Subject: Webservver
Date: 1997/08/04
Message-ID: <>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 262340464
Organization: AccessNow! (
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix


I've been running Linux for about a year on my private lan, as a
machine to use for programming my clients' cgi's and webpages, before
putting them up on the web on other machines.

Now, I have the opportunity to put a new linux box up on the web.  I
want to be able to offer my clients POP3 accounts, and their virtual
servers.  I know how to do Apache.  Not a prob.  But POP3 on this
Linux... I am trying to figure this out.  Also, I am worried about
security on this box.  What do I do about that?  I have heard that
there are patches for Linux and Apache.  I am trying to locate these.
Any pointers would be appreciated.

Oh, also:  SSL.  I am searching the web right now about SSL.  But it'd
be nice to have some real-world pointers on this setup endeavor I have
before me.

Thanks in advance (for real answers, not, "Go figure it out on your


  "How do I work?  I grope" - Albert Einstein
  AccessNow!; Simple Solutions in Info Technology

From: (Alan Cox)
Subject: Re: Webservver
Date: 1997/08/05
Message-ID: <5s6stp$vmc$>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 262459376
References: <>
Organization: CymruNET
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

In article <>,
>Now, I have the opportunity to put a new linux box up on the web.  I
>want to be able to offer my clients POP3 accounts, and their virtual
>servers.  I know how to do Apache.  Not a prob.  But POP3 on this
>Linux... I am trying to figure this out.  Also, I am worried about

Assuming you are using a standard distribution then POP3 works "out of
the box" for everyone you put in the password file. If you don't want
to give them shell access to the box you can set their shell to a program
that just prints "No access" and exits. Put this shell in /etc/shells and
they still get ftp access.

>security on this box.  What do I do about that?  I have heard that
>there are patches for Linux and Apache.  I am trying to locate these.

Like all vendors Linux vendors track bugs and release updates. Where depends
on the vendor. Red Hat for example keep updates on their web site along
with a list of notes. Thus we regularly grab the updates and apply them (one
command). If you are running an ISP you should keep up to date as people do
see ISP's as "target practice".

>Oh, also:  SSL.  I am searching the web right now about SSL.  But it'd
>be nice to have some real-world pointers on this setup endeavor I have
>before me.

If you are in the US you are screwed basically. The crazy US software patent
system prevents you from using the free SSL software like SSLeay, and free
ApacheSSL. You can however get commercial servers such as Stronghold and


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