
Posted by: Jason Lotito on June 6, 2003 02:30 PM

I could say more, but it comes down to this: Windows is as as unusable as Linux. But it's like driving on the left side of the road, your not used to it.

Everyone complaining about things here are comparing to Windows as if Windows doesn't have problems. You expect Linux to be the holy grail.

Just to make it clear, Windows prevents you from doing things out of the box. It's as simple as that. Go out and buy a Copy of Windows XP, and a copy of SuSE 8.2, and see which version allows you to create Word Doc's out of the box?


Which version doesn't need to be patched before you use email?


Which version has anti-aliased font's by default: both.

Which OS doesn't require you purchase anti-virus software?


Which version can you install on more than on computer?


Which OS doesn't require you to use the command line to install software?


Which OS doesn't require you to use the command line to install non-packaged software (like RPM's)?


Linux is just as read for the desktop as Windows is. It just does things differently. It's not more difficult to do them in Linux, it's just different.

People always say "But Joe User doens't know the command line". Hell, Joe User doens't know how to start the Internet on his computer! I have seen it first hand.

Stop suggesting that Linux isn't ready for the desktop when it's more like you aren't ready to make the switch.

Linux isn't ready for the desktop, hah! It started out as an OS for someone's personal desktop.

Posted by: Jeremy Zawodny on June 6, 2003 03:02 PM

Jason said:

But it's like driving on the left side of the road, your not used to it.

I'm not used to it?!

I've been using Linux since the pre-1.0 days. I'm more than used to it. I'm just sick of the fact that my fonts suck. It doesn't need to be this damned hard.

Posted by: Jason Lotito on June 6, 2003 03:22 PM

"I've been using Linux since the pre-1.0 days. I'm more than used to it. I'm just sick of the fact that my fonts suck. It doesn't need to be this damned hard."

Your right, it doesn't, and it isn't. Your rant against Linux isn't against Linux, but against whatever distro you are using. I mean, if your sitting here using Gentoo, then you deserve the frustration you are getting. If you are using SuSE or RedHat, then obviously that distrobution isn't putting in the the effort into their product that their customers demand. Again, it's a "speak with your wallet" kind of thing.

Your rant is a rant, yes. But it's still wrong. Would I be justified in saying that Linux isn't ready for embedded use, and be using Lindows to try and accomplish this? No.

Linux is just the kernel, the distrobution is the whole system. I read your blog often, and agree with most of what you say. But you rant about Linux, and never give a clue as to which distro you use.

And secondly, Firebird is still a beta product. As good as it is, and as much as well all treat it like it should be a fully released version of the software, it's still beta. I even need to remind myself of that.

And the driving comment wasn't targetted at you directly, but to the general reviewer who spews "Linux is not ready for the desktop." without a real clue. I know your standings, and I understand your skills. Still, for the problem you are having, it's really easy to solve.

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