ArduPlane 2.40-beta

by Andrew Tridgell [ ]

June 8, 2012

Hi All,

I've just released ArduPlane 2.40-beta. The jump in version number reflects the size of some of the changes.

Unfortunately (due to ill health) I have not actually flight tested this release. I normally try to flight test every release, but I probably won't be able to go flying for a couple of weeks, but I think the changes are very worthwhile to make available to users. So I'd really appreciate some feedback on flight tests of this release. That is also why I have labelled this a 'beta' release. I will wait till I've had some good flight test reports before doing the final of 2.40. I have of course tested the code in the simulator [ ], but real flight tests are essential as well.

The changes in this release are:

Also, my apologies for being somewhat slow to respond to some threads on the forum. Until my health improves I'm likely to be slow in answering questions. I'm relying on others in the community to help out!

Cheers, Tridge


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