What's New
Graphics-Display Controller
Byte Magazine
July 1983
The iSBX 275 video graphics controller is the latest addition to Intel's Multimodule line of circuit boards that plug into 8- or 16-bit Multibus buses. It's designed for OEM (original equipment manufacturer) applications such as process control, low-end workstations, and business presentation systems.
The iSBX 275 is a 3- by 7-inch device combining Intel's 82720 graphics-display controller with display memory. It can maintain and display data on a raster-scan screen and can connect to color or black-and-white monitors, with choice of 50- or 60-Hz frame rate. The iSBX 275 has approximately 32K bytes of onboard display memory that provides nominal resolution of 512 by 512 pixels for black-and-white screens or 256 by 256 pixels in eight colors. The 82720 controller lets you draw lines, circles, arcs, and rectangles with a single command and one or more parameters. It also handles such picture-manipulation operations as zoom and pan and can horizontally or vertically output preprogrammed 8 by 8 character fonts to the screen.
The iSBX 275 costs $995. OEM prices are available. Contact Intel Corp., Literature Department SV3-3, 3065 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051.
Copyright 1983