List:       freebsd-hackers
Subject:    IMPORTANT: pointy-head alert!
From:       Julian Assange <proff () net>
Date:       1996-11-26 8:49:56

Dear reader,

I feel like the under-grad who opens his locker to find a note:
"I have studied you from afar all this time..." only a little

A few pointy-heads up in Canberra have been considering your
moderator's continued existence. Consequentially I've been called
on to justify labour and resources spent on all projects under my
control, particularly those that can't easily be quantified such
as IQ, BOS, LACC, IS, LEAKS and the various bits of security and
other software you may have seen floating around the net with
my name on it over the past few years.

If you or your organisation have found one of these projects/services
interesting, useful, or entertaining in some manner and would like
to see them, and my management of them continue -and- have the
courage, foresight, wit, intelligence and good-looks ;) needed to tell this fact ASAP, I'd be pleased as punch.


 Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely  exercised for the good of its victims
 may be the most  oppressive.  It may be better to live under  robber barons
 than  under  omnipotent  moral busybodies,  The robber baron's  cruelty may
 sometimes sleep,  his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who
 torment us for own good  will torment us  without end,  for they do so with
 the approval of their own conscience."    -   C.S. Lewis, _God in the Dock_
|Julian Assange RSO   | PO Box 2031 BARKER | Secret Analytic Guy Union        |
|   | VIC 3122 AUSTRALIA | finger for PGP key hash ID =     |
| | FAX +61-3-98199066 | 0619737CCC143F6DEA73E27378933690 |

List:       freebsd-hackers
Subject:    Re: IMPORTANT: pointy-head alert!
From:       "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh () time ! cdrom ! com>
Date:       1996-11-26 9:03:51

> I feel like the under-grad who opens his locker to find a note:
> "I have studied you from afar all this time..." only a little
> different.

Yeah, I used to get those all the time..  "I have studied you from
afar all this time, and now have you in the cross-hairs of my .270
Winchester.  Say your prayers, dirtbag!"

Hey, it was a tough school.

I've never even *heard* of any of your projects, but good luck
nonetheless! :-)
