MACH message-passing kernel being developed at
     CMU.  The current distributed version of MACH is not free because
     it contains code from BSD of AT&T origin.  However, the MACH
     developers have been working to separate this code from the kernel
     and they now say that they have a first version of this running in
     alpha test.  Once this is stable, the MACH kernel is supposed to
     become free.

     Should MACH not become available, then we will start the kernel
     with either MIT's TRIX kernel or Berkeley's Sprite system.

     Another thing we are considering is using the high-performance,
     distributed Sprite file system with MACH.

   * GNU Debugger

     The GNU source-level C debugger, GDB, is now being distributed
     along with Emacs version 18 as GDB version 2.8.  GDB version 3.2 is
     distributed on the beta-test (compiler) tape, and as soon as it is
     stable it will replace version 2.8 on the Emacs tape.

     GDB 3.`*' reads symbol tables incrementally; this results in much
     faster startup and much less memory use.  GDB also provides command
     line editing with history substitution and completion of command,
     filename, and symbols.  Recently added FORTRAN support has not been
     tested.  New commands include: `until', which executes until a
     certain line; and `bt -N', to show only the outermost N stack

     The current GDB can code-grind (pretty-print) structures and can
     conditionally avoid printing unions.  C`++' support has been

     There is a version of GDB which can run stand-alone so that we can
     use it to debug the kernel, and we also have a serial line
     interface for running GDB remotely.  A French volunteer is now
     working on a UDP based over-the-ethernet debugging interface.  Work
     is also being done on debugging multiple process, parallel

     Future versions of GDB may support watchpoints.  We also hope soon
     to merge the diffs for the Altos and Sun 386i machines.

   * C Compiler

     The GNU C Compiler GCC is now fairly reliable.  It supports the May
     1988 draft of ANSI C.  People are still reporting bugs, but they
     also say they think there are fewer bugs than in commercial
     compilers.  Read John Gilmore's article to see how some of these
     bugs were uncovered.  Next builds their entire system, including
     their port of the MACH kernel and NFS, with GCC.  Someone has also
     told us that GCC successfully compiled a System V.3 kernel.

     The compiler performs automatic register allocation, common
     subexpression elimination, invariant code motion from loops,
     induction variable optimizations, constant propagation and copy
     propagation, delaying popping of function call arguments, tail
     recursion elimination, plus many local optimizations that are
     automatically deduced from the machine description.  We are also
     currently implementing delayed-branch fill and pipeline scheduling

     GCC has recently been ported to the Convex, Tahoe and the MIPS
     processors.  A Pyramid version is expected soon, and ports are
     underway to the IBM 370, IBM PC/RT, 3B2, HP Spectrum, Motorola
     88000, some sort of Gould machine, and (perhaps) the AMD 29000.

     GCC makes shorter and faster 68020 code than the new Sun compiler
     with -O.  The new Sun compiler can't beat GCC despite taking 3
     times as long.  As of version 1.31, GCC also wins on the Sun 4.
     GCC makes shorter Vax code than the Tartan C compiler with -O4, but
     we haven't been able to compare the running speed of that code.  A
     National 32000 port done by Michael Tiemann on a Sequent 32000
     system is said to be more reliable than Sequent's compiler and
     yields a 40% speedup for several programs including a Prolog

     We are also working on merging the C Compiler with the C`++'
     compiler so that there would be only one distribution for both

     In the future, if we have time, we would like to implement more
     language extensions (we will probably add nested scoping), plus
     facilities for precompilation of header files to save time when
     they are large and the source files are small.  We might also do
     other language front ends, but there seem to be enough remote
     GNUers willing to do this job.

     Enough internal documentation is included for people interested in
     retargeting the compiler to other CPUs to do so.

   * GNU C for VMS

     GCC can run under VMS.  However, the ordinary VMS C compiler has
     bugs and cannot compile GNU C, so you need an executable of GNU C
     to get started.  This comes on the VMS tape along with the source.

     Other GNU programs for VMS include GNU Emacs and Bison.

     Please don't ask us to devote effort to additional VMS support,
     because it is peripheral to the GNU project.

   * COFF Support

     It is now possible to run the entire suite of GNU software tools on
     System V, replacing COFF entirely.  First you install the GNU
     compiler, assembler, linker and other utilities.  Then you use the
     program `robotussin'---COFF medicine for your computer---to convert
     the system libraries from COFF format to GNU (i.e. BSD) format.

     When you compile programs, you will get ordinary GNU/BSD object
     files.  Linking these with the GNU linker will produce GNU/BSD
     executables with a COFF header that the kernel will accept.  The
     other GNU utilities such as `size', `nm' and `strip' know how to
     operate on these encapsulated files.

     As true COFF support is peripheral to the GNU project, please don't
     ask us to expend effort on it.

   * Compiler-related Programs

        * C`++'

          Michael Tiemann of Stanford University has written a C`++'
          compiler as an extension of GNU C which is distributed with
          GCC.  This was the first compiler to compile C`++' directly
          instead of preprocessing it into C with great benefits for
          debugging and efficiency.

          Recently Michael added multiple inheritance and other new
          features promised by AT&T at the first USENIX C`++' workshop
          (AT&T has yet to release their version).

          GDB version 3.`*' includes support for debugging C`++' code,
          which merges in the functionality of the old program GDB`+'.
          GDB`+' was a source code debugger for C`++', but is now being

        * Assembler and Object File Utilities

          GAS is a fairly portable, one pass assembler that is almost
          twice as fast as Unix `as'.  It now works for Vaxes, 680x0,
          32x32 and 80386.  A port for Sparc (Sun 4) will be available

          The GNU replacements for `ld', `nm', `size', `gprof', `strip',
          `ranlib', etc., have been released with the GCC beta-test

          The GNU linker `ld' runs significantly faster than the BSD
          version.  Our `ld' is the only one that will give you
          source-line numbered error messages for multiply-defined
          symbols and undefined references.

        * C`++' Library

          Doug Lea is writing `libg++', a library with utility classes
          for C`++'.

        * GNU Make Extended

          We have been distributing GNU Make for several months.  An
          extended version including more text-processing capabilities
          and static rules is now available.  It also supports

        * C Library

          Roland McGrath, who contributed a great deal to GNU Make, has
          a nearly complete set of ANSI C library functions.  He will
          work full time this summer to complete them.  These join the
          GNU `malloc', `regexp' and `termcap' libraries.  A better
          `malloc' may be written soon, and we will shortly add our
          `qsort' library routine.  `gdbm' is about to enter beta test.

          Meanwhile, Steve Moshier has contributed a full series of
          mathematical library functions.

   * Preliminary Ghostscript

     We now distribute Ghostscript, the free GNU software that provides
     nearly all the facilities of a Postscript interpreter.  It supports X
     version 11.  Peter Deutsch is still doing some work on it.

     Right now, Ghostscript will accept commands in Postscript and
     execute them by drawing on an X window.  Karl Berry and Kathy
     Hargreaves will be working on adding more fonts.  They could use
     the help of volunteers.  Beside additional fonts, Ghostscript needs
     these enhancements: to serve as a previewer for multi-page files;
     to serve other X clients by drawing on their windows; to improve
     both it's performance and visual quality.  Other suggestions for
     enhancements are welcome.

     Ghostscript also includes a C-callable graphics library (for client
     programs that don't want to deal with the Postscript language), and
     also supports IBM PCs and compatibles with EGA graphics (but please
     don't ask the FSF staff any questions about this; we don't use PCs
     and don't have time to learn anything about them).

   * Finger and Send

     We soon will have a daemon-based Finger program.  It polls a
     selection of hosts and is thus able to tell you where each person
     is logged in.

     We are also testing a Send program for sending immediate messages
     to other users across the net.

   * Oleo

     Jay Fenlason is writing a spreadsheet named Oleo (better for you
     than the more expensive spreadsheet).

   * GNU Mailer

     Landon Noll and Ronald Karr of Amdahl are writing a mail queuing
     and delivery system, called `smail'.  This project is a supported
     part of the Amdahl UTS system---as free software!

     We may use smail for GNU, or `zmailer', which Rayan Zachariasen is
     writing, or perhaps both.

   * Window System

     We are using the MIT X window system, which is free software.

   * Other Utilities

     Our free replacement for Yacc is called Bison.  We also have
     `cron'.  We now have the world's fastest `grep'/`egrep' and the
     world's fastest `diff'.  A new fast `sort' has just been finished.
     A "fast lex" called FLEX recently became available; we are now
     distributing it.

   * Long Term

     Volunteers are working on a Smalltalk system and an APL system.
     Also, software for editing and playing music.

   * Possible Target Machines

     The GNU operating system will require a CPU that uses 32-bit
     addresses and integers and addresses to the 8-bit byte.  1 megabyte
     of core should be enough, though 2 meg would probably make a
     noticeable improvement in performance.  Running some of the system
     in 1/2 meg may be possible, but certainly not GNU Emacs, which
     requires more than 1 meg of addressable memory.  Virtual memory
     will be required.

     A hard disk will be essential; at least 20 meg will be needed to
     hold a minimal system.  Plus more space for the user's files, of
     course.  Perhaps 80 meg altogether for a personal GNU system.

     Not that it will be impossible to adapt some or all of GNU for
     other architectures; but we don't currently consider it part of our

   * Porting

     It is too early to inquire about porting GNU (except GNU Emacs,
     GDB, GNU C, and GAS).  First, we have to finish it.

GNU Documentation

GNU documentation is distributed as Texinfo source files.  Texinfo
source yields both a typeset hardcopy and an on-line format, accessed by
a menu-driven system.

To make the printed manual, the Texinfo source file is processed through
the TeX typesetting program.  To make the on-line documentation using
GNU Emacs, the Texinfo source file is processed with the `M-x
texinfo-format-buffer' command; the resulting Info file is installed in
the `info' directory which you reach by typing `C-h i'.

The following manuals, provided with our software, are also available in
hardcopy; see the order form on the inside back cover.

The Emacs Manual describes how to use GNU Emacs.  It also explains
advanced features, such as outline mode and regular expression search.
The manual tells how to use the special modes for programming in
languages such as C and Lisp, how to use the tags utility, and how to
compile and correct code.  It also describes how to make your own
keybindings and make other elementary customizations.

This manual does *not* cover programming in Emacs Lisp.  This topic will
be handled in an introductory Emacs Lisp programming manual and an Emacs
Lisp reference manual.  The reference manual should be out this summer.
Watch for the announcement.

The Texinfo Manual describes how to write documents in Texinfo source
code.  It describes the markup language used to create both an Info file
and a printed document from the same source file: how to make tables,
lists, chapters, nodes, indices and cross references.  It also describes
how to use Texinfo Mode in GNU Emacs and how to catch mistakes.

The Termcap Manual is often described as "Twice as much as you ever
wanted to know about Termcap".  It describes the format of the Termcap
data base, the definitions of terminal capabilities and how to
interrogate a terminal description.  This manual is primarily for

The Bison Manual describes how to write a grammar description that Bison
can convert into a C program that can parse that grammar.  This manual
assumes no prior knowledge of parser generators.  It describes the
concepts and then provides a series of increasingly complex examples
before describing what goes on in considerable detail.

The GAWK Manual describes how to use the GNU implementation of AWK.  It
is written for someone who has never used AWK before, and describes all
the features of this powerful string manipulating language.

The Make Manual describes the GNU Make utility, a program used to
rebuild parts of other programs when and as needed.  The manual tells
how to write a makefile, which describes how to recompile the parts of
your program and how they depend on each other.

The GDB Manual explains how to use the GNU DeBugger.  It describes how
to run your program under control of the debugger, how to examine and
alter data within the program, and how to modify the flow of control
within the program.  It also explains how to use GDB through GNU Emacs,
with auto-display of source lines.

GNU Software Available Now

We now offer three Unix software source distribution tapes, plus VMS
tapes for GNU Emacs and GNU C that include sources and VMS executables.
The first Unix tape (called the "Release" or "Emacs" tape) contains
GNU Emacs as well as various other well-tested programs that we consider
reliable.  The second Unix tape (called the "Beta test" or
"Compiler" tape) contains the GNU C compiler and related utilities,
and other new programs that are less thoroughly tested.  The third Unix
tape (called the "X11" tape) contains the X11 distribution from the
MIT X consortium.  See the order form, on the inside back cover, for
details about media, etc.

Contents of Release Tape

The software on this tape is considered to be fairly stable, but as
always, we welcome your bug reports.

   * GNU Emacs

     In 1975, Richard Stallman developed the first Emacs: the
     extensible, customizable real-time display editor.  GNU Emacs is
     his second implementation of Emacs.  It's the first Emacs available
     on Unix systems that offers true Lisp, smoothly integrated into the
     editor, for writing extensions.  It also provides a special
     interface to MIT's free X window system, versions 10 and 11, which
     makes redisplay very fast.  The current version is 18.55.

     GNU Emacs has been in widespread use since 1985 and often displaces
     proprietary implementations of Emacs because of its greater
     reliability as well as its good features and easier extensibility.
     Isaac Salzman of Unix Review magazine planned to compare the
     various publicly available Emacs', but only one company wanted
     their product to be compared with GNU Emacs.  The review should
     appear in the June, 1989 issue.

     GNU Emacs (as of version 18.55) runs on many kinds of Unix systems:
     those made by Alliant, Altos 3068, Amdahl (UTS), Apollo, AT&T (3B
     machines and 7300 pc), CCI 5/32 and 6/32, Celerity, Convex, Digital
     (Vax, not PDP-11; BSD or SysV), Dual, Elxsi 6400, Encore (DPC and
     APC), Gould, HP (9000 series 200, 300 or 800 (Spectrum) but not
     series 500), HLH Orion 1/05, IBM (RT/PC;4.2 and AIX), Integrated
     Solutions (Optimum V with 68020 and VMEbus), Intel 80386 (BSD,
     SysV, and Xenix), Iris (2500, 2500 Turbo and 4D), LMI (Nu),
     Masscomp, Megatest, MIPS, NCR (Tower 32), Nixdorf Targon 31,
     Plexus, Pyramid, Sequent Balance, SONY News, Stride (system release
     2), Sun (all kinds), Tahoe, Tektronix (NS16000 system & 4300),
     Texas Instruments (Nu), and Whitechapel (MG1).

     GNU Emacs is described by the GNU Emacs Manual, which comes with
     the software in Texinfo form.  See "GNU Documentation" above.

   * GDB

     GDB 2.8 (GNU's Debugger) is the source-level C debugger written in
     1986.  It offers many features not usually found in debuggers on
     Unix, such as Emacs-style command history and substitution, a
     history that records all values examined within the debugger for
     concise later reference, multi-line user-defined commands, and good

     GDB 2.8 currently runs on Vaxes under 4.2 and 4.3bsd, on Sun 3
     under systems version 2 and 3 and 4, on the SPARC (Sun 4) under
     systems version 3.2 and 4.0, HP9K320, ISI, Merlin, SONY News, Gould
     NPL and PN, i386, and on some 32000 systems.  GDB 3.`*' is
     currently being distributed on the beta tape, and supports several
     more systems.

     On-line help and a users' manual for GDB comes with the software;
     the printed version of the manual is also available from the

   * Bison

     Bison is an upward-compatible replacement parser generator for
     Yacc, with additional features.  It has been in use for several
     years.  Bison is used for compiling GNU C, so it is included on the
     GNU beta tape as well.  A users' manual for Bison comes with the
     software; the printed version is also available from the

   * X Window System, V10R4

     Version 10 of X Windows is distributed on the GNU Emacs tape;
     version 11 (which is totally incompatible) is distributed on the
     X11 tape.  GNU Emacs version 18.55 supports both versions 10 and

   * MIT Scheme

     Scheme is a simplified, lexically scoped dialect of Lisp, designed
     at MIT and other universities to teach students programming and
     research new parallel programming constructs and compilation
     techniques.  Scheme is written in C and runs on many Unix systems.

     It now conforms to the "Revised^3 Report On The Algorithmic
     Language Scheme" (MIT AI Lab Memo 848a), for which TeX source is
     included in the distribution.  Another good source of documentation
     for Scheme is "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs",
     by Harold Abelson and Gerald J. Sussman with Julie Sussman, the MIT
     Press \& McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.

   * Yale T

     A variant of Scheme developed at Yale University, T is intended for
     production use in program development.  T contains a native-code
     optimizing compiler that produces code that runs at speeds
     comparable to the running speeds of programs written in
     conventional languages.  It runs on BSD Vaxes and a few types of
     68020 systems.  T is written in itself and cannot be bootstrapped
     without a binary (included), but it is great if you can use it.
     Some documentation is included.

   * `texi2roff'

     `texi2roff' translates GNU Texinfo files into a format that can be
     printed by the Unix [nt]roff programs utilizing the mm, ms or me
     macro packages.  It is included on both tapes so that people who
     don't have a copy of TeX can print out GNU documentation.

   * GNU Chess and NetHack

     GNU Chess is a chess program written in C by John Stanback and
     Stuart Cracraft.  It includes an extensive opening book and was
     recently rated by USCF Senior Master IM Larry Kaufman at around
     USCF 1950 (close to expert level) when run on a Sun 3 workstation.
     On a Sun 4, it should play at nearly master level.

     Hack is a display oriented adventure game similar to Rogue.

Contents of Beta Test Tape

The programs on this tape are all recent releases and can be considered
to be at various stages of user testing.  As always, we solicit your
comments and bug reports.  This tape is also known as the Compiler tape.

   * GNU CC

     The GNU C compiler is a fairly portable optimizing compiler.  It
     generates good code for the 32000, 680x0, 80386, Alliant, SPARC,
     SPUR, Tahoe, and Vax CPUs.  Machines using these CPUs include the
     Encore NS32000, Genix NS32000, Sequent NS32000, AT&T 3B1, HP-UX
     68000/68020, ISI 68000/68020, SONY News, All Sun's, Intel 386,
     Sequent Intel 386, Alliant FX/8.  The MIPS processor is also
     supported.  It supports full ANSI C as of the latest draft
     standard.  Included with the compiler are the GNU assembler GAS,
     Make, Bison (also on the Emacs release tape), and the perfect
     hash-table generating utility (Gperf), plus the object file
     utilities `ld', `nm', `size', `strip', `ar', `ranlib' and `gprof'
     and the Texinfo source of `The GCC Manual' (for those interested in
     extending or retargeting GCC).

   * GDB

     Version 3 of GDB runs under BSD 4.2 and 4.3 on Vaxes and Suns (2,
     3, and 4), Convex, HP 9000/300's under BSD, HP 9000/320's under
     HPUX, Intel 386 workstation (with either GNU or native object file
     format), ISI Optimum V, Merlin under Utek 2.1, SONY News, Gould NPL
     and PN machines, Sequent Symmetry (a 386 based machine), and
     Encores under Umax 4.2.

   * GAWK, FLEX and `tar'

     GAWK is GNU's version of the Unix AWK utility; it comes with a
     Texinfo manual.  FLEX is a mostly-compatible replacement for the
     Unix `lex' scanner generator written by Vern Paxson of the Lawrence
     Berkeley Laboratory.  FLEX generates far more efficient scanners
     than `lex' does.  GNU `tar' includes multivolume support, automatic
     compression and decompression of archives, remote archives, and
     special features to allow `tar' to be used for incremental and full
     backups of file systems.

   * Freed Files from the U.C. Berkeley 4.3-tahoe Release

     These files have been declared by Berkeley to be free of AT&T code,
     and may be freely redistributed.  They include complete sources for
     some utility programs, games, library routines and partial sources
     for many others.

   * RCS and BASH

     The latest version of the Revision Control System for version
     control and management of large software projects.

     The GNU Shell BASH (for Bourne Again SHell) provides compatibility
     with the Unix `sh' and extensions from both `csh' and `ksh'.

   * `diff' and `grep'

     These programs are GNU's versions of the Unix programs of the same
     name.  They are much faster than their Unix counterparts.

   * Ghostscript and `gnuplot'

     Ghostscript is GNU's graphics language.  It is almost fully
     compatible with the postscript language.  It supports X version 11.

     `gnuplot' is an interactive program for plotting mathematical
     expressions and data.  Oddly enough, the program was neither done
     for nor named for the GNU Project---the name is a coincidence.
     However, we are distributing it anyway.  If you can put us in
     contact with the author of this program, please do!

   * `g++', `libg++', OOPS, and InterViews

     G`++' is a set of changes for GCC, that compiles C`++', the
     well-known object-oriented language.  Since G`++' depends on GCC,
     it must be used with the correspondingly numbered version of GCC.

     `libg++' (the GNU C`++' library) is a collection of C`++' classes
     and support tools for use with G`++'.

     OOPS (Object-Oriented Program Support) class library is a portable
     collection of classes similar to those in Smalltalk-80 that has
     been developed by Keith Gorlen of NIH, using the C`++' programming

     InterViews is an object-oriented, C`++' library to support the
     design and implementation of user interfaces.

   * GnuGo

     GnuGo allows the user to play the machine in a game of Go
     (Wei-Chi).  It is an updated version of the program called Hugo.

Contents of X11 Tape.

The X11 tape contains Version 11, Release 3 of the MIT X window system.
X11 is more powerful than, but incompatible with, the
no-longer-supported version 10.  MIT no longer labels Version 11 `beta
test' but is still releasing frequent patches and updates.

VMS Emacs and Compiler Tapes

We offer a VMS tape of the GNU Emacs editor, and a separate VMS tape
containing the beta-test GNU C compiler.  The VMS compiler tape also
contains Bison (needed to compile GCC), GAS (needed to assemble GCC's
output) and some library and include files.  Both VMS tapes include
executables that you can bootstrap from.

How to Get GNU Software

All the software and publications from the Free Software Foundation are
distributed with permission to copy and redistribute.  The easiest way
to get GNU software is to copy it from someone else who has it.

If you have access to the Internet, you can get the latest software from
the host `'.  For more information, read the file
`/u/emacs/GETTING.GNU.SOFTWARE' on that host.  Please note that the
internet address of `prep' has changed to `'.

If you cannot get the software from a friend or over the net, or if you
would like to contribute some funds to our efforts and receive the
latest versions, the Free Software Foundation distributes tapes for a
copying and distribution fee.  See the order form on the inside back

There are also third party groups that distribute our software: people
and organizations that do not work with us, but have our software in
other forms.  For your convenience, some of them are listed below.
Please note that the Free Software Foundation is not affiliated with
them in any way, and is not responsible for either the currency of their
versions or the swiftness of their responses.

These Internet sites providing for anonymous FTP:,,, (under `PD:<UNIX.GNU>'), (VMS GNU Emacs), and

Those on the SPAN network can ask rdss::corbet.

Information on how to obtain some GNU programs using UUCP is available
via electronic mail from:

     hao!scicom!qetzal!upba!ugn!nepa!denny, arnold@skeeve.UUCP,
     uunet!hutch!barber, hqda-ai!merlin, acornrc!bob,
     ames!killer!wisner, mit-eddie!bloom-beacon!ht!spt!gz,
     sun!nosun!illian!darylm, or

Ohio State also makes GNU programs available via UUCP.  They post their
instructions monthly to newsgroup `comp.sources.d' on USENET.  Current
details from Karl Kleinpaste `' or
`...!osu-cis!karl'; or Bob Sutterfield (substitute `bob' for `karl' in
the above addresses).

Information on getting floppy disks of GNU Emacs for the AT&T Unix PC
(aka 3B1 or PC7300) is available from: `'.

Thank GNUs

Thanks to our Anonymous Contributor, and thanks to Hewlett-Packard for
their donations of a $100,000 each.  Also, thanks to the Open Software
Foundation for their donation of $25,000.

Many thanks to the following people for copying Sun cartridges: Barry
Kleinman and Andre Mesarovic of Index Technology; George Brown; Devon
McCullough and Nick Papadakis; Mark Nahabedian and Shaun Keller of
Phoenix Technology; and finally thanks in advance to Mark Hannon of

Thanks to all those mentioned in GNU Flashes and the GNU Project Status

Thanks to the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, and its director,
Professor Michael Dertouzos.  LCS has provided FSF with the loan of a
Microvax for program development.

Thanks to the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for invaluable
assistance of many kinds.

Thanks to Arnold Robbins and Dave Trueman for their work on GAWK and the
GAWK manual.

Thanks to John Klensin of the INFOODS Project at MIT for use of the
project's machine for making our VMS master tapes.

Thanks go out to all those who have lent us machines, including Brewster
Kahle of Thinking Machines, Inc. for the Sun 4/110, K.  Richard Magill
for the AT&T Unix PC, CMU's Mach Project for the Sun 3/60, Intel Corp.
for their 386 workstation, and SONY Corp. and Software Research
Associates, Inc., both of Tokyo, for the SONY News workstations.

Thanks to all those who have contributed ports and extensions, as well
as those who have contributed other source code, documentation, and good
bug reports.

Thanks to those who sent money and offered help.  Thanks also to those
who support us by ordering Emacs manuals and distribution tapes.

The creation of this bulletin is our way of thanking all who have
expressed interest in what we are doing.


		 Free Software Foundation Order Form
			     3 June 1989
	   This form is effective June 1989--January 1990.

Prices and contents of tapes are subject to change without notice.

All software and publications are distributed with permission to copy
and redistribute.

TeX source for each manual is on the appropriate tape.

All software from the Free Software Foundation is provided on an "as
is" basis, with no warranty of any kind.

Quantity  Price  Item

________ $150	GNU Emacs source code and other software, for Unix systems,
		on 1600bpi reel-to-reel 9-track tape in tar format.
		The tape includes:
		* MIT Scheme (a dialect of Lisp)
		* T, Yale's implementation of Scheme
		* Bison (a free, compatible replacement for yacc)
		* Hack (a rogue-like game)
		* GNU Chess (a chess playing program with an interface to X).
		* GDB (the GNU source-level C debugger)
		* The X window system (a window system for bitmap
		  displays written at MIT) (version 10r4)
________ $150	GNU Beta Test software, for Unix systems, on tape as
		in previous item.
		The tape includes:
		* GCC (the GNU C Compiler)
		* G++ (the C++ front end to GCC)
		* Bash (GNUs' Bourne Again SHell)
		* Bison (a free, compatible replacement for yacc)
		* Flex (Vern Paxson fast rewrite of lex)
		* Ghostscript (a Postscript interpreter)
		* Gawk (the GNU implementation of the AWK programming language)
		* Gas (the GNU Assembler)
		* Gnuplot (an interactive mathematical plotting program)
		* GNU object file utilities (ar, ld, make, gprof, size, nm,
		  strip, ranlib, et al.)
		* other GNU utilities (diff, grep, tar, et al.)
		* the freed files from the 4.3BSD-Tahoe distribution

________ $150	MIT X Window System X11R3, for Unix systems,
		on tape as in previous item.

________ $175   GNU Emacs and other software, for Suns, as in the first item,
		on DC300XLP 1/4inch cartridge tape, in QIC-24 encoding in 
		tar format.

________ $175	GNU Beta Test tape, for Suns, as in the second item,
                on tape as in previous item.

________ $175	MIT X Window System X11R3, as in the third item,
                on tape as in previous item.

________ $150	GNU Emacs source code and binaries, for VMS, on 1600
		bpi reel-to-reel 9-track tape in VMS backup format.

________ $150	GNU C compiler source code and binaries, for VMS, on
		tape as in previous item.  Includes Bison and GAS.

________  $15	GNU Emacs manual, ~300 pages.  The manual is phototypeset,
		offset printed, and spiral bound; it includes a reference card.

Thus, a 1600 bpi tape and one Emacs manual come to $165.

________  $60	Box of six GNU Emacs manuals, each with reference card.

________   $1	One GNU Emacs reference card, without the manual.

________   $5   Packet of ten GNU Emacs reference cards.

________  $10   GDB Manual, ~70 pages, side stapled.

________  $10	Texinfo Manual, ~100 pages, side stapled.  Texinfo is GNU's
		structured documentation system, included with GNU Emacs.
		This manual describes how to write Texinfo documents.

________  $10   Termcap Manual, ~60 pages, side stapled.  Documents the
		termcap library and GNU's extensions to it.  The GNU termcap
		library is included with GNU Emacs.

________  $10   Bison Manual, ~70 pages, side stapled.

________  $10   Gawk Manual, ~100 pages, side stapled.

________  $10   Make Manual, ~100 pages, side stapled.

________  Sub Total

________   If ordering from Massachusetts:} add 5% sales tax.

________   If outside of North America and Hawaii:  for shipping costs,
	   please add $60 for each box of Emacs manuals; for tapes or
	   unboxed manuals, please add $15, and then add $15 more for
	   each tape or unboxed manual. 

________   Optional tax deductible donation.

________   Total paid

Orders are filled upon receipt of check or money order.  We do not have
the staff to handle the billing of unpaid orders.  Please help keep
our lives simple by including your payment with your order.

Make checks payable to Free Software Foundation.  Mail orders to:

   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   675 Mass Ave
   Cambridge, MA  02139


                                                    |       |
     Free Software Foundation, Inc.                 | stamp |
     675 Massachusetts Avenue                       |       |
     Cambridge, MA  02139  USA                      | here  |
                                                    |       |

enjoy -len