What I Do for Debian GNU/Linux

I was, for a while, deeply involved in managing the master FTP archive. I initiated the concept of a 'master.debian.org' machine to be the home for package developers, distinct from the 'ftp.debian.org' machine or machines which would be the publicly visible manifestations of Debian's network presence. I'm pleased that when things got busy and my ability to continue to provide network bandwidth without hassles started to erode that Simon Shapiro at I-Connect took this function over, and has been doing an excellant job of it ever since.

I continue to maintain packages for the system. There are over 100 of us maintaining packages for the Debian [ http://www.debian.org/ ] GNU/Linux operating system distribution.

This page is incomplete, but represents a start at providing some status information about what I maintain, and how I maintain it.

Available Now

Package Version Format Description
gforth 0.1beta-2 new GNU'ish implementation of Forth
gzip 1.2.4-12 new GNU compression utility
p10cfgd 1.0-4 new Remote configuration daemon for Gracilis Packeten
pc532down 1.1-2 new Downloader for pc532 monitor ROM
sudo 1.5.2-1 new Provides limited super user privileges to specific users
tar 1.11.8-5 old GNU tar
xntp 3.5f-2 new Network Time Protocol daemon and tools
xntp-doc 3.5f-2 new xntp HTML documentation
ytalk 3.0.2-3 new A multi-user chat program

Things I'm Working On

Package Description
ipip IP over IP encapsulation daemon for tunnelling
newsgate Rich $alz' mail / news gateway
nntplink my favorite NNTP pusher
sattrack cool satellite tracking program
spice electrical circuit simulator
xtide tide prediction program


Package Last Version Description Why Obsolete
watch 1.0-4 Curses-based display of program output every interval included in procps package

Package Management With CVS

I really like the CVS version control system, but I am in many ways still a novice user. I'm working on cutting over to using CVS for managing all of my Debian package sources, but I'm not there yet. More as time permits.

Bdale Garbee [ http://www.gag.com/~bdale/ ], $Id: index.html,v 1.1 1997/02/11 05:06:11 bdale Exp $

Copyright 1997 http://www.gag.com/~bdale/debian/