State Building
                     Auditorium, Room 1138
                       107 South Broadway
                        Los Angeles, CA
                       September 28, 1990
                           8:30 a.m.

                                                         Page No.

90-15-1   Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of          001
          and Amendments to Regulations Regarding
          Reformulated Gasoline: Phase I Gasoline

                        ITEM NO.: 90-15-1

Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of and Amendments to
Regulations Regarding Reformulated Gasoline: Phase I Gasoline


The staff recommends that the Air Resources Board (ARB) adopt a
new regulation and amend existing regulations as proposed by
staff to limit the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) of gasoline, require
the use of deposit control additives, and eliminate leaded



The California Clean Air Act (CCAA) requires the ARB to achieve
the maximum degree of emissions reductions from motor vehicles in
order to meet the state ambient air quality standards by the
earliest practicable date.  The ARB is also required to take
action to reduce emissions of reactive organic gases by 55
percent and oxides of nitrogen by 15 percent from motor vehicles
by December 31, 2000.

In order to meet these goals, the ARB staff designed a
comprehensive program to reduce emissions from motor vehicles. 
One element of the program is a low emission/clean fuels proposal
which would require the phase-in of vehicles meeting stringent
exhaust emission standards.  The proposal may require the use of
advanced vehicle control technology and the use of cleaner
burning fuels.  Another element of the program is to require new
gasoline specifications, which would reduce emissions from the
existing fleet and will assist automakers in meeting more
stringent emission standards in the future.  The ARB staff
divided the reformulated gasoline specifications into two phases. 
Phase 1 reformulated gasoline specifications, the subject of this
proposal, are those that can be implemented in the near future at
a reasonable cost and for which adequate data exists to document
the expected emissions reductions.  Specifications for Phase 2
reformulated gasoline, which will be proposed in the fall of
1991, will be a more comprehensive set of specifications for a
"reformulated" or cleaner gasoline to be effective in the 1996