From Sun Jun 30 19:18:35 1991 Return-Path: <> Date: Sun, 30 Jun 91 17:42:52 -0400 To: From: Sender: Reply-To: Subject: LPF June Mailing part 2 of 2 56 FR 22702-02 NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Patent and Trademark Office Request for Comments for the Advisory Commission on Patent Law Reform Thursday, May 16, 1991 AGENCY: Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. ACTION: Notice; request for public comments. SUMMARY: The Advisory Commission on Patent Law Reform Commission will be submitting a report to the Secretary of Commerce by August 1992 on the state of, and the need for, any reform in the United States patent system. To ensure that the Commission recommenda- tions represent a true consensus of the American public and the patent user community, public comments are invited on the issues to be considered by the Commission. DATES: Written Comments must be submitted by July 15, 1991. ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to E.R. Kazenske, Executive Assistant to the Commissioner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Box 15, Washington, DC 20231. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Jeff Kushan, Commission Special- ist, or Paul Salmon, Commission Specialist; U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Box 15, Washington, DC 20231. Phone: (703) 557-3071. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission requests public comments on the issues set forth below. Each issue should be individually addressed. Submissions should be concise statements of position, including supporting material where relevant, and should be limited to the questions framing each issue. All submissions must include the name and/or professional affiliation of the contributor. To ensure full consideration by the Commission, the submissions should be received by July 15, 1991. I. Protection of Computer Related Inventions The principal issue to be examined is whether the current U.S. patent laws provide adequate and appropriate protection of novel computer program-related inventions. The relationship of patent protection for computer program-related inventions to other forms of intellectual property protection will also be considered. (a) What problems, if any, exist in the current framework of laws which protect computer-related inventions (b) What changes, if any, should be made in the domestic and international systems for protection of computer-related inventions (c) The Supreme Court has found that new and useful computer program-related inventions are eligible for patent protection. What rationale, if any, exists in law or policy for Congress to now remove patent protection for this field of science and technology (d) What evidence exists, if any, that patents issued on new and useful computer program-related inventions do or do not provide an incentive to conduct research and development on new products, and that such patents do or do not promote the development of new technology (e) What conflict or overlap is created by the existence of a patent for a new and useful computer program-related invention and either (1) a copyright for original expression embodied in the computer program fixed therein, or (2) a mask work in the inven- tion; and if any exists, is it harmful or helpful (f) Should Congress legislate the boundary for patents in the computer program area, or is it preferable to permit the courts to continue to define the outer boundary (g) Are the tests of patentability for computer program-related inventions implemented by the USPTO in the notice published in the Official Gazette on August 9, 1989, consistent with the patent statute and/or court decisions If there are inconsistencies, what are they (h) What concrete steps should be taken, if necessary, to revise the PTO examination procedure for computer program-related inventions in order to achieve high-quality issued patents, particularly with respect to: 1. Providing patent examiners with complete, up-to-date prior art; 2. Providing patent examiners with training in this field to raise/maintain their expertise; 3. Recognizing computer science as a "science" for the purpose of qualification to take the PTO registration examination and recruiting computer scientists as patent examiners; 4. Providing an optimum system of classification to maximize the searchability of inventions in this field; and 5. Taking steps to reduce the PTO pendency time for patent applications in this field (i) What procedures, not currently available, should be consid- ered to correct problems caused by improperly granted patents (i.e., post grant oppositions, court nullification), and how would these procedures particularly relate to computer program-related inventions II. Federal Protection for Trade Secrets Trade Secret statutes now exist only at the state level, and are not uniform in the states wherein they exist. The principal issue to be examined is whether Federal Statutory protection should be enacted and if so, how it should relate to state statutes (a) Is there a need for a Federal law on trade secrets What problems have been caused by the absence of such a law What problems would such a law create (b) If there is need for a Federal trade secrets law, on what legal theories (i.e., tort, contract, etc.) should it be based How should it relate to state laws and to what extent, if any, should it preempt state laws (c) If there are specific areas of trade secrets that are inadequately protected by present state laws or by their nature cannot be adequately protected by state laws, would it be possible to enact Federal laws in those areas only, leaving to state law what is currently adequately protected Would such a bifurcated system create more problems that it would solve III. Cost and Complexity of Patent Enforcement Although many patents are enforced through negotiation, resort is frequently made to either litigation in the Federal district courts or to arbitration or one of several other forms of alterna- tive dispute resolution (ADR). Patent litigation is said to be complex, expensive, unpredictable and heavily dependent on the ability of the judge to exert fair and effective control. Arbitration and other forms of ADR would seem to offer significant advantages in many types of dispute, but are not frequently used. (a) Is the cost of patent enforcement too high If so, what can be done within the existing Federal Rules to achieve determinations of validity, infringement and damages more efficiently and economically Which, if any, of the Federal Rules should be changed to improve patent litigation, and how Would provisions in the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 improve patent litigation (b) Is there a need for a "small claims" type of patent proceed- ing in the Federal courts, with simplified procedures and limited recovery If so, describe the characteristics such a proceeding should have, e.g., how procedures would be simplified, what the limits on recovery should be, etc. (c) Should the use of arbitration and other forms of ADR be increased How What, if any, deterrents are there to using ADR and how can they be overcome What additional forms of ADR should be considered for patent disputes IV. Grounds for Holding Patents Unenforceable In the United States, a party charged with infringement of a patent can raise an equitable defense of unenforceability which, if sustained, may preclude exercise of the patent rights even though the patent is valid and infringed. Historically, the defense has usually been based on alleged misconduct occurring after the patent is granted, e.g., restrictive conditions in patent licensing agreements. In more recent years, conduct before the Patent and Trademark Office has frequently been claimed to give rise to the defense, e.g., misrepresentations or alleged failure to comply with the standard for disclosing to the Office information in the patent applicant's possession. Such claims, some argue, are often frivolous and unsupported. (a) What are the benefits and drawbacks of permitting an unenforceability defense in patent litigation, based on alleged misconduct either before or after patent grant (b) Should any change be made in the present Patent and Trademark Office standard relating to the submission of prior art informa- tion, recognizing the need of the Office to consider information bearing on patentability before the patent issues (c) Are existing judicial procedures and standards for resolving unenforceability defenses adequate If not, is legislation desirable and, if so, what kind Discuss any other changes believed desirable. (d) Once inequitable conduct has been found, whether based on conduct before or after grant, is unenforceability the appropriate remedy If not, what other types of remedies might be applied and in what types of situations V. Licensee Challenges to Patent Validity Since 1969, when the U.S. Supreme Court in Lear v. Adkins, 395 U.S. 653, abrogated the doctrine of licensee estoppel, the courts have been dealing ad hoc with a variety of issues flowing from that decision. These include the right of the patent owner to terminate the license agreement and sue for patent infringement, the right of the licensee to recover royalties should the patent be declared invalid, the extent to which the parties should be permitted to contract in advance for the various eventualities, etc. It is asserted by some that this has created considerable uncertainty. Some would provide for all post-Lear eventualities by statute. Others would permit a licensor and licensee to bargain for provisions necessary to protect their respective interests. (a) Is legislation desirable to clarify the results of the Lear decision If so, what should it provide (b) Should any restraints, beyond the normal law of contracts, be imposed on the rights of licensee and licensor to bargain for the results of a potential challenge by the licensee of the licensed patent's validity IV. First-to-File System In the United States patent system, when more than one patent application is filed claiming the same invention, the patent is awarded to the applicant who establishes the earliest acts of invention in the United States and who has not thereafter sup- pressed, abandoned or concealed his invention ("first-to-invent" system). In international treaty negotiations aimed at more uniform patent laws throughout the world, particularly the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) patent harmonization proceedings, the United States is being urged to adopt a different procedure, almost universally used in other countries, under which we would award the patent to the first applicant to file a patent application for the invention ("first-to-file" system). The principal issue presented is whether the United States should change from a first-to- invent procedure to a first-to-file procedure (1) only as part of a comprehensive treaty to harmonize all of the world's patent systems, (2) without regard to a harmonization treaty, or (3) not at all. The following questions are designed to help frame this issue: (a) What benefits do United States patent holders and the public realize from the first-to-invent procedure What detriments are there, particularly those that might not be addressed by further simplification of the procedure to determine priority of inventor- ship (b) What benefits are United States patent holders and the public expected to realize from a first-to-file procedure What deteriments should be expected (c) What benefits are United States patent holders and the public expected to realize from a harmonization treaty What detriments should be expected (d) If the United States retains the first-to-invent procedure, a partial step toward harmonization could be a change permitting applicants to establish dates of invention by reference to knowledge, or sue, or other activity in foreign countries in addition to such activities in the United States. Should such an expansion of admissible evidence of inventorship be adopted (1) only as part of a comprehensive treaty to harmonize all of the world's patent systems, (2) without regard to a harmoniza- tion treaty, or (3) not at all Should such an expansion of admissible evidence of inventorship be adopted (1) only in respect to foreign countries that provide for practicable and effective judicial discovery of foreign inventorship activity, (2) only on a limited basis reflecting credibility of the foreign evidence, or (3) without regard to the legal procedures available in foreign countries (e) If the United States adopts a first-to-file procedure, should it condition this adoption on a grace period during which activi- ties of the inventor or derived through the inventor will not be a bar to patentability by the inventor Should the oath and its attendant sanctions be strengthened in respect to the requirement of originality (f) If the United States adopts a first-to-file procedure, would it be desirable to codify the rights, if any, of a prior user of the invention If so, should such a user have (1) no defense or rights in respect to the subsequent patent, (2) a personal exemption to continue existing commercial use, or (3) some other right Should the prior user rights, if any, extend to one not an actual user, but who has made effective and serious preparations for such use Should it matter if the prior user had elected to practice the invention as a trade secret Should any prior user right be transferrable to someone else Should any such right extend only to use in the United States (a feature in other patent systems) Should any prior user right extend to such users who were not originators of the invention (g) Would a first-to-file patent procedure run afoul of the reference to "inventors" in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution VII. Automatic Publication of Applications In the United States patent system, patent applications are held in confidence by the Patent and Trademark Office and not published until a patent is granted. Patent rights begin on the date of grant. In international treaty negotiations aimed at more uniform patent laws throughout the world, it has been proposed that patent applications be published and confer provisional protection commencing on the date of publication. The Japanese and European patent systems provide for publication of patent applications 18 months after their effective filing dates and feature provisional protection, generally a right to compensation from infringers with actual notice. The principal issue is whether United States patent applications should be published before grant of a patent (1) only as part of a comprehensive system to harmonize all of the world's patent system, (2) without regard to a harmonization treaty, or (3) not at all. The following questions are designed to help frame this issue: (a) What benefit do United States patent holders and the public realize from keeping patent applications confidential until a patent is granted What are the detriments (b) What benefits are United States patent holders and the public expected to realize from a procedure requiring automatic publica- tion of patent applications What are the detriments (c) Should U.S. patent applications be published by some fixed time measured from their U.S. or foreign priority filing dates Does the need for a pre-grant publication differ depending upon whether patent terms are measured from filing date or issue date (d) If pre-grant publication becomes part of the U.S. patent system, is there a need for provisional protection starting from the date of publication Does the need for provisional protection depend upon how the term of the patent is measured (e) If provisional protection is appropriate, what should it include VIII. Patent Term In the United States patent system the term of a patent is 17 years from the date when the patent is granted. Many other countries provide a 20-year term for their patents from the date when the application for the patent was filed. The appropriate term for a patent is under consideration in negotiations aimed at more uniform patent laws throughout the world, as well as in the negotiations on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPs) in the current General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Round. The principal issue is whether the United States should measure the life of a patent from the date when the application for it was filed (1) only as part of comprehensive treaties to harmonize all of the world's patent systems, (2) without regard to harmonization treaties, or (3) not at all. The following questions are designed to help frame this issue. (a) What benefits do United States patent holders and the public realize from measuring the life of a patent from its date of grant What detriments are there (b) What benefits are United States patent holders and the public expected to realize from a procedure that would measure the life of a patent from its filing date What would the detriments be (c) If the term of a United States patent is to be measured from the filing date, should the term be extended to compensate for delays due to (1) secrecy orders, (2) marketing delays due to FDA or EPA regulatory procedures, (3) NASA or DOE ownership proceed- ings, (4) appeals, or (5) any other delays outside of the control of the patent applicant (d) Should a United States patent application be permitted to rely upon the date of more than one foreign-filed application for priority, and, if so, should the term of the United States patent be measured from the earliest priority date (recognizing that a modification of the Paris Convention probably would be necessary for adoption of any procedure to measure the life of a patent from any foreign priority date) (e) If the term of a United States patent is to be measured from a filing date, should that date be (1) the earliest United States filing upon which priority is based, (2) the earliest filing upon which priority is based, be it foreign or United States filing date, or (3) the filing date of the application on which the patent is granted (f) If the United States adopts a patent term based upon a filing date, should that term be 20 years If not, how long should the term be IX. Deferred Examination United States patent laws permit an applicant to petition for a deferral of the examination process only for a short period, and then only for "good and sufficient cause." Deferred examination at the option of the applicant is a feature of several foreign patent systems. (a) What would be the benefits of a procedure whereby a patent application is not examined in due course, but instead, the applicant is given the option, for a period of years, to request that the application be examined What would be the detriments (b) If optional deferred examination were adopted, what necessary or desirable companion changes (such as mandatory publication of applications) should be made, if any, in the United States patent law or procedures Should a third party have the right to request examination (c) If optional deferred examination were adopted, should a patent application be deemed abandoned if the applicant fails to request examination within a fixed time after filing Should the applicant be permitted thereafter to re-file an application for the same invention (d) Should the applicant have the option, in lieu of requesting formal examination, to obtain a lower-cost patent of shortened term and reduced enforcement rights X. In re Hilmer Under the interpretation of United States patent law in the case of In re Hilmer (and other cases), a United States patent has a patent-defeating effect (becomes a "reference") as of the earliest filing date in the United States to which it is entitled, but not the earliest foreign filing date to which it is entitled. In other patent systems, patents or applications are effective as references as of their earliest filing date, be it domestic or foreign. (a) If the effective date of a United States patent as a reference should be based on a foreign application filing date, should that foreign priority date be the effective date for anticipation purposes only and not for obviousness purposes so that the Hilmer rule is partially retained in that the United States patents with a foreign priority date are effective only as a reference for obviousness purposes as of the filing date in the United States (b) Is there rationale for abolishing the Hilmer rule totally so that foreign- origin United States patents will be effective as references for all purposes as of their foreign priority filing dates (c) What changes in procedure, if any, should the Patent and Trademark Office adopt to ensure adequate consideration of the disclosures in foreign-origin United States patents in the examination of United States patent applications (d) Should bilateral reciprocity be applied when deciding whether or not a United States patent is entitled to an earlier foreign filing priority date in a particular country for reference purposes XI. Reexamination The reexamination statute permits any person to file, with the requisite fee, a request for the reexamination of a patent in view of prior art limited to prior patents and printed publications. Issues of inequitable conduct, public use and sale, and the like, may not be addressed in reexamination. If the USPTO determines that the request raises "a substantial new question of patentability," the patent is reexamined under the same procedures applicable to the examination of new applications and concludes with the issuance of a reexamination certificate. The reexamina- tion process is basically ex parte in nature, with very limited participation by a third party requestor. Since the present system of reexamination was established by Congress in 1980, there have been numerous proposals to modify reexamination to increase the degree of participation of the requestor and/or to enlarge the scope of reexamination. (a) Do you believe the present reexamination system is working effectively If not, identify each deficiency that you believe exists in the system. (b) Do you believe that the present reexamination system should be modified to permit complete inter partes participation by a protestor at all phases of the reexamination proceeding If so, explain why. If not, explain why. (c) If your answer to question (b) is "no," to what extent, if any, should third parties be allowed greater participation than at present in reexamination proceedings (d) Would you be in favor of modifying the present reexamination system to permit or require one or more of the following: (1) Permitting a reexamination petitioner other than the patentee to comment on any claims in their finally allowed form, so as to provide the examiner with the petitioner's views prior to a final decision as to whether to issue a reexamination certificate (2) Permitting a reexamination petitioner to appeal both to the PTO Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences and to the Federal Circuit from any final decision favorable to a patentee in a reexamination proceeding (3) Conditioning the appeal noted in subparagraph (2) on the petitioner's agreement to forego litigating in any other forum any issue raised or which could have been raised on appeal (4) Precluding an accused infringer from relying as a defense on any prior art of printed publication unless that prior art or printed publication has been previously considered by the PTO either during the original prosecution of a patent or in a reissue or reexamination proceeding involving that patent (5) Precluding a party or its privies, against whom a judgment of invalidity of a patent claim or claims has been entered, from seeking or maintaining reexamination of that claim or claims (6) Requiring that claims of a reexamined application be construed under the same standards as those claims would be construed in a district court infringement proceeding (e) Should the scope of issues considered by the examiner during reexamination be broadened If so, how (e.g., by permitting consideration of public use or on sale bars, section 112 issues, inequitable conduct, etc.) (f) In what other ways, if any, should reexamination proceedings be changed XII. Assignee Filing of Applications The United States currently requires the actual inventor or inventors to file patent applications, subject to a few limited exceptions such as death, unavailability, or insanity. Each application must be accompanied by an oath from the actual inventor which states that the applicant believes he was the first to invent the claimed invention. Nearly all foreign patent systems permit the owner of an invention (whether the actual inventor or the assignee) to file the patent application without an oath signed by the inventor. (a) Should the United States allow filing of patent applications by assignees (b) What benefits and drawbacks would occur by allowing filing of patent applications by assignees (c) What contours should an assignee filing proposal have, including possible safeguards for inventors and the public XIII. PTO Funding and Fee Structure The Patent and Trademark Office historically recovered its costs through a combination of fees and funding from general tax revenues. The major patent fees are filing fees, and issue and maintenance fees in a two-tier system with lower rates for small entities. These fees have undergone substantial increases recently as Congress and the Administration have changed from a policy under which applicants and patent owners paid only a portion of these costs to one under which they pay full costs. (a) What impact, if any, will a system in which PTO costs are almost entirely user-fee funded have on (1) U.S. inventors generally, (2) on small entities, including independent inventors, and (3) the public (b) What realistic and practical alternatives can you suggest, other than user-fee funding, for funding PTO operations (c) Congress historically has provided fiscal oversight for the PTO. Will this attention by Congress continue at the same level in the absence of a significant allocation of taxpayer funds and, if not, what other fiscal oversight is appropriate (d) Should the more public-oriented functions of the PTO, e.g., public search room operations, be funded by user fees, or should such operations be supported by appropriated funds (e) Would it be desirable to increase the average application pendency time in the PTO to a level above 18 months if such increase permitted a significant reduction in PTO fees (f) What are the advantages and disadvantages of retaining a two-tier fee structure (g) Should large entities subsidize small entities in a two-tier structure, or should public funds be used to supplement small entity fees (h) As part of a two-tier fee structure, what would the pros and cons be of (1) redefining a small entity to include fewer than 500 employees, (2) providing a tax credit (e.g., 50%) in lieu of part or all of the 50% subsidy for small entities, (3) denying 50% subsidy benefits, on a need basis, to small entities who receive a defined minimum (e.g., $200,000) in technology transfer fees during the preceding year, and (4) imposing a flat (e.g., 10%) across-the- board fee increase if this permitted the continuance of the current small entity reduced fee structure (i) A major current cost of the PTO is that of automating the search files and system. How should this cost be recovered, if not through fees (j) Is there a mechanism in the Government for long-term investments, such as computer equipment, to be capitalized and paid off over their useful life Would it be possible and desirable to have such investments paid for by a bond over a period of years (e.g., 20 years) instead of by user fees) Should the current relation among filing, issue and maintenance fees be changed and, if so, how Are there other fee strategies which will better balance the need to recover costs and the need to keep the patent system accessible to inventors (k) Should the current relation among filing, issue and mainte- nance fees be changed and, if so, how Are there other fee strate- gies which will better balance the need to recover costs and the need to keep the patent system accessible to inventors (l) In discussions of patent harmonization, the question of pre-issuance publication of U.S. patents has been raised. Given the possible reluctance of Congress to fund the costs of such publication from general revenues, would you support such publica- tion if its cost were totally user-funded Dated: May 8, 1991. Harry F. Manbeck, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. 56 FR 22702-02