Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!lll-crg!hoptoad!gnu From: gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) Newsgroups: net.crypt Subject: DES_PC posted to mod.sources, but canceled Message-ID: <1111@hoptoad.uucp> Date: Mon, 22-Sep-86 04:18:28 EDT Article-I.D.: hoptoad.1111 Posted: Mon Sep 22 04:18:28 1986 Date-Received: Mon, 22-Sep-86 07:58:04 EDT References: <240@mirror.UUCP> Organization: Nebula Consultants in San Francisco Lines: 32 I submitted a purported software implementation of DES in C to mod.sources, and it was posted on the 14th of September in Volume 7, Issue 27. However, a Canadian Usenetter noticed it and fired off a message to Rich $alz, the mod.sources moderator, and me, informing us that we were probably violating US export controls. Apparently it is not legal in our free country to export a public domain program that implements a published national standard protocol -- if the protocol relates to cryptography. Rich then submitted a cancel message, but since the article had reached Canada, it had probably also reached Europe and other parts of the world. Eventually the cancel will catch up with it (it hasn't yet, on Hoptoad) but for a short time the DES program will exist on many systems. The "References:" line of the article you are now reading, points to the mod.sources article. If you use vnews or readnews, you should be able to see if the mod.sources article is there on your system by using the "p" (parent article) command. Rn users are out of luck as far as I know, you just have to read through mod.sources and look. We are looking into the legalities and it will probably be reposted, either with a "usa" distribution if the government slimeball censors must be appeased, or to the whole net if sanity sets in. If anyone on net.crypt knows more about the export controls on cryptography, please contact me. No flames please. I am trying to increase the amount of useful PD software available to the human race. Non-amurrikans are people too, despite what the US government would have you think. -- John Gilmore {sun,ptsfa,lll-crg,ihnp4}!hoptoad!gnu May the Source be with you!