From: (Bruce Sterling)
Newsgroups: austin.eff
Subject: HTCIA Speech text
Date: 10 Nov 1994 11:25:54 -0600
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X-Unparseable-Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 12:00:12 -0600

Bruce Sterling
Literary Freeware -- Not for Commercial Use
Speech to High Technology Crime Investigation 
Lake Tahoe, Nov 1994
	Good morning, my name's Bruce Sterling, and I'm a 
sometime computer crime journalist and longtime 
science fiction writer from Austin Texas.  I'm the guy who 
wrote HACKER CRACKDOWN, which is the book 
you're getting on one of those floppy disks that are being 
distributed at this gig like party favors.
	People in law enforcement often ask me, Mr 
Sterling, if you're a science fiction writer like you say you 
are, then why should you care about American computer 
police and private security?  And also, how come my kids 
can never find any copies of your sci-fi novels?   Well, my 
publishers do their best.  The truth of the matter is that 
I've survived my brief career as a  computer-crime 
journalist.   I'm now back to writing science fiction full 
time, like I want to do and like I ought to do.   I really 
can't help the rest of it.   
	It's true that HACKER CRACKDOWN is still 
available on the stands at your friendly local bookstore -- 
maybe a better chance if it's a computer bookstore.   In 
fact it's in its second paperback printing, which is 
considered pretty good news in my business.  The critics 
have been very kind about that book.  But  even though 
I'm sure I could write another book like HACKER 
CRACKDOWN every year for the rest of my life, I'm just 
not gonna do that.   
	Instead, let me show you some items out of this bag.  
This is HACKER CRACKDOWN, the paperback.  And 
see, this is a book of my short stories that has come out 
since I published HACKER CRACKDOWN!  And here's 
a brand new hardback novel of mine which came out just 
last month!   Hard physical evidence of my career as a 
fiction writer!  I know these wacko cyberpunk sci-fi books 
are of basically zero relevance to you guys, but I'm 
absurdly proud of them, so I just had to show them off.  
	So why did I write HACKER CRACKDOWN in the 
first place?  Well, I figured that somebody ought to do it, 
and nobody else was willing, that's why.   When I first got 
interested in Operation Sundevil and the Legion of 
Doom and the raid on Steve Jackson Games and so 
forth, it was 1990.  All these issues were very obscure.  It 
was the middle of the Bush Administration.    There was 
no information superhighway vice president.  There was 
no WIRED magazine.  There was no Electronic Frontier 
Foundation.  There was no Clipper Chip and no Digital 
Telephony Initiative.   There was no PGP and no World 
Wide Web.   There were a few books around, and a 
couple of movies, that glamorized computer crackers, 
but there had never been a popular book written about 
American computer cops.  
	When I got started researching HACKER 
CRACKDOWN,  my first and only nonfiction book, I 
didn't even think I was going to write any such book.  
There were four other journalists hot on the case who 
were all rather better qualified than I was.  But one by 
one they all dropped out.  Eventually I realized that 
either I was going to write it, or nobody was ever going to 
tell the story.   All those strange events and peculiar 
happenings  would have passed, and left no public 
record.  I couldn't help but feel that if I didn't take the 
trouble and effort to tell people what had happened, it 
would probably all have to happen all over again.  And 
again and again, until people finally noticed it and were 
willing to talk about it publicly.
	Nowadays it's very different.   There are about a 
million journalists with Internet addresses now.   There 
are other books around, like for instance Hafner and 
which is a far better book about hackers than my book is.  
Mungo and Clough's book APPROACHING ZERO has a 
pretty interesting take on the European virus scene.   
Joshua Quittner has a book coming out on the Masters 
of Deception hacking group.   Then there's this other 
very recent book I have here, CYBERSPACE AND THE 
LAW by Cavazos and Morin, which is a pretty good 
practical handbook on digital civil liberties issues.  This 
book explains in pretty good legal detail exactly what 
kind of stunts with your modem are likely to get you into 
trouble.  This is a useful service for keeping people out of 
hot water, which is pretty much what my book was 
intended to do, only this book does it better.  And there 
have been a lot of magazine and newspaper articles 
	Basically, I'm no longer needed as a computer crime 
journalist.  The world is full of computer journalists now, 
and the stuff I was writing about four years ago, is hot 
and sexy and popular now.   That's why I don't have to 
write it any more.  I was ahead of my time.   I'm supposed 
to be ahead of my time.  I'm a science fiction writer.  
Believe it or not, I'm needed to write science fiction.  
Taking a science fiction writer and turning him into a 
journalist is like stealing pencils from a blind man's cup. 
	So frankly, I haven't been keeping up with you guys, 
and your odd and unusual world, with the same gusto I 
did in 90 and 91.   Nowadays, I spend all my time 
researching science fiction.  I spent most of 92 and 93 
learning about tornadoes and the Greenhouse Effect.  At 
the moment, I'm really interested in photography, 
cosmetics and computer interfaces.  In 95 and 96 I'll be 
interested in something else.  That may seem kind of 
odd and dilettantish on my part.  It doesn't show much 
intellectual staying power.  But my intellectual life 
doesn't have to make any sense.  Because I'm a science 
fiction writer.  
	Even though I'm not in the computer crime game 
any more, I do maintain an interest.  For a lot of pretty 
good reasons.    I still read most of the computer crime 
journalism that's out there.  And I'll tell you one thing 
about it.   There's way, way too much  blather about 
teenage computer intruders, and nowhere near enough 
coverage of computer cops.  Computer cops are a 
hundred times more interesting than sneaky teenagers 
with kodes and kards.  A guy like Carlton Fitzpatrick 
should be a hundred times more famous than some  
wretched hacker kid like Mark Abene.  A group like the 
FCIC is a hundred times more influential and important 
and interesting than the Chaos Computer Club, Hack-
Tic, and the 2600 group all put together.  
	The United States Secret Service is a heavy outfit.  
It's astounding how little has ever been written or 
published about Secret Service people, and their lives, 
and their history, and how life really looks to them.   Cops 
are really good material for a journalist or a fiction writer.  
Cops see things most human beings never see.   Even 
private security people have a lot to say for themselves.  
Computer-intrusion hackers and phone phreaks, by 
contrast, are basically pretty damned boring.
	You know, I used to go actively looking for hackers, 
but I don't bother any more.  I don't have to.  Hackers 
come looking for me these days.  And they find me, 
because I make no particular effort to hide.  I get these 
phone calls -- I mean, I know a lot of you have gotten 
these hacker phone calls -- but for me they go a lot like 
Ring ring.  "Hello?"
"Is this Bruce Sterling?"
"Yeah, you got him."
"Are you the guy who wrote HACKER CRACKDOWN?"
"Yeah, that's me, dude.  What's on your mind?"
"Uh, nothing -- I just wanted to know if you were there!"
"Well, okay, I'm here.   If you ever get anything on your 
mind, you let me know."  Click, buzz.  I get dozens of calls 
like that.
And, pretty often, I'll get another call about 24 hours 
later, and it'll be the same kid, only this time he has ten 
hacker buddies with him on some illegal bridge call. 
They're the Scarlet Scorpion and the Electric Ninja and 
the Flaming Rutabaga, and they really want me to log 
onto their pirate bulletin board system, the Smurfs in 
Hell BBS somewhere in Wisconsin or Ohio or Idaho.  I 
thank them politely for the invitation and I tell them I 
kind of have a lot of previous engagements, and then 
they leave me alone.
      I also get a lot of call from journalists.  Journalists 
doing computer crime stories.  I've somehow acquired a 
reputation as a guy who knows something about 
computer crime and who is willing to talk  to journalists.  
And I do that, too.  Because I have nothing to lose.    Why 
shouldn't I talk to another journalist?  He's got a boss, I 
don't.  He's got a deadline, I don't.  I know  more or less 
what I'm talking about, he usually doesn't have a ghost of 
a clue.   And suppose I say something really rude or 
tactless or crazy, and it gets printed in public.   So what?  
I'm a science fiction writer!  What are they supposed to 
do to me -- take away my tenure?
	Hackers will also talk to journalists.  Hackers brag all 
the time.   Computer cops, however, have not had a 
stellar record in their press relations.  I think this is sad.  I 
understand that there's a genuine need for operational 
discretion and so forth, but since a lot of computer cops 
are experts in telecommunications, you'd think they'd 
come up with some neat trick to get around these 
	Let's consider, for instance, the Kevin Mitnick 
problem.  We all know who this guy Mitnick is.  If you 
don't know who Kevin Mitnick is, raise your hand....  
Right, I thought so.  Kevin Mitnick is a hacker and he's 
on the lam at the moment, he's a wanted fugitive.  The 
FBI tried to nab Kevin a few months back at a computer 
civil liberties convention in Chicago and apprehended 
the wrong guy.   That was pretty embarrassing, frankly.   I 
was there, I saw it, I also saw the FBI trying to explain 
later to about five hundred enraged self-righteous 
liberals, and  it was pretty sad.   The local FBI office came 
a cropper because they didn't really know what Kevin 
Mitnick looked like.  
	I don't know what Mitnick looks like either, even 
though I've written about him a little bit, and my 
question is, how come?  How come there's no publicly 
accessible WorldWideWeb page with mugshots of 
wanted computer-crime fugitives?   Even the US Postal 
Service has got this much together, and they don't even 
have modems.  Why don't the FBI and the USSS have  
public relations stations in cyberspace?  For that matter, 
why doesn't the HTCIA have its own Internet site?  All 
the computer businesses have Internet sites now, unless 
they're totally out of it.  Why aren't computer cops in 
much, much better rapport with the computer 
community through computer networks?    You don't 
have to grant live interviews with every journalist in sight 
if you don't want to, I can understand that that can create 
a big mess sometimes.  But just put some data up in 
public, for heaven's sake.  Crime statistics.  Wanted 
posters.  Security advice.  Antivirus programs, whatever.  
Stuff that will help the cyberspace community that you 
are supposed to be protecting and serving.   
	I know there are people in computer law 
enforcement who are  ready and willing and able to do 
this, but they can't make it happen because of too much 
bureaucracy and, frankly, too much useless hermetic 
secrecy.   Computer cops ought to publicly walk the beat 
in cyberspace a lot more, and stop hiding your light 
under a bushel.   What is your problem, exactly?   Are 
you afraid somebody might find out that you exist?
	I think that this is an amazing oversight and a total 
no-brainer on your part, to be the cops in an information 
society and not be willing to get online big-time and 
really push your information -- but maybe that's just me.   
I enjoy publicity, personally.  I think it's good for people.  
I talk a lot, because I'm just an opinionated guy.  I can't 
help it.  A writer without an opinion is like a farmer 
without a plow, or a professor without a chalkboard, or a 
cop without a computer -- it's just something basically 
useless and unnatural.    
	I don't mind talking to you this morning, I'm 
perfectly willing to talk to you, but since I'm not a cop or a 
prosecutor, I don't really have much of genuine nuts-
and-bolts value to offer to you ladies and gentlemen.  It's 
sheer arrogance on my part to lecture you on how to do 
your jobs.  But since I was asked to come here, I can at 
least offer you my opinions.  Since they're probably not 
worth much,  I figure I ought to at least be frank about 
	First the good part.  Let me tell you about a few 
recent events in your milieu that I have no conceptual 
difficulties with.   Case in point.  Some guy up around San 
Francisco is cloning off cellphones, and he's burning 
EPROMs and pirating cellular ID's, and he's moved 
about a thousand of these hot phones to his running 
buddies in the mob in Singapore, and they've bought 
him a real nice sports car with the proceeds.   The Secret 
Service shows up at the guy's house, catches him with his 
little soldering irons in hand, busts him, hauls him 
downtown, calls a press conference after the bust, says 
that this activity is a big problem for cellphone 
companies and they're gonna turn up the heat on people 
who do this stuff.  I have no problem with this situation.  I 
even take a certain grim satisfaction in it.  Is this a crime?  
Yes.  Is this guy a bad guy with evil intent?  Yes.  Is law 
enforcement performing its  basic duty here?  Yes it is.  
Do I mind if corporate private security is kinda pitching 
in behind the scenes and protecting their own 
commercial interests here?  No, not really.  Is there some 
major civil liberties and free expression angle involved in 
this guy's ripping off cellular companies?  No.  Is there a 
threat to privacy here?  Yeah -- him, the perpetrator.   Is 
the Secret Service emptily boasting and grandstanding 
when they hang this guy out to dry in public?  No, this 
looks like legitimate deterrence to me, and if they want a 
little glory out of it, well hell we all want a little glory 
sometimes.  We can't survive without a little glory.  Take 
the dumb bastard away with my blessing.
	Okay, some group of Vietnamese Triad types hijack 
a truckload of chips in Silicon Valley, then move the loot 
overseas to the Asian black market through some 
smuggling network that got bored with running heroin.  
Are these guys "Robin Hoods of the Electronic Frontier?"  
I don't think so.   Am I all impressed because some 
warlord in the Golden Triangle may be getting free 
computation services, and information wants to be free?  
No, this doesn't strike me as a positive development, 
frankly.  Is organized crime a menace to our society?  
Yeah!  It is!  
	I can't say I've ever had anything much to do -- 
knowingly that is -- with wiseguy types, but I spent a little 
time in Moscow recently, and in Italy too at the height of 
their Tangentopoly kickback scandal, and you know, 
organized crime and endemic corruption are very 
serious problems indeed.  You get enough of that evil 
crap going on in your society and it's like nobody can 
breathe.   A protection racket -- I never quite grasped 
how that worked and what it meant to victims, till I spent 
a couple of weeks in Moscow last December.  That's a 
nasty piece of work, that stuff.
	Another case.  Some joker gets himself a job in a 
long distance provider, and he writes a PIN-trapping 
network program and he gets his mitts on about eight 
zillion PINs and he sells them for a buck apiece to his 
hacker buddies all over the US and Europe.  Do I think 
this is clever?  Yeah, it's pretty ingenious.  Do I think it's a 
crime?  Yes, I think this is a criminal act.  I think this guy 
is basically corrupt.   Do I think free or cheap long 
distance is a good idea?  Yeah I do actually; I think if 
there were a very low flat rate on long distance, then you 
would see usage skyrocket so drastically that long 
distance providers would actually make more money in 
the long run.  I'd like to see them try that experiment 
some time;  I don't think the way they run phone 
companies in 1994 is the only possible way to run them 
successfully.  I think phone companies are probably 
gonna have to change their act pretty drastically if they 
expect to survive in the 21st century's media 
	But you know, that's not this guy's lookout.  He's not 
the one to make that business decision.  Theft is not an 
act of reform.  He's abusing a position of trust as an 
employee in order to illegally line his own pockets.  I 
think this guy is a crook. 
	So I have no problems with those recent law 
enforcement operations.  I wish they'd gotten more 
publicity, and I'm kinda sorry that I wasn't able to give 
them more publicity myself, but at least I've heard of 
them, and I was paying some attention when they 
happened.  Now I want to talk about some stuff that bugs 
	I'm an author and I'm interested in free expression, 
and it's only natural because that's my bailiwick.  Free 
expression is a problem for writers, and it's always been a 
problem, and it's probably always gonna be a problem.  
We in the West have these ancient and honored 
tradition of Western free speech and freedom of the 
press, and in the US we have this rather more up-to-date 
concept of "freedom of information."    But even so, there 
is an enormous amount of "information" today  which is 
highly problematic.   Just because freedom of the press 
was in the Constitution didn't mean that people were 
able to stop thinking about what press-freedom really 
means in real life, and fighting about it and suing each 
other about it.   We Americans have lots of problems 
with our freedom of the press and our freedom of 
speech.   Problems like libel and slander.  Incitement to 
riot.  Obscenity.  Child pornography.  Flag-burning.  
Cross-burning.  Race-hate propaganda.  Political 
correctness.  Sexist language.  Mrs. Gore's Parents Music 
Resource Council.  Movie ratings.  Plagiarism.  
Photocopying rights.  A journalist's so-called right to 
protect his sources.  Fair-use doctrine.  Lawyer-client 
confidentiality.  Paid political announcements.  Banning 
ads for liquor and cigarettes.  The fairness doctrine for 
broadcasters.  School textbook censors.  National 
security.  Military secrets.  Industrial trade secrets.  Arts 
funding for so-called obscenity.  Even religious 
blasphemy such as Salman Rushdie's famous novel 
SATANIC VERSES, which is hated so violently by the 
kind of people who like to blow up the World Trade 
Center.  All these huge problems about what people can 
say to each other, under what circumstances.   And that's 
without computers and computer networks.
	Every single one of those problems is applicable to 
cyberspace.  Computers don't make any of these old 
free-expression problems go away; on the contrary, they 
intensify them, and they introduce a bunch of new 
problems.   Problems like software piracy.  Encryption.  
Wire-fraud.  Interstate transportation of stolen digital 
property.  Free expression on privately owned networks.  
So-called "data-mining" to invade personal privacy.  
Employers spying on employee e-mail.  Intellectual 
rights over electronic publications.  Computer search 
and seizure practice.  Legal liability for network crashes.  
Computer intrusion, and on and on and on.  These are 
real problems.  They're out there.  They're out there now.  
And in the future they're only going to get worse.  And 
there's going to be a bunch of new problems that 
nobody's even imagined yet.
	I worry about these issues because guys in a position 
like mine ought to worry about these issues.  I can't say 
I've ever suffered much personally because of 
censorship, or through my government's objections to 
what I have to say.  On the contrary, the current US 
government likes me so much that it kind of makes me 
nervous.  But I've written ten books, and I  don't think 
I've ever written a book that could have been legally 
published in its entirety fifty years ago.   Because my 
books talk about things that people just didn't talk about 
much fifty years ago, like sex for instance.  In my books, 
my characters talk like normal people talk nowadays, 
which is to say that they cuss a lot.   Even in HACKER 
CRACKDOWN there are sections where people use 
obscenities in conversations, and by the way the people I 
was quoting were computer cops.   
	I'm forty years old; I can remember when people 
didn't use the word "condom" in public.  Nowadays, if 
you don't know what a condom is and how to use it, 
there's a pretty good chance you're gonna die.  
Standards change a lot.  Culture changes a lot.  The laws 
supposedly governing this behavior are very gray and 
riddled with contradictions and compromises.  There are 
some people who don't want our culture to change, or 
they want to change it even faster in some direction 
they've got their own ideas about.   When police get 
involved in cultural struggles it's always very highly 
politicized.  The chances of its ending well are not good.
	It's been quite a while since there was a really good 
ripping computer-intrusion scandal in the news.   
Nowadays the hotbutton issue is porn.  Kidporn and 
other porn.   I don't have much sympathy for kidporn 
people, I think the exploitation of children is a vile and 
grotesque criminal act, but I've seen some computer 
porn cases lately that look pretty problematic and 
peculiar to me.  I don't think there's a lot to be gained by 
playing up the terrifying menace of porn on networks.   
Porn is just too treacherous an issue to be of much use to 
anybody.  It's not a firm and dependable place in which 
to take a stand on how we ought to run our networks.
	For instance, there's this Amateur Action case.  
We've got this guy and his wife in California, and they're 
selling some pretty seriously vile material off their 
bulletin board.   They get indicted in Tennessee.  What is 
that about?   Do we really think that people in Memphis 
can enforce their pornographic community standards on 
people in California?   I'd be genuinely impressed if a 
prosecutor got a jury in California to indict and convict 
some pornographer in Tennessee.  I'd figure that 
Tennessee guy had to be some kind of pretty heavy-duty 
pornographer.   Doing that in the other direction is like 
shooting fish in  a barrel.  There's something cheap 
about it.   This doesn't smell like an airtight criminal case 
to me.   This smells to me like some guy from Tennessee 
trying to enforce his own local cultural standards via a 
long-distance phone line.  That may not be the actual 
truth about the case, but that's what the case looks like. 
It's real hard to make a porn case look good at any time.   
If it's a weak case, then the prosecutor looks like a 
bluenosed goody-goody wimp.  If it's a strong case, then 
the whole mess is so disgusting that nobody even wants 
to think about it or even look hard at the evidence.   Porn 
is a no-win situation when it comes to the basic social 
purpose of instilling law and order on networks.
	I think you could make a pretty good case in 
Tennessee that people in California are a bunch of 
flakey perverted lunatics, but I also think that in 
California you can make a pretty good case that people 
from Tennessee are a bunch of hillbilly fundamentalist 
wackos.   You start playing off one community against 
another, pretty soon you're out of the realm of criminal 
law, and into the realm of trying to control people's 
cultural behavior with a nightstick.   There's not a lot to 
be gained by this fight.   You may intimidate a few 
pornographers here and there, but you're also likely to 
seriously infuriate a bunch of bystanders.   It's not a fight 
you can win, even if you win a case, or two cases, or ten 
cases.  People in California are never gonna behave in a 
way that satisfies people in Tennessee.  People in 
California have more money and more power and more 
influence than people in Tennessee.  People in 
California invented Hollywood and Silicon Valley, and 
people in Tennessee invented ways to put smut labels on 
rock and roll albums.   
	This is what Pat Buchanan  and Newt Gingrich are 
talking about when they talk about cultural war in 
America.  And this is what politically correct people talk 
about when they launch eighteen harassment lawsuits 
because some kid on some campus computer network 
said something that some ultrafeminist radical found 
demeaning.   If I were a cop, I would be very careful of 
looking like a pawn in some cultural warfare by 
ambitious radical politicians.   The country's infested 
with zealots now, zealots to the left and right.  A lot of 
these people are fanatics motivated by fear and anger, 
and they don't care two pins about public order, or the 
people who maintain it and keep the peace in our 
society.   They don't give a damn about justice, they have 
their own agendas.   They'll seize on any chance they can 
get to make the other side shut up and knuckle under.   
They don't want a debate.  They just want to crush their 
enemies by whatever means necessary.   If they can use 
cops to do it, great!   Cops are expendable.
	There's another porn case that bugs me even more.  
There's this guy in Oklahoma City who had a big FidoNet 
bulletin board, and a storefront where he sold CD-
ROMs.   Some of them, a few, were porn CD-ROMs.  The 
Oklahoma City police catch this local hacker kid and of 
course he squeals like they always do, and he says don't 
nail me, nail this other adult guy, he's a pornographer.   
So off the police go to raid this guy's place of business, 
and while they're at it they carry some minicams and 
they broadcast their raid on that night's Oklahoma City 
evening news.   This was a really high-tech and 
innovative thing to do, but it was also a really reckless 
cowboy thing to do, because it left no political fallback 
position.   They were now utterly committed to crucifying 
this guy, because otherwise it was too much of a political 
embarrassment.   They couldn't just shrug  and say, 
"Well we've just busted this guy for selling a few lousy 
CD-ROMs that anybody in the country can mail-order 
with impunity out of the back of a computer magazine."  
They had to assemble a jury, with a couple of 
fundamentalist ministers on it, and show the most rancid 
graphic image files to the twelve good people and true.   
And you know, sure enough it was judged in a court to be 
pornography.   I don't think there was much doubt that it 
was pornography, and I don't doubt that any jury in 
Oklahoma City would have called it pornography by the 
local Oklahoma City community standards.   This guy got 
convicted.   Lost the trial.  Lost his business.  Went to jail.  
His wife sued for divorce.   He lost custody of his kids.   
He's a convict.  His life is in ruins.
	The hell of it, I don't think this guy was a 
pornographer by any genuine definition.  He had no 
previous convictions.  Never been in trouble, didn't have 
a bad character.  Had an honorable war record in 
Vietnam.  Paid his taxes.  People who knew him 
personally spoke very highly of him.  He wasn't some 
loony sleazebag.  He was just a guy selling disks that 
other people just like him sell all over the country, 
without anyone blinking an eye.   As far as I can figure it, 
the Oklahoma City police and an Oklahoma prosecutor 
skinned this guy and nailed his hide to the side of a barn, 
just because they didn't want to look bad.  I think a 
serious injustice was done here.
	I also think it was a terrible public relations move.   
There's a magazine out called BOARDWATCH, 
practically everybody who runs a bulletin board system 
in this country reads it.  When the editor of this 
magazine heard about the outcome of this case, he 
basically went nonlinear.  He wrote this scorching furious 
editorial berating the authorities.   The Oklahoma City 
prosecutor sent his little message all right, and it went 
over the Oklahoma City evening news, and probably 
made him look pretty good, locally, personally.  But this 
magazine sent a much bigger and much  angrier 
message, which went all over the country to a perfect 
target computer-industry audience of BBS sysops.   This 
editor's message was that the Oklahoma City police are a 
bunch of crazed no-neck gestapo, who don't know 
nothing about nothing, and hate anybody who does.   I 
think that the genuine cause of computer law and order 
was very much harmed by this case.
	It seems to me that there are a couple of useful 
lessons to be learned here.   The first, of course, is don't 
sell porn in Oklahoma City.   And the second lesson is, if 
your city's on an antiporn crusade and you're a cop, it's a 
good idea to drop by the local porn outlets and openly 
tell the merchants that porn is illegal.  Tell them straight 
out that you know they have some porn, and they'd 
better knock it off.  If they've got any sense, they'll take 
this word from the wise and stop breaking the local 
community standards forthwith.   If they go on doing it, 
well, presumably they're hardened porn merchants of 
some kind, and when they get into trouble with 
ambitious local prosecutors they'll have no one to blame 
but themselves.  Don't jump in headfirst with an agenda 
and a videocam.   Because it's real easy to wade hip deep 
into a blaze of publicity, but it's real hard to wade back 
out without getting the sticky stuff all over you.
	Well, it's generally a thankless lot being an 
American computer cop.  You know this, I know this.  I 
even regret having to bring these matters up, though I 
feel that I ought to, given the circumstances.   I do, 
however, see one large ray of light in the American 
computer law enforcement scene, and that is the 
behavior of computer cops in other countries.   American 
computer cops have had to suffer under the spotlights 
because they were the first people in the world doing this 
sort of activity.  But now we're starting to see other law 
enforcement people weighing in in other countries.  To 
judge by early indications, the situation's going to be a lot 
worse overseas.   
	Italy, for instance.  The Italian finance police 
recently decided that everybody on FidoNet was a 
software pirate, so they went out and seized somewhere 
between fifty and a hundred bulletin boards.   Accounts 
are confused, not least because most of the accounts are 
in Italian.  Nothing much has appeared in the way of 
charges or convictions, and there's been a lot of 
anguished squawling from deeply alienated and 
radicalized Italian computer people.   Italy is a country 
where entire political parties have been annihilated 
because of endemic corruption and bribery scandals.  A 
country where organized crime shoots judges and blows 
up churches with car bombs.   They got a guy running the 
country now who is basically Ted Turner in Italian drag -- 
he owns a bunch of television stations -- and here his 
federal cops have gone out and busted a bunch of left-
wing bulletin board systems.    It's not doing much good 
for the software piracy problem and it's sure not helping 
the local political situation.  In Italy politics are so weird 
that the Italian Communist Party has a national 
reputation as the party of honest government.   The 
Communists hate the guts of this new Prime Minister, 
and he's in bed with the neo-fascist ultra-right and a 
bunch of local ethnic separatists who want to cut the 
country  in half.   That's  a very strange and volatile scene. 
	The hell of it is, in the long run I think the Italians 
are going to turn out to be one of the better countries at 
handling computer crime.  Wait till we start hearing 
from the Poles, the Romanians, the Chinese, the Serbs, 
the Turks, the Pakistanis, the Saudis.   
	Here in America we're actually getting used to this 
stuff, a little bit, sort of.  We have a White House with its 
own Internet address and its own World Wide Web 
page.   Owning and using a modem is fashionable in the 
USA.   American law enforcement agencies are 
increasingly equipped with a clue.  In Europe you have 
computers all over the place, but they are imbedded in a 
patchwork of PTTs and peculiar local jurisdictions and 
even more peculiar and archaic local laws.   I think the 
chances of some social toxic reaction from computing 
and telecommunications are much higher in Europe and 
Asia than in the USA.   I think that in a few more years, 
American cops are going to earn a global reputation as 
being very much on top of this stuff.   I think there's a 
fairly good chance that the various interested parties in 
the USA can find some kind of workable accommodation 
and common ground on most of the important social 
issues.   There won't be so much blundering around, not 
so many unpleasant surprises, not so much panic and 
	As for the computer crime scene, I think it's pretty 
likely that American computer crime is going to look 
relatively low-key, compared to the eventual rise of ex-
Soviet computer crime, and Eastern European computer 
crime, and Southeast Asian computer crime. 
	I'm a science fiction writer, and I like to speculate 
about the future.  I think American computer police are 
going to have a hard row to hoe, because they are almost 
always going to be the first in the world to catch hell from 
these issues.   Certain bad things are naturally going to 
happen here first, because we're the people who are 
inventing almost all the possibilities.   But I also feel that 
it's not very likely that bad things will reach their full 
extremity of awfulness here.   It's quite possible that 
American computer police will make some really awful 
mistakes, but I can almost guarantee that other people's 
police will make mistakes worse by an order of 
magnitude.   American police may hit people with sticks, 
but other people's police are going to hit people with 
axes and cattle prods.   Computers will probably help 
people manage better in those countries where people 
can actually manage.  In countries that are falling apart, 
overcrowded countries with degraded environments and 
deep social problems, computers might well make things 
fall apart even faster.
   	Countries that have offshore money-laundries are 
gonna have offshore data laundries.  Countries that now 
have lousy oppressive governments and smart, 
determined terrorist revolutionaries,  are gonna have 
lousy oppressive governments and smart determined 
terrorist revolutionaries with computers.  Not too long 
after that, they're going to have  tyrannical revolutionary 
governments run by zealots with  computers, and then 
we're likely to see just how close to Big Brother a 
government can really get.   Dealing with these people is 
going to be a big problem for us.  
	Other people have worse problems than we do, and I 
suppose that's some comfort to us in a way.   But we've 
got our problems here, too.  It's no use hiding from them.  
Since 1980 the American prison population has risen by 
one hundred and eighty eight percent.  In 1993 we had 
948,881 prisoners in federal or state correctional facilities.   
I appreciate the hard work it took to put these nearly one 
million people into American prisons, but you know, I 
can't say that the knowledge that there are a million 
people in prison in my country really makes me feel 
much  safer.   Quite the contrary, really.   Does it make 
keeping public order easier when there are so many 
people around with no future and no stake in the status 
quo and nothing left to lose?  I don't think it does.
	We've got a governor's race in my state that's a 
nasty piece of work -- the incumbent and the challenger 
are practically wrestling in public for the privilege of 
putting on a black hood and jabbing people with the 
needle.   That's not a pretty sight.   I hear a lot about 
vengeance and punishment lately,  but I don't hear a lot 
about justice.   I hear a lot about rights and lawsuits, but I 
don't hear a lot about debate and public goodwill and 
public civility.    I think it's past time in this country that 
we stopped demonizing one another, and tried to see 
each other as human beings and listen seriously to each 
other.   And personally, I think I've talked enough this 
morning.  It's time for me to listen to you guys for a while.   
	I confess that in my weaker moments I've had the 
bad taste to become a journalist.  But I didn't come here 
to write anything about you, I've given that up for now.  
I'm here as a citizen and an interested party.  I was glad 
to be invited to come here, because I was sure I'd learn 
something that I ought to know.  I appreciate your 
patience and attention very much, and I hope you'll see 
that I mean to return the favor.  Thanksr.  Thanks a lot.