HIPAA Alert -- 3 More Windows Security Flaws; MS Webcast 9/12
Pamela Jones, Health Innovation Daily staff - Sep 11, 2003
Several new Microsoft Windows security flaws, one rated critical, have
surfaced, and the company is urging all Windows users to download the
patch from its website www.microsoft.com/security immediately. They say
there is a real danger that PCs could otherwise be taken over remotely
by hackers exploiting the flaws. HIPAA entities are urged to take note.
Microsoft simultaneously announced it will hold a webcast to discuss
the problems on Friday, September 12, 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. Pacific
Time / 12:00 P.M. Eastern Time. It can be accessed at
HIPAA Security Alert: MS Issues 5 New Security Warnings
Pamela Jones, Health Innovation Daily Staff - Sep 04, 2003
Microsoft has issued five new security bulletins, four of which affect
Microsoft's Office software, and one of which is rated Critical, and
all of which are listed on this page:
Security Alert for HIPAA Entities: Worm Already Affecting Thousands Worldwide
Pamela Jones, Health Innovation Daily Staff - Aug 13, 2003
HIPAA entities are encouraged to take immediate steps to protect
computers from a worm that interferes with internet access and, more
significantly in a HIPAA context, creates a remote access point. so
that the attacker can control your computers remotely. The worm is set
to trigger on August 16, but thousands are already infected. Worse, the
worm is programmed to repeat every month on the 16th.
CERT: Hack Attacks Have Begun
Pamela Jones, Health Innovation Daily Staff - Aug 01, 2003
CERT has issued a warning
that it is receiving reports of widespread scanning and the
exploitation of two vulnerabilities in Windows' RPC interface. HIPAA
entities will want to be aware of steps that are advised be taken
A Glimpse of the Cutting Edge
Jessica Silvester, Health Innovation Daily Staff - Jul 15, 2003
One doctor in Indiana, by his use of an electronic medical records
system, is showing the benefits that result from digitizing medical
information. His practice improved its efficiency, they saved money,
and the patients appreciated the differences. As automation advances
through the medical industry, the lessons learned from this one doctor
can apply to all.
HIPAA Alert: New Worm Sobig-E Spreads as .Zip Attachment
Pamela Jones, Health Innovation Daily Staff - Jun 27, 2003
There is a new worm, Sobig-E, which is spreading rapidly on Windows
computers. HIPAA entities need to be alert for .ZIP attachments that
come allegedly from support@yahoo or other spoofed support departments.
HIPAA and Privacy: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?
Nicolas Richards, Health Innovation Daily staff - Jun 02, 2003
An article that gives the historical background for the HIPAA Privacy
Rule, and shows how complying with the government regulation is
actually smart business for a number of reasons.
How to File a Health Information Privacy Complaint
Nicolas Richards, Health Innovation Daily staff - Jun 02, 2003
The Office for Civil Rights provides information on how to file a
complaint if you feel that a person or agency covered under the HIPAA
privacy rule violated health information privacy rights.