To: mailto:mozilla-layout@DOMAIN.HIDDEN, mailto:mozilla-general@DOMAIN.HIDDEN, mailto:mozilla-builds@DOMAIN.HIDDEN 
Subject: MozillaZine now online! 
From: chrisn  
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 01:46:22 -0400 
Newsgroups: netscape.public.mozilla.layout, netscape.public.mozilla.general, netscape.public.mozilla.builds 
Organization: Another Netscape Collabra Server User 
Resent-date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 22:46:56 -0700 (PDT) 
Resent-from: mailto:mozilla-general@DOMAIN.HIDDEN 
Resent-message-id: <"t_riy.A.lJB.GuN71"> 
Resent-sender: mailto:mozilla-general-request@DOMAIN.HIDDEN 

MozillaZine, a new site devoted to Mozilla advocacy and binary builds is
now online.

MozillaZine will be driven mainly by contributions from the mozilla
community, so feel free to send in opinions, articles, and links to
important information. Just click on the "submitArticle" link on the
site, and send in your info.

The site's URL (until we decide if a proper URL is warranted) is

MozillaZine is also looking for links to recent builds of Mozilla for
all platforms, so please send in links if you have 'em.

Check it out, and tell us what bugs you find or what things you'd like
to see.  You can reply in the "helpMozillaZine" section, or in the
"talk" section, a web-based forum.

Remember, don't hesitate to tell us about any bugs or issues you have
with the site's presentation or functioning.