MedAbiliti Announces MedAbiliti Distributed Medical Record (MDMR)
New York, NY, October 2, 2003
Health care information technology innovator, MedAbiliti Software Inc., today announced MedAbiliti Distributed Medical Record (MDMR). MedAbiliti's MDMR technology collects existing medical data from health care information systems, converts that data into XML, and provides tools and a user interface to integrate the data and apply security and privacy policies to it, down to individual data fields. The end result is a repository of XML data on an MDMR server, so authorized users (caregivers, health care payers, and patients) can easily retrieve patient data residing in multiple data storage sites on a virtual central data mode.
"MedAbiliti's MDMR solution allows you to reutilize existing hardware and technology infrastructures and investments, while meeting and exceeding compliance standards," says MedAbiliti CEO Nicolas Richards. "The vision of a completely digital health care environment is one that must be approached in a pragmatic and phased capacity. EMR solutions must be manageable, and information solutions must comply with standards as defined by HIPAA and CMS. The challenge was to create information solutions for health care that optimize workflow, are cost effective and provide adequate and realistic transitions. MDMR accomplishes this by creating a framework for enhancing EMR environments and other information solutions into a 21st century platform for information management."
XML (Extensible Markup Language) improves the functionality of the web by providing more flexible and adaptable information identification, offering a standardized way for different systems to be able to communicate."Within the health care industry, XML is really very well established," says MedAbiliti Chairman and Chief Software Engineer, Edward Meinert. "It is becoming the universal way of representing data and is a very big part of MDMR. Most standards organizations are in the process of creating XML versions of existing standards. The missing piece in the field was backwards compatibility, and now MedAbiliti's invention has solved that issue with innovative transformation rules."
By making all existing medical data available as XML, disparate data is easily integrated. "In some ways, MDMR can be thought of as using XML as a platform for system integration. With MedAbiliti DMR, an organization can unify its existing medical data into an electronic medical record that can be delivered on the web in a secure fashion," Mr. Meinert said."Our approach is this: keep what you've already got, and let us plug in the missing pieces," says Richards. "MedAbiliti has invented a way to make XML documents backwards compatible with current standards. Whatever operating system you have, we'll make sure everything talks to everything else, so you won't have to change your front ends. And this is a multi-tiered approach, so we can do it piece by piece over time, as you require and as your budget allows."
Mr. Meinert summarized the way in which MDMR works to integrate diverse databases and store medical data: "We establish an open framework and add privacy and security features to make the framework HIPAA-compliant. Additionally, we focus on integration rather than a new application, thereby saving our customers money by allowing them to continue to realize value from their previous IT investments.""Earlier efforts to create digital medical records have all had limitations or weaknesses," adds Richards, "and one issue that made them all inadequate was the interoperability issue. You had to throw out everything you had and start over with the new systems offered. MedAbiliti, in creating its universally applicable distributed medical record technology, overcame weaknesses and limitations that hindered past applications. MDMR is a revolutionary approach to creating and managing medical records, and in conjunction with XML-enabled technology, is a solution that makes it an integrative, cost-saving, and security conscious application. We're very excited about and proud of MDMR, and we believe it finally makes it possible for the health care field to digitize medical records successfully and in a cost-effective manner."
About MedAbiliti
MedAbiliti designs, develops, and deploys information solutions for the health care industry. MedAbiliti's approach to development is one that applies international quality assurance methods to application access, data analysis, and process efficiency. MedAbiliti's commitment to structured software methodology, software engineering practices, quality standards for data deployment/access, confidentiality and security of sensitive data, and commitment to customer-client management, position it as an emerging industry leader in medical software design and implementation. MedAbiliti news and company information can be found on Bloomberg under the ticker symbol: 202163Z EQUITY and on the Web at