This file contains notes about changes since the previous versions. Version 0.5: (released 13th January 92) ** First release version. Version 0.51: (released also 13th Jan 92) ** Added PWDAUTH define in local.h to allow the use of a password authorisation daemon. This fixed a bug on some systems which meant that only the guest account could be accessed. Version 1.0: (released 15 Jan 92) ** Fixed typos in PWDAUTH stuff ** Added rename packet type. Rename now works. ** Added setdir packet type. It is now possible to use "use d: /setdir" to connect to any readable directory on the system (that you have read access to) ** Fixed minor potential security problem in become_user(), it was not checking the return status of seteuid() and setegid() ** Fixed a potential problem in unbecome_user() in cases where the server is not running as root. ** Added flags for read only services and disabling the /setdir function. This gives enhanced security. See the comments in the sample services for details. Also added a flag for allowing guest connections. ** Fixed a bug which did not allow blank lines in the services file