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From: hinnant@ittral.UUCP (David Hinnant)
Newsgroups: net.unix,net.wanted,net.sources
Subject: bar graph interface to plot(1) wanted
Message-ID: <401@ittral.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 31-Mar-84 22:59:12 EST
Article-I.D.: ittral.401
Posted: Sat Mar 31 22:59:12 1984
Date-Received: Mon, 2-Apr-84 00:30:43 EST
Lines: 11

  I'm looking for a graph(1)-like interface to plot(1) that generates bar
graphs.  I understand that System III and System V have something like that,
but we run 4.1 BSD.  A program that generates graph(1) style input would do
just fine too.  Any pointers will be appreciated.

					David Hinnant
					ITT - Telecom
					(919) 829-3033