Get Faster Access

PC Magazine [ ]

May 12, 1999

It's so close you can almost taste it; that mouthwatering, tempting fast access that's just around the corner -- or so you're told. No more infinitessimal downloads. Goodbye, slow-as-molasses surfing. Which high-speed Internet connection is the right choice? PC Magazine looks at the three communications technologies that will bring the 21st century to your door.

The Reviews Top pick =
ADSL Uses existing phone lines to move data at speeds from 128 Kbps to a theoretical maximum of 8 Mbps.
Cable Modems Access provided by your cable company; presently the most readily available source, although still limited. Hits speeds 13 to 29 times faster than V.90 modems.
Satellite Requires a dish with clear southern exposure; maximum speeds of 400 Kbps.

Copyright 1999