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Approved-By:  Florian La Roche <laroche@REDHAT.COM>
Message-ID:  <>
Date:         Wed, 17 Apr 2002 15:18:19 +0200
Reply-To:     Linux on 390 Port <LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Sender:       Linux on 390 Port <LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU>
From:         Florian La Roche <>
Subject:      your own x86 mainframe
I have sent out the following email to some Red Hat mailinglists and I am
sure some more Linux fans will have a look at how those things are working.
The text helps getting Linux within hercules running, so that they can then
later on come back to mainframe details that are awkward to learn. :-)
Florian La Roche
If you want to check out how a mainframe Linux feels, you can use and the following 
trivial to follow docu to get running on your x86 box. Let us know
about remaining bugs within Red Hat Linux or email us improvements on
the below text.
Florian La Roche
How to get the mainframe emulator "hercules" running Red Hat Linux:
- download 
- read the docu and set up a server for the packages
- log into your x86 Red Hat Linux machine as root
- install the hercules rpm from "utils/hercules":
        rpm -Uvh hercules-2.15-1.cvs.0.04.i386.rpm
- copy all config files from this dir into /etc/hercules:
        cp hercules.* /etc/hercules
- copy tapekrnl.img and tapeinrd.img from your rawhide/s390/images download
  directory to your x86 Red Hat Linux machine and change the path in
- Change the DNS and RPMSERVER lines in /etc/hercules/hercules.prm
  (you can skip this step, but you will have to type in the correct
   information later during the installation)
- create a harddisk (which is called dasd on mainframes):
        cd /etc/hercules
        dasdinit -z linux.120 3390-3 lin000
- start hercules:
        cd /etc/hercules
- enter hercules commands and send text to Linux by putting a "." at the
  beginning of a line
- "ipl" stands for booting on the mainframe and the hercules "ipl" command
  will use "/etc/hercules/hercules.ins" to startup the Red Hat Linux install
- On bootup the network is configured and telnetd/sshd are started. Now
  connect to your install environment and login as "root":
- Start the installation (default setup takes 5 1/2 hours on a 1800 MHz AMD):
- Restart hercules and enter the hercules command "ipl 120" to boot from
  your harddisk. The first time sshd starts, please be patient as it has to
  generate new keys. Maybe entropy is missing, so maybe start a
  "ping" from your x86 machine to generate some work/entropy
  on your mainframe.
- Connect via ssh to your Red Hat Linux system:
        ssh root@
- Feel at home under your own mainframe Linux which is not that much different
  from a x86 Linux. :-)