CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD Lincoln Plaza Auditorium First Floor 400 "P" Street Sacramento, CA March 12, 1992 AGENDA Page 92-3-1 Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of a 001 Regulatory Amendment Identifying Formaldehyde as a Toxic Air Contaminant. 92-3-2 Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of 031 Specifications for Alternative Fuels for Motor Vehicles*. 92-3-3 Consideration of Research Proposals. 175 *This item is a continued item from the December 12, 1991 Board hearing. ITEM NO.: 92-3-1 Proposed Identification of Formaldehyde as a Toxic Air Contaminant (Regulatory). RECOMMENDATION The Air Resources Board (ARB) staff recommends that formaldehyde be identified as a toxic air contaminant without a cancer threshold because there is inadequate scientific evidence of an exposure level below which no significant adverse health effects are anticipated. DISCUSSION In accordance with the provisions of California Health and Safety Code section 39650 et seq., the ARB staff, after consulting with staff of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), selected formaldehyde for the Board's consideration for listing as a toxic air contaminant. The staff selected formaldehyde for the following reasons: 1) the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) list formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen, 2) formaldehyde is used, emitted, and detected in outdoor and indoor air in California, 3) major sources of outdoor exposure are from direct emissions from mobile sources and oil refineries and secondary formation by photochemical reactions, 4) the majority of formaldehyde indoors is from building materials and consumer products which emit formaldehyde, 5) formaldehyde is not naturally removed from the atmosphere at a rate that would significantly reduce public exposure, and 6) the EPA lists formaldehyde as a Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP), and Health and Safety Code section 39655 requires that HAPs be identified as toxic air contaminants. As required by Health and Safety Code section 39661, a report estimating formaldehyde exposure levels and resultant health effects in California was jointly prepared by the staffs of the ARB and OEHHA. The estimated cancer unit risk for continuous lifetime exposure to 1 ppbv formaldehyde ranges from 1 to 40 per million. Using OEHHA's best value cancer unit risk factor of 7 x 10-6 per ppbv and the corresponding concentrations from indoor and outdoor environments, the number of potential excess cancer cases due to indoor and outdoor exposure to formaldehyde is estimated to be 230 and 5 per million, respectively. This corresponds to an estimated potential lifetime risk of up to 7,000 and 150 for indoor and outdoor exposures, respectively, for a California population of 30 million. Near source formaldehyde exposures are expected to increase the potential risk of cancer above the annual average statewide level. Estimates of outdoor, near source exposures were not quantified in this report. However, information from the Air Toxic "Hot Spots" Act (AB 2588) will be used to prioritize and estimate potential near source exposure in the control phase if formaldehyde is identified as a toxic air contaminant. The Scientific Review Panel (SRP), established by Health and Safety Code section 39670, reviewed the formaldehyde report. The SRP found the report without serious deficiencies and submitted its written findings to the Board. In the findings, the Panel recommended that the Board list formaldehyde by regulation as a toxic air contaminant, and found that, based on available scientific information, formaldehyde does not have a threshold below which carcinogenic effects are not expected to occur. IMPACTS OF PROPOSED BOARD ACTION The identification of formaldehyde as a toxic air contaminant will not, in itself, have any environmental and economic impacts. However, specific control measures may be developed subsequent to identification, and an analysis of potential environmental and economic impacts will be included in the consideration of such control measures. In addition, local air pollution control districts have the authority to require that public exposures to particular toxic substances not exceed levels deemed by the district to be protective of public health. This has taken the form of permitting and notification requirements for facilities. Information used in the identification of formaldehyde as a toxic air contaminant may be used by districts in implementing these requirements. ITEM NO.: 92-3-2 Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Specifications for Alternative Fuels for Motor Vehicles. RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends that the Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) approve the proposed commercial specifications for alternative fuels for motor vehicles. Staff also recommends that the Board approve the amendments to the certification test procedures for light-duty and medium-duty vehicles, heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and heavy-duty otto-cycle vehicles which modify certification fuel specifications for alternative fuels for motor vehicles. DISCUSSION Existing regulations of the Board establish standards for various properties of gasoline and diesel fuel intended for use in motor vehicles. There are currently no ARB standards for other fuels that may be used a s motor vehicle fuels. Existing regulations of the Board also establish test procedures which are used in certifying motor vehicles that meet the Board's motor vehicle emission standards. These test procedures contain specifications for the following fuels for certification testing: gasoline, diesel fuel, methanol, natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas. Following a hearing in September 1990, the Board adopted regulations requiring the phase-in of low-emission vehicles beginning in 1994. It is anticipated that some of these vehicles will be designed to operate on alternative fuels. The rulemaking included the adoption of regulations requiring that alternative fuels needed by these vehicles be made available to motorists. Commercial specifications for alternative fuels are required in order to ensure that motorists driving vehicles designed to operate on alternative fuels have alternative fuels available that are of consistent quality and result in the expected emission benefits. SUMMARY AND IMPACTS The staff is proposing regulations which would establish commercial specifications for certain alternative fuels sold or supplied for use in motor vehicles, applicable starting January 1, 1993. The commercial specifications would cover the following fuels: M-100 fuel methanol, M-85 fuel methanol, E-100 fuel ethanol, E-85 fuel ethanol, compressed and liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and hydrogen. The staff also proposes amendments which would revise the alternative fuel certification specifications currently established for motor vehicle emission certification testing. These specifications cover M-100 fuel methanol, M-85 fuel methanol, compressed and liquefied natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas. The revised specifications would apply starting with the 1994 model year, with an option for 1993 model year to use the revised specifications. Certification fuel specifications are not being proposed at this time for E-100 fuel ethanol, E-85 fuel ethanol and hydrogen, because the ARB does not currently have emission test procedures for these fuels. The certification fuel specifications are normally included in the emission test procedure documents. All of the specifications would include standards designed to ensure that the fuel is free of contaminants and suitable for use as a motor vehicle fuel. The proposed regulations would prohibit the sale, offer for sale or supply of an alternative fuel intended for use in motor vehicles in California unless it conforms with the applicable commercial specifications. The ARB staff believes that the proposed regulations set specifications for fuels that ensure the expected emission benefits from the use of alternative fuels, that are commercially feasible to produce, and that meet the requirements of motor vehicle manufacturers for consistent, high quality fuel.