Microsoft XENIX System V/386 Product Information


Microsoft(R) XENIX(R) System V/386 is the first release of Microsoft's implementation of the UNIX(R) System V Operating System for the Intel(R) 80386 microprocessor.

Product Features

XENIX System V/386:

Product Background

XENIX is Microsoft's multi-user solution - a solution that allows multiple users to be attached via inexpensive terminals to a single machine, thereby allowing the users to share the resources of the machine. It is also compatible with the UNIX System V Operating System - an operating system that is highly portable, and is to be found on a wide variety of architectures: large mainframes, minicomputers, technical and scientific workstations, and personal computers.

Starting in 1981, Microsoft has marketed its adaptation of the UNIX Operating System under the name XENIX. Microsoft's goal was to provide high quality implementations of UNIX for computer systems based upon microprocessors. In doing so, Microsoft has become one of the major licensees of the UNIX Operating System, accounting for the majority of implementations sold upon microprocessor-based systems. In particular, a large application base has been built around Microsoft XENIX System V/286 for systems based upon the Intel 80286 microprocessor. Microsoft XENIX System V/386 for the Intel 80386 will preserve this application base, while opening up the full potential of the 80386 to developers and users.

XENIX System V/286 has been licensed by such companies as Altos, Apricot, IBM, Mitsubishi, NEC, Olivetti, Siemens, Tandy, Wang and Zenith.

Product Q&A

How does XENIX System V/386 differ from XENIX System V/286?

XENIX System V/386 utilizes the 32-bit mode of the Intel 80386 microprocessor, allowing the development and use of much larger "32-bit" programs. However, the system retains the ability to execute "16-bit" programs developed for XENIX System V/286.

When will XENIX System V/386 be generally available and from whom?

XENIX System V/386 will be available for licensing by OEM customers of Microsoft in the second quarter of 1987. In addition, the product will be available through Microsoft's partners in the UNIX business: The Santa Cruz Operation (who will provide a retail version of the product) and Interactive Systems Corporation.

For more information contact:

Microsoft Corporation
Marty Taucher/Kathryn Hinsch
(206) 882-8080

The Waggener Group
Pam Edstrom/Collins Hemingway
(503) 245-0905

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