AALS Section Program -- Law and Computers

Friday, January 7, 1994

The Internet -- Legal Research Tool, Publishing Medium, Forum for Scholarly Exchange


Moderators: Thomas R. Bruce and Peter W. Martin, Cornell
Panelists (physically present): I. Trotter Hardy, William and Mary; Jim Milles, St. Louis University; Will Sadler, Indiana University
Panelists (virtually present): Larry Lessig, University of Chicago; Abdul Paliwala and Colin Shaw, CTI Law Technology Centre, at the University of Warwick

Program Overview

  1. Introduction of participants and program format (Peter Martin)
    This set of linked WWW documents includes the outlines for presentations by the three panelists who were physically present at the session - Hardy, Milles, and Sadler - and the full text (and digital audio) of Lessig's presentation. All have been linked to servers or documents that illustrate or elaborate on the author's point. All such additions appear in square brackets and are followed by "Ed."
    Peter W. Martin
  2. Introduction to the Internet and Internet Terminology -- using Cello connected via a ppp connection to the Internet (Tom Bruce)
  3. Using E-Mail for Scholarly Exchange and Forms of Discussion not Possible in Any Other Way (I. Trotter Hardy [ http://www.law.cornell.edu/papers/aals_internet/hardy.html ])
  4. Bringing the Net's Information Resources into the Law School (Jim Milles [ http://www.law.cornell.edu/papers/aals_internet/milles.htm ])
  5. Putting a Law School on the Internet -- Some Forms of Law School Electronic Publishing -- Why? How? (Larry Lessig [ http://www.law.cornell.edu/papers/aals_internet/lessig.html ], Will Sadler [ http://www.law.cornell.edu/papers/aals_internet/sadler.html ])
  6. Connecting with Colleagues Outside the U.S. (Law Technology Centre, Warwick [ http://www.law.cornell.edu/papers/aals_internet/warwick.html ]) 
  7. Questions and Observations from the Floor

Copyright 1994