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11. Credits

Informix tops the list, since they finally decided to take Linux seriously and begin the process of porting their products to Linux.

Special thanks to Carlton Doe from the IIUG, who provided me access to the unpublished archives of the IIUG's linux-informix mailing list from which I gathered some material used here. I also appreciate the input from Jonathan Leffler and Nils Myklebust clarifying some issues for me surrounding database security and the use of of seipcpip versus sesoctcp. Marco Greco, Art Kagel and Tom Schaefer provided moral support.

Thanks to Matt Welsh and the maintainers of the Linuxdoc-SGML package [ ]. Linuxdoc-SGML simplified the creation of this FAQ and allowed me to make it available in several formats all created from a single source.

For comments and corrections, thanks to (in alphabetical order): Anonymous, Medhi Afshar, Orlando Andico, Joe Archer, Mike Aubury, Sebastian Paul Avarvarei, Dave, Fernando Fernandez, Marco Greco, Art Kagel, Christian Kirch, Jonathan Leffler, Michael Perry, Dan Peters, Mike Reetz, George Tereshko, Billy Wheeler, Rob Zook

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