Calling All Techies!!! If You Want to Help the Victims of the RIAA Lawsuits, Your Help Will be Needed
By Ray Beckerman
September 16, 2005
Calling all Techies!!!
If you are concerned about the RIAA's onslaught against hapless victims, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to help.
Take a good look at this computer protective order in Motown v. Nelson:
These are some of the types of computer-related issues that will come up. As you know, there will be plenty of other issues that might arise, as where a lay person's computer has been taken over by an outside source.
As you know, the RIAA has unlimited resources it is willing to throw into these litigations, but for ordinary folks sued in this morass of litigation, hiring computer forensic experts will be very difficult.
I challenge the tech community -- which seems to be very aware of the peril posed by these lawsuits -- to join the network of knowledgeable and dependable people who are willing to help the defendants' lawyers in these cases, and to do it on a pro bono or reduced fee basis, through the Electronic Frontier Foundation [ ] :
EFF Cooperating Techs.
This is a mailing list run by the EFF designed to hook up techies with lawyers on
a variety of cases.
12:43:00 PM
Copyright 2005