This is community?

By Anonymous

November 16 2007

Yes, let us sit behind the safe anonymity of our keyboards and make fun of
someone who actually did what you're supposed to do, go in and *try to change
things for the better*. I thought that was the whole idea of this site? If the
motto is really "leave it to the professionals", I don't expect to see
much commenting here in the future.

What a travesty.

07:06 PM EST

This is community?


November 16 2007

First, this individual isn't part of Groklaw's
community. He has attacked Groklaw nonstop for
years, and he tried to help SCO locate me. He
also helped them with their antiGroklaw website,
and he has one of his own, where he mirrors my
articles in ways he knows I find offensive.

So I was quite mild in the article, not because
of community feeling, but because I don't believe
in repaying evil for evil. But it's not about

As for getting in there and doing something, it is
my view that it doesn't help and it risks doing real
harm. Every time he has ended up in a courtroom,
he's lost.

But my point is generic, and it's one I've written
about over and over. This is not the first time. I
write the same thing whether it's a friend or an
enemy: don't go into courtrooms without a lawyer
to represent you. You will lose even if you should
win, most of the time. I wrote the same thing when
Dan Wallace did his pro se thing.

If someone wants to be the hero that saves Linux,
at least put on the right armor, grab a good steed,
and ride to win. And if you don't know what you are
doing, please don't do the community any favors by
going in unprepared.

Further, the US Trustee represents the community, as
that is his assignment. So he doesn't need community
members getting in the way.

There are ways to be helpful, and there are ways that
feel good at the time but end up causing problems that
didn't have to happen.

09:15 PM EST


This is community?


November 16 2007

Since I'm told you bragged about this comment
elsewhere, I'll say this: you aren't part of the Groklaw community either. What
a phony comment, therefore.

You are only here to find fault. That is your sole
purpose for whatever reason... that's yours to
grapple with. I don't care. But I don't want you
to post here any more. You are not welcome.

To meaningfully answer one point though first before
you and I say buh bye: he didn't do what the rest of
us should do. I think it's a tactical mistake to do
what he did. We have members who are shareholders,
and one of them asked me about doing this. I think
it's best to stay out of it.


Because in my analysis, our best shot is *not* to do
what he did. I don't believe it helped at all. I think
it annoyed. And the more he shows up, the worse it will
get. That is my prediction.

I predicted he'd lose the Merkey case too, by the way,
if you recall, and he did, and for the very reason I

I didn't just fall off a turnip truck, you know. And
my record speaks for itself. What he's doing is, in
my opinion, harmful, not helpful. You guys think
it's great, because of the hacker ethic or whatever,
but courts don't run on hacker concepts.

I can't tell others what to do. But I can freely
express my opinion on my own website. Or is that
not allowed amongst you free speech lovers any more?
I can only express myself if I say what you like?
Some free speech.

09:40 PM EST

This is community?

By Anonymous

November 17 2007

Okay. So what you're saying here is that the Legal system. You know? The system
you deeply believe in and have repeated time and time again to respect, that it
will come through and that is working. That system you've been working so hard
to explain to "us" for so long. That for some reason now, it could all
come crashing down in flames because one person could annoy the judge and he
could suddenly, on a whim, by himself, decide to disregard the rules of law, the
evidence and everything else, and somehow hand SCO a victory, all based on his
dislike of something Al could do in court?

We've seen the system spit on, trampled and almost laughed at by BS&F for
over 4 years, and a Judge is going to hand them a victory because Al may make
him annoyed???

I believe you're obvious personal dislike of Al, no matter if warranted or not,
is clouding your judgment. That, or the legal system isn't worth the paper it's
rulings are printed on.

08:16 AM EST

This is community?

By DeepBlue

November 17 2007

Well said, and I must say I find the proposition that members of other
communities can't be part of Groklaw deeply hurtful.

All that matters is whether they can show ownership, they haven't and they
can't, or whether they can show substantial similarity, they haven't and they

09:17 AM EST

This is community?


November 17 2007

They can be part of Groklaw. But if they spend three
years pretty much nonstop attacking Groklaw, I'd
say I can notice that they are not friendly folks
and define themselves as not part of Groklaw.

10:09 AM EST

This is community?


November 17 2007

And I believe you are being childish. At best.
Or maybe just phony.

The court system is what it is. You want it to be
like you. It's not. You want Groklaw to be like you too.
It's not. I deal in reality. I suggest you start
to do so also.

This case matters a lot more than some dream
world thinking. If there is a chance of doing
harm, and if you are really a Linux person,
why would you take that chance? No. Really.
Why would you? And not only that, but insist
on your right to mess everything up rather than
adjust to be effective?

I suspect you folks are not really Linux
folks. That's why you do things that are
harmful to Linux.

You guys carp and criticize over the
most stupid things literally for years and
years and years. Why? Either you are paid
to do it, since no normal person cares *that
much* about moderation or how somebody's
web site is run. Or you are a bunch of
cracked coconuts.

I believe it's because you are not actually Linux folks.
You frame it as if it were a free speech issue,
because you know some in the community will
fall for that line. But it's not about the things
you pretend it is. And you aren't fooling anybody.

Certainly not me.

You know why corporations get people to out
folks they find inconvenient and put their addresses
on the Internet? It's cover. Then they can
intimidate or worse and there is no direct line
back to them. It's just some net kook, they can
say. I'm not the first person to experience it, and I probably won't be the
last. But spare me your justifications. This isn't some personal dislike
going on. It's much worse, in my view. And no one
is so stupid they don't know this.

10:23 AM EST

This is community?

By Anonymous

November 17 2007

But if they spend three years pretty much nonstop attacking Groklaw

As per the above, you have also been attacking "them," and it that also has been going on for every bit as long. There's a good deal of symmetry here. As to who threw the first stone, we might argue, but by my reckoning, you don't come out all that clean on that score.

The difference being that, over "there," "they" don't just attack - they discuss, try to understand, and about as many defend GL as criticise it."

Over here, there is a good deal less balance. And virtually no introspection.

But, it's okay PJ. Most of us realize that you really are perfect.

11:36 AM EST

This is community?


November 17 2007

No. Maybe once a year I make a statement, when I wish
onlookers to realize you and I are not a communnity.
I make a statement when events call for it, but I
do it here.

I never go there and leave comments. And I'd
like you to go away and stay away from Groklaw.

And I don't write about you day in and day out
for years and years and years. It's ridiculous.

You speak about hacker ethic. Maliciousness has
nothing to do with the hacker ethic, and you don't
represent the hacker ethic to me. Linus does. RMS does.
Do you see them attacking Groklaw, picking away at
every perceived flaw? No. Why not? Because they
realize that Groklaw has a role and it is fulfilling
it. People who are really in the Linux community
protect and support Groklaw. That's just true. If you
were really Linux folks, you would too.

I *hope* someone is paying you to pick, pick, pick.
Because otherwise, your lives are really sad. It's
obvious I don't intend to do things your way. You
know it and I know it. We've both known it since
2004. So why continue? So why obsess? If you are
not being paid to attack Groklaw, why do it so
faithfully for years and years and years? It's really pitiful.

02:46 PM EST

This is community?

By DeepBlue

November 19 2007

Who is they? I post here and I post on IV. Are all posters on IV not welcome
here? I know there are some people who have taken action you don't agree with
and that's fine but you seem to be going over the top here.

All that matters is whether they can show ownership, they haven't and they
can't, or whether they can show substantial similarity, they haven't and they

02:02 PM EST

This is community?


November 19 2007

You just answered your own question, did you not, by
posting here successfully?

What I wrote was written to an individual who has
publicly stated he does not wish to participate
in Groklaw. You are bending it to try to make
a federal case out of something that has nothing
to do with you.

02:11 PM EST

Copyright 2007