[Makers] MHV: now with business cards
Angus Gratton gus at projectgus.com 
Wed Sep 29 19:11:32 EST 2010 

Check them out: http://bit.ly/924mxB http://bit.ly/9g2D7v

Thanks to Ruth Ellison for the awesome design.

I now have 1000 of these for people to hand out, will bring a big pile
for people to the next committee meeting and to the Maker's Meetup in a
fortnight. I was sorry to miss last night.

* Distribution *

Next week I'm also going to drop some at a few places around town. My
current list is:

* Jaycar in Belco & Fyshwick, ask each if we can keep a small stack by
the register.
* ANU - Engineering, Computer Science, School of Art, Research School of
Physics & Engineering.
* UC - anyone know their way around UC?
* CIT campuses - anyone know their way around these?
* Smith's Alternative Bookshop
* Electric Shadows Bookshop

Anyone got any other good drop points where sympathetic souls might be

- Angus

[Makers] MHV: now with business cards
Angus Gratton gus at projectgus.com 
Sat Oct 9 16:35:07 EST 2010 

On Wed, 2010-09-29 at 19:11 +1000, Angus Gratton wrote:
> * Distribution *
> Next week I'm also going to drop some at a few places around town.

Dropped in at Jaycar in Fyshwick and spotted our cards on the counter
(thanks Chris!) They should also be on the counter at Jaycar Belconnen
(although they said they'd need to de-clutter their counter, first.)

Have also dropped some cards at: ANU (Art School, Engineering, Computer
Science, RSPhys, CPAS), The Front & Tilley's in Lyneham. Jonathan took
some for CIT Reid.

Is anyone ever at or around CIT Bruce or Woden, or the UC campus?

Will be interesting to see if the cards attract anyone. At the very
least, it's nice to have something to hand over when giving the "MHV
Spiel" to interested people. I still have 500 left, so please grab some
at the next Meetup.

- Angus

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