Path: gmdzi!unido!mcsun!uunet!!usc!apple!!bc
From: (bill coderre)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.system
Subject: Respectfully submitted, an etiquette guide
Message-ID: <56997@apple.Apple.COM>
Date: 6 Sep 91 00:09:41 GMT
Sender: b...@Apple.COM
Organization: Apple Computer Inc, Cupertino, CA
Lines: 26
Xref: gmdzi comp.sys.mac.misc:63171 comp.sys.mac.system:8565

Let's say you go to a party. You:
a) demand that all h'ors d'oeuvres be brought to the door for your inspection
b) go over to the food table and check it out.

After you scope the grub, you:
a) announce loudly that there are no cheese balls
b) politely inform the host of your dietary requirements, and ask what
   might be available to suit you

When no cheeseballs are forthcoming, you:
a) demand meat-free, low-cholesterol snacks immediately and loudly
b) seek other food you might eat

If the host informs you that there are no foods that meet your needs, you:
a) accuse him and the caterers of malicious negligence
b) tell him that you'd love to make some suggestions for future

If some guests seem irritated at your behavior, you:
a) accuse everyone in earshot of being a "toady"
b) apologize for your disturbance and try to have fun at the party.

If you need more clues than this, drop me a line. I'll be glad to

bill coderre
more interested in spending his "copious free time" helping peopl

Path: gmdzi!unido!unidui!!fauern!!!!mips!infoserv!!erics
From: (Eric S. Smith)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.system
Subject: Re: Respectfully submitted, an etiquette guide
Message-ID: <>
Date: 8 Sep 91 06:22:45 GMT
Organization: Van Epps-Smith Enterprises
Lines: 21
Xref: gmdzi comp.sys.mac.misc:63324 comp.sys.mac.system:8709
X-Mailer: uAccess - Mac Release: 1.5


Have your recent posts had any purpose except to express wounded indignation
over some comments people have made about Apple? It seems to me that some
people have legitimate concerns but you can't see past the fact that they express
these concerns in a way that you don't like.

I don't think your sarcastic replies and posts are doing anything to promote
Apple's image, at least not with me.

> bill coderre
> more interested in spending his "copious free time" helping peopl

I hope that's true; I haven't seen any of it here recently.

Eric Smith         |  "We must welcome the future, remembering that      |  soon it will be the past; and we must respect |   the past, remembering that once it was all 
CI$: 70262,3610    |   that was humanly possible."  -- George Santayana 

Path: gmdzi!unido!unidui!!fauern!!!samsung!olivea!apple!bc
From: b...@Apple.COM (bill coderre)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.system
Subject: Re: Respectfully submitted, an etiquette guide
Message-ID: <57150@apple.Apple.COM>
Date: 10 Sep 91 18:34:04 GMT
References: <>
Organization: Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA
Lines: 64
Xref: gmdzi comp.sys.mac.misc:63344 comp.sys.mac.system:8726

Eric Smith writes:
|Have your recent posts had any purpose except to express wounded indignation
|over some comments people have made about Apple? 

|I don't think your sarcastic replies and posts are doing anything to promote
|Apple's image, at least not with me.

|> bill coderre
|> more interested in spending his "copious free time" helping peopl
|I hope that's true; I haven't seen any of it here recently.

I'm sorry you're offended by the way I have been expressing my anger
about recent Usenet posts. My posts were attempting to get people to
realize that posting angry, fact-free and insinuation-filled tirades
would not get them polite, fact-filled replies.

Apparently, although I have been concentrating on fact-filled
responses and avoiding insinuations, my anger has offended you and
possibly others. I'm sorry about that.

I would like to note, however, that for as long as I can remember,
people have been flaming Apple and claiming that it doesn't care about
its customers. This is patently false. It also injures Apple's
reputation, since many of the people who read these networks don't
realize that unanswered claims are not necessarily factual.

When I had the "gall" to try to answer these claims, I have been
fought tooth and nail by a very vocal, tiny minority of the people who
post. (I have also received literally dozens of letters of support
from readers, but this is not directly germane to this point...)

When I provided documentable facts of Apple's caring -- public
commitments to caring, strong upgrade programs, long support of
machines no longer made, even free software to correct problems -- the
arguments dissolved to name calling (cf. a recent article that calls
me "dilluded [sic]") and semantics (cf. a recent thread that claims
that Apple as a company doesn't care, even though people working there

Isn't it funny that none of these claims about Apple's lack of
compassion has held up even to cursory examination of the facts?

bill coderre

ps. Your claim that I do nothing to help users is also false. I have
sent over three dozen emails to Apple customers in the last few days
alone. You obviously didn't know that.

In addition, I was the one who PUT MY JOB ON THE LINE by encouraging
people to write to the Apple Customer Assistance Center and ask for a
solution to the 32-bit problem. It's a measure of my faith in Apple
that I took a risk that at other companies it would have gotten me

As a result of this 32-bit nightmare, Apple is strengthening its
commitment to customers -- the ACAC seems to be becoming an "ombudsman
agency" (ie. a customer advocate, if you will) that will fight for the
needs of users and be able to make changes.

Anyone who in light of this still claims that Apple couldn't care less
about its customers is just foolish.

In the future, I will try to stay out of these flame wars, though,
since it detracts from my ability to help customers.