Story on Al Petrofsky?

By Anonymous

November 05 2007

Doesn't he post to groklaw regularly? Did he file the motion based upon the one
share of SCO stock that he's holding?

09:48 AM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?


November 05 2007

Here's my take: No, he doesn't post here, except
perhaps surrepticiously. He is not a member, not
that he hasn't tried repeatedly to be one.

When SCO decided to do an antiGroklaw web site, Darl
asked Al in a teleconference if Al would help them
with the legal documents site. He said he would.

He also took steps to help SCO try to find me.

He also at one time set up a url on Yahoo message
board for SCOX that would do a number of things, one
of them being visit his web site when people had no
idea that was happening, and he was presumably in a
position at least to track their IP addresses. Some
thought it was a great hack over there, but I thought
it was a privacy invasion at a minimum.

He is not welcome here. Yes, he filed an objection
based on what I think are 100 shares.

10:34 AM EST


Story on Al Petrofsky?

By Anonymous

November 05 2007

Thanks for answering my question PJ. I remembered the name and thought I had
seen it attached to posts here (although not for a while). I don't have any
strong memory of the posts being pro SCO but it could be that they were just
squabbling about details.

FYI any website you visit can track your IP address. If you are concerned about
privacy there are lots of ways to go. I personally have an encrypted tunnel to
a dedicated linux box in another state from which all of my activities
(including this post) originate. There is also anonymizing software like Tor
although you run the risk of having fragments of illegal traffic run through
your connection.


10:48 AM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?


November 05 2007

I know. But the point was that there was no
indication that the tinyurl was routing via
his website. That was what bothered me.

10:59 AM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?

By ak

November 05 2007

PJ wrote:

He also took steps to help SCO try to find me.

I have seen allegation several times but I have not yet seen any proof.

02:23 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?

By Anonymous

November 05 2007

Dear PJ.
That post is seriously disturbing.

You are making very serious accusations. All of which could very well be either
patently untrue, or extremely misleading.

Plus you're engaging in exactly the type of behavior you despise in others. If
you're not willing to discuss the facts that led you to these conclusions
openly, then the accusations should also remain private.

That's MY take on it.

02:36 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?

By Anonymous

November 05 2007

How is that in any way different from any other tinyurl
link? The tinyurl people used to make a point out of
the fact that people could not know where they ended

I assume you are talking about that post which Al made,
somehow, to redirect a few times (tinyurl->scofacts->yahoo,
I think) so that it ended up making the user "recommend"
that very same post. A mildly clever hack, actually.

Invasion of privacy? Maybe, if he kept logs. But only
possible because yahoo screwed up.

07:13 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?


November 05 2007

I wouldn't say things I couldn't demonstrate.
It all happened in public anyway. It's not

07:17 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?


November 05 2007

Google is your friend.

07:18 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?


November 05 2007

That doesn't excuse it to me, and Yahoo has terms
of service I would assume he would be out of harmony
with in doing that "mild hack", as you call
it, although I don't know that for sure.

But yes, that is the incident, where he used a
tiny url that made a middle stop at his house, so
to speak, before arriving at the purported destination.

I considered that a privacy violation because he *could*
keep logs. Whether he did or not isn't in the
equation. But why would he alter tinyurl's normal
behavior to make that middle stop? Ever think about

07:22 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?

By Cesar Rincon

November 06 2007

This is disgusting.

You're right, it was all public, except afaik that bit about Al helping SCO find
you. Which sounds absolutely ludicrous.

In my very personal opinion, you, PJ, are mischaracterizing what actually
happened. You are lying, and the only redeeming angle I can think of right now
is that you just don't realize it. Which is quite disturbing, to think your
anger can blind you to the point of losing touch with reality, and worse, of
relaxing your ethics.

At one point I actually thought you were fair and objective. Highminded and
all that. I was genuinely outraged when O'Gara did that hatchet job on you.
Now I feel like a chump.

Oh well. I can almost see you looking up the address this post came from,
because it *has* to be from some SCO stooge, maybe Al himself, the evil one,
right? Go ahead, look it up before you censor me. It may give you some amusing
material about Darl making a run for it, or something. Not quite true, but hey,
what do you care, right?

04:47 PM EST

Story on Al Petrofsky?


November 06 2007

It's not ludicrous, Cesar. It's true. He posted it on the
internet in addition to sending it to Maureen O'Gara.

And before you call me a liar, please read our
comments policy. This is your fair warning. You
might think about reading up on libel law also.

05:47 PM EST

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