VA Research Linux Systems Delivers Linux Solutions Based On Intel Pentium III Xeon Processors

Milestone Represents Broadest Range of Linux Products Available

Simultaneously with Major Processor

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., March 17, 1999-- VA Research Linux Systems (VA), the leading provider of Linux systems and support, today announced the delivery of Linux solutions based on Intel's Pentium III Xeon Processors. VA's announcement is a milestone for Linux because it represents the broadest range of fully configured Linux systems available simultaneously with a major processor release. The announcement was made at Intel's Pentium III Xeon launch today in San Francisco.

VA is a leading provider of Linux-based solutions to Internet, enterprise and technical customers. VA systems will run Web and Oracle database applications on 4-way Intel Pentium III Xeon processor based servers to develop solutions for customers such as France Telecom, Deja News and Forman Interactive. VA-Intel desktop Xeon systems are also being purchased for powerful mathematical computations, simulation, parallel processing and Internet file and database serving.

"VA is committed to delivering Linux solutions in conjunction with new releases of Intel processors, so that thousands of our customers can immediately benefit from their upgrades," said Dr. Larry M. Augustin, president and CEO, VA Research Linux Systems. "The ease of transition from Pentium II Xeon to Pentium III Xeon provides ongoing savings through economy of scale advantages in software availability and maintenance."

VA's 500 MHz Pentium III Xeon products available today include:

VA Research Linux Systems is a leading provider of Linux-based hardware software, service and support solutions. The first Linux systems company in the world, VA is a pioneer in providing high performance workstations and servers to enterprises and is at the forefront of the open source revolution. VA also has the rights to the premier Linux portal, Based in Mountain View, Calif., the privately held company has been profitable since its formation in 1993 and has gained a reputation for innovation and responsiveness that is making it a leader in full service Linux solutions. For more information contact VA at, (888) LINUX-4U or by sending email to For more information on Linux, visit