W3C, P3P working group. w3c mbr company got a very broad patent early this
year. If taken seriously, could have ramifications for w3c standard, put out
open call on the web to identify prior art.
A. Broader question: how ought a standards body on the web to deal with
- temporal - speed of net developments
- style of research and creation of prior art different. Code, not journal
- organizations and individuals we hope can participate. Not just a small
group of organizations who can sit around the table exchanging patent
Bradner: the last distinguishes this dicussion from traditional
Mozilla, wang patent, public call for prior art.
Reagle: how do you trademark/protect the property of a community?
Thau: software is special because it requires little capital,
other than the cost of licensing patents. So patent becomes the functional
barrier to entry.
Boyle: model from other areas of controversy. Fight over
expansion of copyright duration, extent, contraction of fair use.
Strategies for X
(what is X? - to constrain the application of patent law, particularly in the
area of standards. clarify, narrow the scope, critique maximalist agenda)
- Get different portions of the government fighting with each other. clash
the bureaucratic agendas.
- Getting credible capitalists to stand up and say this was a problem, bad
for American commerce.
mindshare: business, government, NGOs.
- Broaden the base, - why people should care. Illustrate social impact.
- litigation strategy. prior art, utility, patent abuse and the effects of
lock-in (Kodak).
- reform legislation.
reducing monopoly length
lawsuit out there currently arguing for longer time...
educate congress
- public statement. forum for consenss
- Better meme. "Hands off the Net." Patent monopoly is a restriction on
Patents a grant of power to Congress, not a requirement. Utilitarian and
temporal requirements.
Rhetoric. The public domain. Analogies to the environmental movement.
Externalities, ecology (unexpected reciprocal connections)
unless you factor in the downsides to each property right, you will over-propertize
need to gather the horror stories, factoids.
- congress shld allocate extra money for a prior art database within the
How can we leverage Harvard?
bumper sticker.
- Prior art pool to enable patent challengers.
mailing list or database, archive drafts
needs an administrator with a light, but not absent touch; data model
- change entrepreneur / VC mindset
- positive stories
- fix the one-way ratchet of int'l harmonization / convene international
It's not the IBMs and HPs who are pushing for the extensions.
These are the same things that were discussed 10 years ago with regard to
software patents.
What's different? the web is built on open standards.
(problem of transactions costs when these technologies are used/meant to be used
by huge number of people