My new role in IBM

Bob Sutor

February 3, 2009

Now that it’s been announced internally, I can briefly spill the beans that I have a new and expanded role in IBM. My standards and open source IP/membership/policy team and I are moving to the Software Group, and I am picking up the strategy and technology area around software, open source and otherwise, that runs on Linux. My new title is VP, Open Source and Linux. This team doesn’t focus on Linux per se, but rather the level above it. If it does or should run on Linux and IBM has a business interest in it, I have an interest in it.

Expect to see more Linux-related discussion in this blog, but this is not a marketing outlet. Therefore, expect the usual eclectic mix of topics including music, DSL, porches, travel, and the weather. Plus some IT stuff, when I remember.

5:29 pm

Copyright 2009