RIAA Statement On Damages In Third Jammie Thomas-Rasset File-Sharing Trial

MINNEAPOLIS - November 03, 2010 - A Minnesota jury today handed down a decision on damages in the case of egregious file-sharer Jammie Thomas-Rasset in the amount of $1.5 million. Below is the statement from the RIAA on the jury's decision:

"We are again thankful to the jury for its service in this matter and that they recognized the severity of the defendant's misconduct. Now with three jury decisions behind us along with a clear affirmation of Ms. Thomas-Rasset's willful liability, it is our hope that she finally accepts responsibility for her actions."


*More than 1700 songs were found in Ms. Thomas-Rasset’s shared folder on the peer-to-peer network KaZaA; the music labels sued on 24 of those songs

*Ms. Thomas-Rasset has flatly rejected every settlement offer extended her [ http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10275453-93.html?tag=mncol;6n ]; including the most recent offer of $25,000 to be donated to a musicians’ charity [ http://news.cnet.com/8301-31001_3-10442482-261.html?tag=mncol;9n ].


The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the trade organization that supports and promotes the creative and financial vitality of the major music companies. Its members are the music labels that comprise the most vibrant record industry in the world. RIAAŽ members create, manufacture and/or distribute approximately 85% of all legitimate recorded music produced and sold in the United States.

In support of this mission, the RIAA works to protect the intellectual property and First Amendment rights of artists and music labels; conduct consumer, industry and technical research; and monitor and review state and federal laws, regulations and policies. The RIAAŽ also certifies GoldŽ, PlatinumŽ, Multi- Platinum™ and Diamond sales awards as well as Los Premios De Oro y Platino™, an award celebrating Latin music sales.