Message-ID: <anews.Amicrosof.170>
Newsgroups: net.micro
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!microsof!gordon
From: microsof!gordon
Date: Tue Feb  2 09:53:34 1982
Subject: XENIX - real UNIX
X-Google-Info: Converted from the original A-News header

In response to the characterization of XENIX as a UNIX look-alike,
I would like to point out that Microsoft XENIX is the real thing:
	A superset of Bell V7 UNIX.
We have our 3.0 distribution, and XENIX 3.0 will soon be available.
Bell forces us to call it something besides UNIX (the word 'UNIX' can
be used only in the context of 'the UNIX operating system'), so
XENIX it is.

	gordon letwin