If Darl is reading Groklaw

Tim Ransom [ http://www.groklaw.net/users.php?mode=profile&uid=41 ]

September 12 2003

If Darl is reading Groklaw, he's probably busy figuring out how to 'monetize' all this free writing! He could copyright himself as a fictional character, then try to sieze the archives. Look for What I Read On Groklaw by Darl McBride on store shelves this Christmas!
Thanks again

06:43 AM EDT

Wandered over to the SCO website

Tim Ransom

September 13 2003

Wandered over to the SCO website looking for humour fuel, and I discovered they are taking their act on tour! [ http://www.sco.com/partners/city_to_city/oct2003/ ]
See all your favourite SCO superstars live!
I noticed they are coming to my town (Toronto) first! I would love to be able to picket the conference armed with a stack of mint Groklaw's Open Letter to SCO copies to hand out to attendees. Here's a chance for your local LUG to fight the FUD in person and draw regional attention to SCO's litany of slander and threats.

Darl McBride Disappears! http://timransomsfeeblemind.blogspot.com
Thanks again

06:24 AM EDT

SCO Has Filed a Motion to Dismiss Red Hat Suit

Tim Ransom

September 15 2003

Just found this article [ http://www.businessweek.com/technology/cnet/stories/5077021.htm ]. A quote:"Red Hat's legal action does nothing more than seek general guidance for the marketplace as to the legal rights SCO has with respect to Linux software," according to the motion. "This is an impermissible use of the Declaratory Judgment Act."
Thanks again

11:04 PM EDT

Wesley Parish Open Letter to SCO

Tim Ransom

September 16 2003

In this [ http://www.linuxworld.com/story/34022.htm ] open letter, Parish reiterates an open source business model he previously proposed to Caldera under Ransom Love.
Thanks again,

09:28 AM EDT

SCO Tells the Court What We Said They'd Say About Red Hat

Tim Ransom

September 16 2003

O.K., so a motion to dismiss is de rigueur, so it's no surprise. The torque of the hypocrisy and weaselspeak, however, is awe inspiring. Like a figure skater or a spoked wheel, these prevaricators are spinning so fast that you can't tell which direction they are going in. Every delay provides more opportunity for FUD. Also, I doubt their dream team does defense work pro bono.
Thanks again,

10:07 AM EDT

"Why Is the SCO Group Doing This?"

Tim Ransom

September 19 2003

The LKP mascot? A duck named "Suit" wearing a pizza bomb tie shown kneeling. The tagline? "Your bill, Sir."
Thanks again, http://timransomsfeeblemind.blogspot.com

09:13 AM EDT

"Why Is the SCO Group Doing This?"

Clay [ http://www.groklaw.net/users.php?mode=profile&uid=4 ]

September 19 2003

Now this one is laugh out loud funny. If I had more time on my hands I would
make this.

newObjectivity, Inc. supports the destruction
of all software patents.

12:20 PM EDT

I agree

PJ [ http://www.groklaw.net/users.php?mode=profile&uid=3 ]

September 19 2003

This is so funny, Tim. A duck pretending to be a penguin.LOL

08:40 PM EDT

LKP Mascot

Tim Ransom

September 19 2003

Introducing 'Suit', the adorable mascot [ http://www14.brinkster.com/timransom/Suit.gif ] for SCO's newest brilliant middlingware, the Linux Kernel Personality
Thanks again, http://timransomsfeeblemind.blogspot.com

01:38 PM EDT

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