Silicon Graphics Hosts President Clinton and Vice President Gore

Mountain View, California -- February 22, 1993 -- Silicon Graphics, Inc.  (NYSE:SGI) announced that President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore today visited its Mountain View, California, headquarters. The visit provided the President and Vice President with the opportunity to learn about Silicon Graphics' leading-edge technology and about how an emerging growth company can positively impact the country's economic future.

President Clinton and Vice President Gore began the visit with a meeting with Silicon Graphics' president and chief executive officer Ed McCracken to discuss mutual goals for, and the role of technology in, American economic growth. The visit included demonstrations of the company's industry leading visual computing products and an interactive video tour of its advanced new American manufacturing site.  A representative group of employees also provided the President and Vice President with an interactive view of how a rapidly growing, young company is setting standards in employee involvement, high-technology innovation and customer satisfaction.

"Silicon Graphics embodies the entrepreneurial, dynamic spirit that will revitalize the American economy,"  said McCracken.  "A company must constantly reinvent itself -- and its products -- to remain competitive in today's domestic and international marketplace.  Silicon Graphics illustrates the principles for success in the 1990's, creating an environment that is constantly changing, providing a management style that defies traditional hierarchy and making every employee a beneficiary of the company's success."

"Silicon Graphics creates opportunities for hundreds of entrepreneurial businesses that rely on our technology for their continued growth," said McCracken.  "Our partnerships with those companies and our suppliers and vendors exemplify the kind of symbiotic relationship that will provide new jobs and the economic stimulus for a healthier corporate America."

Named in Fortune Magazine's list of fastest growing companies two years in a row, Silicon Graphics manufactures computers used in a variety of application areas -- scientific visualization, including satellite data analysis of global warming trends and weather patterns; computer-aided design; molecular modeling and computational chemistry, such as AIDS research and drug design; visual simulation and virtual reality; and special effects and animation used in such movies as Terminator 2.  Approximately half of the company's revenues come from international sales.

Founded in 1982, Silicon Graphics employs more than 3500 people worldwide and 2700 people in the United States.  In addition, its products provide the platform for more than 500 software developers and numerous third party hardware suppliers.

Silicon Graphics and the Silicon Graphics logo are registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc.