CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD State Building Auditorium, Room 1138 107 South Broadway Los Angeles, CA February 19, 1988 9:00 a.m. AGENDA Page 88-3-1 Report on Impact of Air Resources Board and South Coast Air Quality Management District Efforts to Reduce Emissions in the South Coast Air Basin. 88-3-2 Consideration of Long-Range Research Plan: 001 1988 Update. 88-3-3 Informational Report on Indoor Air Quality/ 085 Personal Exposure: five-Year Study Plan. Other Business a. Closed Session Personnel (as authorized by State Agency Open Meeting Act, Govt. Code Sec. 11126(a).) b. Research Proposals c. Delegations to Executive Officer ITEM NO.: 88-3-2 Long-Range Research Plan. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 88-10 approving the Long-Range Research Plan, dated February, 1988. SUMMARY In establishing the States' approach to clean air, the Legislature: has declared that an effective research program is an integral part of the broad-based statewide effort to combat air pollution in California; has directed the Air Resources Board to administer and coordinate all air pollution research funded, in whole or in part, with state funds; has directed the Air Resources Board to establish objectives for air pollution research; and has directed the Air Resources Board to appoint a Research Screening Committee to give advice and recommendations with respect to air pollution research projects funded by the state. In order to comply with these mandates from the Legislature, the Board meets, each year, with its Research Screening Committee, to review the Board's research program, as outlined in the Long-Range Research Plan. This Plan is prepared by the staff, with guidance from the Research Screening Committee. The Long-Range Research Plan contains a section describing the Board's goals and objectives and related extramural research projects, a section listing recently completed research projects, and a section describing each of the research projects proposed for the next fiscal year. These projects are divided into six study areas: * Diesels and Motor Vehicles, * Toxic Air Contaminants, * Stationary Source Emissions Inventory and Control, * Regional Air Quality Studies, * Health Effects, and * Vegetation Effects. For each study area, there is a prioritized list of research projects for the next fiscal year, a figure which relates these projects to ongoing and future work, and a detailed discussion of each proposed project. The discussions include a summary of the research problem, relationship to previous work, description of the proposed approach, and identification of benefits to be provided by the study. This years Long-Range Research Plan features projects to support the Board's activities to reduce emissions from motor vehicles; support the introduction of clean burning fuels; add to our knowledge of the sources, fate and effects to toxic air contaminants; provide bases for controlling stationary source emissions; better characterize the effects of agricultural burning; improve our ability to analyze regional air quality problems; better define the effects of exposure to air pollutants on human health; and better define the extent of air pollution damage to all forms of vegetation. ITEM NO.: 88-3-3 Indoor Air Quality/Personal Exposure: Five-Year Study Plan. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution 88-15 approving the Five-Year Study Plan, dated February, 1988. SUMMARY In May, 1987, staff presented detailed information to the Board regarding indoor air pollution and personal exposures to pollutants. One of the outcomes of the staff presentation was a request from the Board that staff develop a Five-Year Study Plan to provide the more comprehensive indoor and personal exposure information needed by the Toxic Air Contaminants Program and the Ambient Air Quality Standards Program. The Board was particularly concerned regarding the lack of adequate data on concentrations of pollutants in California indoor environments, and the need to fulfill the Board's responsibility under Health and Safety Code Section 39660.5. That section requires the Board to consider indoor exposures in the risk assessment process of the Toxic Air Contaminants Program. The study plan describes a research program which will provide information necessary for improved exposure analyses and risk assessments, and which staff believes will best meet the ARB's information needs. The plan consists of six objectives which, if achieved, will: obtain activity pattern data for Californians; obtain indoor concentration and exposure data; obtain data regarding the health effects of indoor air pollutants, particularly for sensitive subgroups of the population; assure the development of adequate indoor and personal air monitors and monitoring methodology for use in ARB studies; identify indoor sources of air pollutants and obtain source emission estimates; and develop and validate a comprehensive total exposure model which can be used to develop more complete risk assessments for toxic air contaminants and criteria pollutants. The proposed progress schedule is ambitious relative to currently allocated resources but reflects the extensive near-term information needs of the ARB. The current Governor's Budget (FY 88-89) includes a request for an increase in staff and fiscal resources in order to meet the proposed progress schedule. If additional resources are not forthcoming, the progress schedule will be adjusted during the 1989 review of the plan and progress will be significantly slower than indicated. Staff will work closely with other groups involved in indoor air quality research, particularly the Department of Health Services' Indoor Air Quality Program, to avoid duplication of effort and to assure that the best approach is taken for individual projects.