From: Linux Intl <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: Introduction to Linux International
Date: 13 Nov 1994 15:52:15 +0200
Approved: (Lars Wirzenius)
Message-ID: <3a55mf$53g@kruuna.Helsinki.FI>

        Linux International - Serious Free Computing
Linux International exists to help computer users. Just as the Linux 
operating system fits in with most kinds of computers without 
cost, so we at Linux International helps Linux users and Linux 
itself without making a profit. The volunteers who created Linux 
are now joined by volunteers who specialise in promoting it. We 
know how good Linux is and want it to become an accepted 
competitor to products from even the largest computer 

But Linux International (LI) is much more than an advertising 
organisation. As well as promoting the existing advantages and 
compatibility of Linux, we have started and are coordinating 
development projects that will appeal to people around the world. 
We also co-ordinate donations from individuals and companies to
the Linux developers.

Linux needs exposure as a robust, quality system. More software houses to 
port their software. More consulting companies to specialise in it. More 
developers working on it. More and larger users. People at the heart
of Linux recognise that Linux International is able to achieve this.

We are focused on four areas at the moment: 

1. The Linux Development Fund

Linux International has set up a worldwide Development Fund, publicly 
and accountably controlled by three prominent members of the 
Linux community. The goal of the Development Fund is simply to collect 
and distribute money to developers to help them in their work on 
Linux. The money is used to pay for things such as manuals, 
hardware, journal subscriptions and so on. Full details (and a 
donation form!) are available in the Development Fund document. Email

2. Supplementary Development Projects

Linux International is directly involved in some supplementary 
development.  The work we have done in this area is aimed at
making Linux more acceptable to users. The three projects 
undertaken so far are:

     *  Internationalisation (making Linux conform to the requirements of 
        languages other than English)

     *  Configuration tools (a set of graphical and text tools to 
        ease configurations and maintainence of Linux systems)

     *  A Linux Software Development Kit (a set of tools to make Linux
        a better environment to develop, port and test software)
All this development is done under the same GNU Public License as Linux 

3. LI Endorsed Work Experience Program

This unique project offers Computer Science students anywhere 
in the world a chance to work directly with Unix developers. Not 
only do students gain invaluable experience but there is the 
satisfaction of writing code which eventually becomes used by 
thousands of people. In addition, the supervising developer issues 
a Linux International certificate where useful work has been done, 
which may be helpful when looking for a job.

4. Promoting Linux To Companies and Individuals

It is vital that more software and hardware developers be brought 
into Linux. We are campaigning to alert them to the maturity of 
Linux and the money-making potential it has for them. The media 
coverage we strive to get appeals not only to commercial 
enterprises but also to individuals.

So now you know about us at Linux International. The rest is up 
to the Linux community. Will you consider volunteering some skill 
you have? <>. Make a small cash donation to the development 
of Linux? <>. Even pass on some still-useful piece of 
hardware? <>. We specialise in matching the needs of
Linux to the resources available. 

Linux - does your operating system work as well?

Further information on Linux International can be obtained from:

        Secretary:      	Patrick D'Cruze
        Phone/Fax:      	+(619) 331-2443
        Mail:           	PO Box 80, Hamilton Hill, WA
                        	Australia, 6163

On the Internet, there is the Linux International World Wide Web server.
This will always have the latest background information, details of all
projects and contact points. It carries an archive of all Linux International
announcements. The master server is located in Germany. Point your Web client
at the following URL:

This will shortly be mirrored by sites in Australia, the USA and the UK.
All the Linux International announcements and other information is also
available through ftp:


A Linux International announcements mailing list also exists for those who
wish to be notified directly of all LI announcements.  To subscribe,
send an email message to:
with the words:
	subscribe announcements
in the body of the message.

Alan Cox, Patrick D'Cruze, Mitchum DSouza, Michael K Johnson, Dominik Kubla,
Michael Malone, Ian Murdock, Dan Shearer, Matt Welsh and Bob Young


Copyright (C) 1994 Linux International -

Please do copy and distribute this document in any way you like, but you
must do it legally. The only legal way to make copies is to make sure that:

    * This copyright notice appears on all the copies, without any

    * All copies of this document are complete, that is, nothing has been
      left out

Linux International welcomes people including some or all of this document 
into other documents, but you must ask our written consent first. This is
true for any form of publication. The reason for this copyright notice is
that we don't want incomplete or inaccurate copies to be circulating. If
you are a journalist, please get in contact with Linux International - we
will try to provide you will all the information you require.

Thankyou for abiding by this copyright. 


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