From: (Julian Assange) Subject: HomeAlone 0.91beta (fast disk/homepage/thumbprint/hidleho + more) indexer and html table generator Date: 1995/12/24 Message-ID: <4bi7um$> X-Deja-AN: 122670575 organization: Australian Public Access Network Association newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi, comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html, comp.infosystems.www.authoring.images,comp.infosystems.www.misc, comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,alt.sources,comp.unix.admin, apana.general This is HomeAlone 0.91 beta (first public release!) You can always ftp the current version from: I'll let the man page do the talking. It's DEC 24 and time to be elsewhere. Merry xmass! HOMEALONE 0.91(1) HOMEALONE 0.91(1) NAME homealone - fast user/directory/www page analyser and indexer SYNOPSIS homealone [-3AbBdDEiImnNrRuWx] [-a address] [-c caption] [-e command] [-f pattern] [-F pattern] [-g pattern] [-G pattern] [-h path] [-H directory] [-j [cdefilmnoqrstuwxz]] [-l days] [-L days] [-M address] [-o file] [-p file] [-P file] [-s [cCdDeEfFiIlLmMnNoOqQrRsStTuUwWxXzZ]] [-t thumb- nail] [-T URL] [-v pattern] [-V pattern] [-w width] DESCRIPTION homealone creates indexes and statistics of users, home directories and world wide web (home) pages in an effi- cient manner (no PERL please, we are Australian). OPTIONS -3 Produce HTML3.0 tabular output. -A If -S or -D are active then examine all files scanned for the most recent timestamp. -a address Defines hostname to map user pages onto, e.g '-a'. -b Calaculate disk usage from block count rather than file size. -B Produce regular output and then HTML3.0 tabular output. -c caption Specify caption (c.f -3) or heading for each home page list. A '%s' occuring within caption is spe- cial and will be replaced with the current sort description (c.f -s). Multiple parameters may be specified for sucessive sorts. -d Obtain modification times from home page directory time stamp rather than from the home page time stamp. -D Perform usage statistics of users' home directories (c.f -I). -e command Use command to match home-page ($in), e.g 'agrep -2 syphilology $in'. -E Place version details at end of output rather than at the start. 1 HOMEALONE 0.91(1) HOMEALONE 0.91(1) -f pattern Include all users who's finger information matches pattern. Multiple parameters may be specified. -F pattern Exclude all users who's finger information matches pattern. Multiple parameters may be specified. -g pattern Include all home pages with this pattern in them. Multiple parameters may be specified. -G pattern Include files matching pattern for directory usage statistics. Multiple parameters maybe specified. -h homepage Specify path to homepage, e.g '-h pub- lic_html/index.html'. -H directory Collect hidleho statistics from record files in directory. e.g '-H /usr/hidleho'. -i Ingnore case differences when using pattern matches (c.f -g, -v). -I Include users into output even if they do not have a home page. -j flags The string flags controls which join fields are displayed and in what order they present them- selves. The field descriptions will also be auto- matically calculated and aligned. The flags that can be used are are identical to those used with the -s (sort) option. Please refer to it for detail on the fields associated with each flag. -l days Select only pages last modified in the specified number of days. -L days Select pages modified after the specified number of days. -m Attach a 'mailto:' url to the users login name. -M address Specify a mailing address different to that of the home page address. -n Do not output final analysis statistics. 2 HOMEALONE 0.91(1) HOMEALONE 0.91(1) -N Do not scan for home pages. -o file Direct output to file. Multiple parameters maybe specified, in which case sucessive sort operations will be placed into sucessive files, with any remaining output being placed into the last file. If the filename contains the string '%d' then that portion is replaced with an incremental count. -p file Use file instead of /etc/passwd to obtain account information. -P file Don't scan accounts, but use the pre-generated (with -u) file instead to get usernames, time stamps and usage statistics. This is useful for interactive access. You can merely generate one fairly complete -P compatible file of all accounts with usage statistics enabled once every day (or so) via a cron and then perform frequent (perhaps CGI based) queries on that data (quite efficient). -r Reverse the pattern matching order so that inclu- sive patterns are matched before exclusive pat- terns. -R Specifiy that the www deamon normally runs with root privs i.e can read protected files/dirs. If without this flag HomeAlone will perform permission checks on the homepage, the www sub-directory and the user's home directory. Pages that fail will be excluded. -s [rRuUlLdDfFsS] Sort output according to specified criteria. Reverse order sorting is indicated with uppercase sort flags. Several flags may be specified, the first being dominant. e.g '-s Dl' sorts by reverse days since modification but if the dates are iden- tical then duplicates are sorted alphabetically according to the login name. Multiple parameters maybe given, causing multiple output (c.f -o). Sev- eral sorting types are available: c sort by the number of hidleho credits used (requires hidleho). d sort by home directory age (in days) (requires hidleho) (c.f -H, -D, -d, -A). e sort by time left (requires hidleho). 3 HOMEALONE 0.91(1) HOMEALONE 0.91(1) f sort by number of files in the user's home directory (requires -D). i sort by user id number. l sort by last login time (requires hidleho). m sort by home directory modification time (c.f -D, -d, -A). n sort by number of logins (requires hidleho). o sort by time on-line (requires hidleho). q sort by number of www files. r sort by the real name surname. s sort by the total size of files (c.f -D). t sort by presense of a thumbnail (c.f -t, -T). u sort by user name. w sort by home page / www directory modification time (c.f -d, -A, -N). x sort by home page / www directory age (in days) (c.f -d, -A, -N). z sort by total size of www files (c.f -W). -t thumbnail Look for the file thumbnail in the user's www directory (c.f -s t). Multiple parameters maybe specified. e.g '-t thumbnail.gif -t thumbnail.jpg' -T URL If a valid thumbnail can not be found, use URL instead. e.g '-T <IMG SRC= ALT=Home>'. -u User implementation. Output fields seperated by ':'. This makes it easy to automatically parse the output with awk -F: (etc) or the -P option. The fields are: username, uid, full name, homepage sta- tus (1=found, 0=not found/bad), home directory, days since update, timestamp, files used, bytes/blocks used. -v pattern Exclude all home pages with this pattern in them. Multiple parameters may be specified. 4 HOMEALONE 0.91(1) HOMEALONE 0.91(1) -V pattern Exclude files matching pattern for directory usage statistics. Multiple parameters maybe specified. -w width Extra white space seperation width. Seperation is normally calculated based on the maximal element length encountered during a run (providing the list is sorted). -W Scan www directories for disk/file usage statis- tics. -x Use regular expression pattern matching instead of substring matching for searching home pages (c.f -g, -v). EXAMPLE homealone -a "" -B -M "" -D -W -d -A -jurndsxw -su -snu -sFS -sSF -T -o first_page.html -o rest_of_pages%d.html -c "<a href=>Suburbia.Net</a> homepages by %s" -H /usr/hidleho Produces index pages according to username, number of calls (requires hidleho) number of files used and disk usage in both HTML1+ and HTML3.0 tabular format, with username, reallname, number of calls, home directory age (newest file age in days), home directory usage, www directory age (newest file age in days) and www directory usage as fields. AUTHOR Julian Assange ( ARCHIVE The latest version of this program can be obtained from the Suburbia archives at or BUGS AND SUGGESTIONS homealone when used with the -o option will not behave predictably if a printf() format specifier other than %d is imbedded within the file name. This may change in future versions. Please send any license requests, bug reports, sugges- tions, words of encouragement or supercilious wit to home- LICENSING This software may not be used by commercial or government bodies without a site license. Please refer to the LICENS- ING file in the source distribution for details, or send 5 HOMEALONE 0.91(1) HOMEALONE 0.91(1) email to COPYRIGHT AND WARRANTY INFO Copyright (c) Julian Assange 1995, All rights reserved. This software maybe used freely by registered non-profit organizations and non-profit educational institutions. All other users and organizations, including government bodies and organizations shall be defined for the purposes of this document as commercial users. Commercial users may not use this software without an appropriate agreement or license with the Author. Please see the documentation on LICENSING contained elsewhere with this software. This software maybe distributed only freely, in full and without modification. It may not be bundled with any sort of hardware or software if a fee is charged for that hard- ware or software directly or indirectly for that hardware or software. If you would like to include this software in such a distribution then please contact the author to negotiate reasonable (possibly free) terms. The author shall not under any circumstances accept any liability for this software, for its use, misuse, or any failings it may or may not have. Your on your own. The author reserves the right to alter the aformentioned conditions from time to time as he sees appropriate. The author's most recent copyright notice and conditions for this software always supersede any issued previously. Use and or distribution of this software implies accep- tance of the above. SEE ALSO hidleho(8), find(1), du(1), regex(3), ed(1), grep(1). +----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ |Julian Assange | "if you think the United States has | |FAX: +61-3-9819-9066 | has stood still, who built the largest | |EMAIL: | shopping centre in the world?" - Nixon | +----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+