
Rob Malda

What's New [ ]

If you are looking for news, read this! Since my site is fairly large, I've consolidated all the news into one page. I suggest bookmarking [ ] and visiting there instead of here. My hit counters say you guys keep coming here, but this page is going to remain fairly constant now... (You can also get to the news by clicking on the Newspaper Icon to your left).

July 19
ASModem has been updated to let the 3 LEDs function as TR/TX & CD. It's way cool.

June 10
I do not have transparent rxvts! They are just pixmaps placed to look that way! I've recieved 7 e-mails so far just today asking that, and its only 10 o'clock! The 200 or so of you who have asked me thus far tell you friends and stop asking about that! I like questions, but I'm really sick of that one!

About Linux

So there are already 6 million Linux pages out there, but why shouldn't there be another one? After all Linux, GNU, and all that jazz are quite possibly the greatest achievements of the free world (At least as important as the Wheel and Fire). The difference is that these things were funded by government and businesses. Linux was created soley by Geeks with a Passion & some Time. Linux makes me proud to be the geek that I am.

When I'm not busy doing artsy crap [ ], I'm a loony Linux nitwit. I'm the guy that compiles a new kernel [ ] every few weeks for no apparent reason. Why do I do this? Because I can. This is after all why I'm booting into Linux not a certain other operating system.

Make sure to check out my extra special sections on some of my favorite things in my favorite OS. These sections are currently The Gimp [ ] page is under construction, but will eventually feature some of my work, Afterstep [ ] contains my screenshots, and various things that'll make you drool over this great window manager and of course My Stuff [ ]- which features ascd, asmixer and the rest of the stuff I've written which is available for D/L.

Other Stuff

Every now and then though you just need to reach out and talk to someone. Although IRCII is the defacto standard, I like using Zircon [ ]. It isn't fast, but this nifty little TCL/TK application makes IRC as easy as possible. When you are remote, or just need some down and dirty IRC in your system, try BitchX. I'll see you in #linuxOS...

And last for now, sometimes ya just gotta write a paper. I know this is foreign to some of you, but I still feel the need to reboot into that other OS in order to write my papers. If the boys over at SciTeXt [ ] have there way, I may never have to reboot again.

Copyright 1998