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Subject: MAVLink changes / updates to VERSION 2
From: qgroundcontrol <>
To: QGroundControl <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi all,

I have today updated the protocol version to 2. This was necessary to
allow a minor cleanup, which is part of the preparation for a first
stable MAVLink release along with the release of QGroundControl 0.8.3

I apologize for any inconvenience caused, but this is a major step
from simple waypoint navigation to full-fledged autonomous mission
planning. It will only affect your code in the sense that you might
have to rename very few variables.

The changes are minor and involve only renaming, no functional
changes, but if you don't use the autogenerated C files you might want
to check the following things:

- In the waypoint interface:
  - waypoint.orbit has been renamed to waypoint.param3
  - waypoint.yaw has been renamed to waypoint.param4
  - waypoint.orbit_direction has been removed. New convention:
positive orbit (param3): Clockwise, negative orbit: counter-clockwise
  - waypoint.action has been renamed to waypoint.command. This field
will in the future be filled with MAV_COMMAND values. MAV_ACTION is
still valid, but will deprecate over the time. We're currently in the
process of filling all actions into the new MAV_COMMAND structure.

- IDs changed for the MAV_DATA_STREAM enum, if you used the names and
not the IDs you're fine
- No packet IDs changed
- Currently unused packets like safety area cleaned up

- Added new packets helpful for fixed wing and general development
  - VFR_HUD - Contains airspeed, groundspeed, altitude, etc. Very
helpful to watch the vitals of a fixed wing
  - NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT - Contains typical fixed wing controller
  - GPS_RAW_INT - GPS raw values scaled as integer. Will avoid float
precision limitations
  - SCALED_IMU - IMU measurement values scaled to SI units. RAW_IMU
should only be used for truly raw sensor values in the future.

Please feel free to post any comments. Feedback is very welcome as
we're trying to approach a final release version. Please also feel
free to ask any questions and give feedback if the changes pose issues
for you.

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