Announcing ArduCopter, the merger of the ArduPilot and AeroQuad projects!

Chris Anderson
DIY Drones

May 24, 2010

I'm pleased to announce that we've joined forces with the other Arduino-based powerhouse in the aerial robotics world, the AeroQuad [ ] quadcopter team, to extend the ArduPilot platform to whirlybirds of all kinds. The project, called ArduCopter, will use the ArduPilotMega and IMU shield hardware along with a low-cost custom platform that will be available commercially to provide a full quad UAV with both stabilization and GPS waypoint navigation. It builds on the awesome work of Jose Julio in ArduPilot quad development [ ], with the excellent full-systems integration of the AeroQuad team. We expect that first code and hardware will be available this summer.

Another team is also extending this to traditional helis, starting with the Trex 450 heli (and its equivalents), which should be ready for release this fall. Along with Blimpduino, this should make for 100% coverage of all aerial robotics platforms on the Arduino platform, with shared libraries and ground stations across projects. Go Arduino!

We'll be setting up a proper microsite here, along with dedicated tab, for the project in the next few days.

If you haven't already seen this preview of what the ArduPilot/ArduIMU combo can do with quads, check this out:

And here's the impressive work of the AeroQuad team:

Here's the announcement [ ] from the AeroQuad team:

ArduCopter - The Full Featured UAV Multicopter!

Hey guys, as many of you know the AeroQuad has teamed up with DIY Drones on developing a very full featured multicopter! Chris from DIY Drones has proposed the name of this new effort to be called the ArduCopter! It will be based on the ArduPilot Pro Mega (APM) and the APM sensor board currently nicknamed the Oil Pan. Here's an initial feature list and software road map. Please chime in! Your input is valuable! I'll keep updating this front page until we agree on the first version of the ArduCopter's capabilities.

ArduCopter Feature List

Software Roadmap


By Peter Seddon [ ]

May 24, 2010

Can it be extended to hex and octo variants?



By Chris Anderson

May 24, 2010

@Peter. Yes, the plan is to support all rotary platforms, including hex and octo, as well as coax. But we're starting with quads, and then standard helis...


By Bob Hern [ ]

May 24, 2010

any even estimation on the cost of the seutp?


By Chris Anderson

May 24, 2010

I see no reason why the whole package can't be in the $350 (USD) range.


By Eric [ ]

May 24, 2010

There has been a lot of discussion about helicopters and IMU state-estimation issues... Is the proposed 450 setup going to include different sensors / algorithms than the about-to-be-released version?

Sorry, I know it's early...


By Chris Anderson

May 24, 2010

The heli project is being done by experienced heli autopilot engineers (not quad guys ;-)). It's still early days, so please be patient until we have more to announce.


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