From: (Paul Murphy)
Subject: Digital Delegates Join Board
Message-ID: <1994Jan17.151530.1943@eisner>
Date: 17 Jan 94 15:15:30 -0500
Organization: DECUServe
Lines: 64


The Board of Directors of the U.S. Chapter of DECUS, the Digital Equipment 
Computer Users Society, recently welcomed Bob Schmitt, vice president of 
Marketing for the U.S. Territory Digital Equipment Corporation, as the new 
Digital Delegate to the DECUS Board. Members also welcomed Bill Picott, 
Digital's product marketing director Customer Programs, as Alternate 

In their roles as Delegate and Alternate Schmitt and Picott fill vacant 
positions on the DECUS Board.

Board members met with Schmitt and Picott during DECUS '93/San Francisco, 
the Chapter's most recent national seminars, symposium, and trade show 

"I look forward to working with them as the Chapter continues to grow and 
focuses on its role of advocating member requirements to Digital as our 
'cornerstone' vendor," stated Chapter President Margaret Knox.

In his present position at Digital Schmitt is responsible for marketing 
leadership across the U.S.; implementation of programs; marketing 
communications; and marketing logistics. Prior to being names vice president 
of Marketing for the U.S. Territory he served the Corporation as U.S. Sales 
operations manager, U.S. Sales support manager; Systems marketing manager 
for GIA, and marketing manager for the Far East Region.

Picott, who as a Digital employee has served as the executive director of 
DECUS, currently holds the position of product marketing director Customer 
Programs. Picott has also served as manager of Terminals Engineering; group 
engineering manager of Systems Engineering for the UNIX-based Software and 
Systems group; and group manager of Engineering Design Services in the 
Technology organization. He has also held positions in Software Product 
Management, and Corporate Engineering Design Serves.

In part, the duties of the DECUS U.S. Chapter Board of Directors include: 
establishing policy for the operation of the Chapter; and to represent the 
Chapter in its dealings with Digital, other Society chapters and other 
organizations. Digital personnel serving on the U.S. Chapter Board do so to 
represent Digital's voice on matters affecting both DECUS members and 
Digital. This active participation shows the importance of a working 
partnership between Digital and its users.

The DECUS U.S. Chapter is an association of Information Technology 
professionals interested in the products, services, and technologies of 
Digital Equipment Corporation and related vendors. The Association's purpose 
is to promote the unimpeded exchange of information, with the goal of 
helping its members and their organizations to be more successful. The 
Chapter provides each member with means to enhance their professional 
development, forums for technical training, mechanisms for obtaining 
up-to-date information, advocacy programs, and opportunities for informal 
disclosure and interaction with professional colleagues of like interest.


DECUS, the DECUS logo, and Digital are trademarks of Digital Equipment 

UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X/Open Co. Ltd.

	Paul Murphy - DECUS U.S. Chapter | Email: