From: Chris Fearnley (
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce,phl.announce
Subject: LOCAL: PACS' UNIX SIG supports Linux - New meeting location
Date: 11 Nov 1994 18:20:49 +0200
Approved: (Lars Wirzenius)
Message-ID: <3a05l1$khv@klaava.Helsinki.FI>

As I've announced before: the UNIX SIG (Special Interest Group) at PACS
(Philadelphia Area Computer Society) discusses Linux.  This month will
be more Unix/Linux Q&A.  PACS meets on the Third Saturday of each
month (except April's will be on the 8th - mark your calendar today :)
The UNIX SIG meets between 11 am and 1 pm.  Please consult the flyers
posted around the building for our meeting room location.  PACS
meetings are free and open to the public (at least for the remainder
of the year).  "Be there or be grepped" :)

                  *** NEW MEETING LOCATION ***

Starting this month - November 19 PACS will meet at UCHS (University
City High School) at 36th and Filbert ST (one block North of Market).
Here is a map:
              38th               36th
                | \ Warren ST     |
                |    \            |
P=Parking       |  P    \         |
                |          \      |
                |    UCHS     \   |
                |          P     \|

PACS Office:      (215) 951-1255
mailing address:  PACS Box 312
                  LaSalle University
                  Philadelphia PA 19141
PACS' motto: "Users helping users"
Christopher J. Fearnley         |    UNIX SIG Leader at PACS          |    (Philadelphia Area Computer Society)
fearnlcj@duvm.bitnet            |    Design Science Revolutionary    |    Explorer in Universe
503 S 44th ST                   |    Linux Advocate
Philadelphia PA 19104-3907      |    (215)349-9681

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