From: (John Kasdan)
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Subject: Conference Announcement
Date: 7 Jan 1995 13:57:01 -0500
Organization: Columbia University Department of Computer Science
Lines: 93
Message-ID: <3emo5t$>

                  **CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT**

Cryptography: Technology, Law and Economics
March 3, 1995, 141 Uris Hall, Columbia University

With increased commercial use of the internet, concerns about
transaction and data security have generated wide interest in
cryptography. Advances in cryptography technology allow parties to
communicate securely without exchanging keys prior to communication.
The same technology can also produce digital signatures which are
virtually impossible to forge and which could be used to validate
financial and legal documents.

Despite the advantages of these new technologies, a combination of
intellectual property restrictions, governmental objections and
bureaucratic inertia has, until recently, prevented nearly all usage
of these techniques. Government initiatives in the cryptographic area
are also raising fundamental questions regarding privacy and the
extent of the state's power. This conference brings together computer
scientists, attorneys, and economists working in the cryptographic
area to discuss these problems and their likely resolutions.


8:30-9:00       Registration

9:00-10:15      Technical Introduction
                Presenter:  Matt Franklin, Bell Labs

10:15-10:30     Coffee Break

10:30-12:00 Cryptography and Commerce on the Infobahn:Myth and Reality
          Moderator:  Eli Noam, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information
          Panelists:      Stuart Haber, Surety, Inc.
                          Matt Blaze, Bell Labs

12:00-12:15     Coffee Break

12:15-1:15      Constitutionality of Mandatory Key Escrowing
                Presenter:  John Kasdan, Columbia Univ. Law
                Respondent: Eben Moglen, Columbia Univ. Law

1:15-2:30       Luncheon Address:  History of Cryptography
                Andrew Gleason, Professor of Mathematics, Harvard Univ.

2:30-3:45       Rationales for Export Restrictions on Cryptographic
          Presenter:      Daniel Cohen, Computer Science Hunter College
          Respondents:    Stewart Baker,  Steptoe and Johnson
                     Marc Rotenberg, Electronic Privacy Information Center

3:45-4:00       Break

4:00-5:15       The Effect of Patents on the Cryptographic Industry
          Presenter:  Julie Nelson, American University.
          Respondent: Dick Nelson, Columbia University.

5:15      Cocktails

Registration Information:

Registration Fees:
    Corporate rate:     $95
    Non-Profit/Academic:    $35
    CITI Affiliates:        Free

Attendees should respond by mail, fax, or phone, forwarding a check
payable to:
    Columbia Institute for Tele-Information
    Columbia University
    Graduate School of Business
    809 Uris Hall
    New York, NY 10027
    Fax:    212 932-7816
    Phone:  212 854-4222

Directions to Uris Hall, Columbia University

The entrance to Columbia University is located at Broadway & 116th
Street.  The local subway (#1/9) stops at Broadway & 116th street.
Parking is available at Riverside Church on 119th Street, between
Broadway and Riverside Drive.
Uris Hall is located directly north of Low Library (a large domed
building at the center of campus).

(I tried to cancel an earlier posting of this announcement, which
contained a typo.  I apologize if any site received multiple copies of