Comment of the Day: Why 'Non-Journalist' Blogger Crystal Cox Didn't Get a Lawyer

By Curtis Cartier
Seattle Weekly

December 7 2011

Rise and shine, it's Comment of the Day time. Today's winner sheds a bit more light on a question that many of you seemed to have yesterday.

That is: Why did Oregon blogger Crystal Cox not hire a lawyer when she unsuccessfully fought to be recognized as a "media member" under state law?

Cox, if you'll recall [ ], was ruled not a journalist by a federal judge and therefore not protected by the state's media shield laws (a ruling that wouldn't fly in Washington [ ]).

The judgement against her in the case: $2.5 million.

Cox herself comments on why she ditched the attorney and went pro se:

I certainly was fit to represent myself and I did a damn good job. I recommend that everyone go pro se and lawyer up for the appeal, this way you get to introduce more elements into the case and others pick up the case and whatever you right in your motions to the court is then under "Absolute Privilege" as a matter of law and can't be considered defamation. I fought a good battle and I introduced tons of information that will later be used to further the story. I did not want to say, I have a right to say what ever I want. I wanted to make the statement that I am Media, I posted the truth to the best of my ability and I was never asked to retract. I wanted to be Pro Se and I Did It. I believe I did a better job then a lawyer could have for this first step, and it took a year that would have cost over $60,000 with as many documents as the Plaintiff's Blathering Attorney kept filing. I am proud of the Job I did, and Stand in my Truth with Honor and Dignity.

5:00 AM

By Crystal L. Cox

I have witnessed cases where attorneys decide your fate and you are kept in the dark. In this case I was not in the dark, and though It was my first time as Pro Se, I Certainly Know now. I have seen County Attorneys shut down lawyers over and over, I have seen lawyers settle in a way that is not of the best interest of the case as a whole or in the best interest of their client. This case is more then what is important to all bloggers which is the bloggers are journalist standing, to me my mission is to expose the laws broke and the judges and attorneys who cover up for the criminals, to exposing whitewashing for protect attorneys such as the Elite Portland Oregon Attorney Fraternity of which someone murdered a public defender in Portland right after a case a couple years back, I wrote on this case.

Protected Law Firms is a Big Deal and I mostly write on this issue with the iViewit Stolen Technology Case and the crimes of Andrew Cuomo, Ex NYAG and now New York Governor and Whistleblower Christine Anderson. This is not just about get a lawyer and win, though I know it is to all bloggers. Thing is my stories and those I fight for is more important to me then my quality of life, and with representing myself, I got tons of information on them into the court system and got them to say things under oath that will be used against them to prove that Kevin Padrick was an Insider working for the Debtor and had no legal right to be a Trustee in the Summit 1031 bankruptcy.

See in a practical sense all can relate to, this Man, the Plaintiff Kevin Padrick took a 100,000 from his clients to help them as the contract says with a "Plan of Reorganization" and after getting the contract signed, taking his clients money, getting all their financial information, well he took this information to the creditors committee, which is essential working for the opposite best interest of his client. Very Important is that having a contract with that company, made him an insider and therefore all the actions in the 40 Million Bankruptcy should be null and void.. its all a long story, however I want him to be indicted, I want the crimes, conspiracy, collusion and cover ups regarding every aspect of the Summit Bankruptcy to be exposed. I want Kevin Padrick accountable for his crimes and to promote transparency and accountability in the US bankruptcy courts, where over and over the Trustee ends up taking mass amounts of money that should be the creditors and with no oversight.. I want him prosecuted and the crimes exposed more then I want to win a defamation judgement, and if I had a lawyer he would not have perjured himself of which I will expose. My motive was for the greater good and not because I am an idiot, not because I think I am smart... My Motive is Equality and Justice for all Equal. For the Law not to Be above the Law, as Kevin Padrick is an Attorney. My motive is the story more then protecting my own peace of mind and quality of life, these are real people with real lives ruined by the actions of Kevin Padrick and if takes a Decade to prove to the right impartial court or federal prosecutor of these crimes then so be it.

The department of justice Trustee Pamela Griffith, the Bankruptcy Judge Randall Dunn, the Creditors Attorney Steven Hedberg of Perkins Coi who used to work with Kevin Padrick at Miller Nash, Leon Simson of Tonkon Torp use to work with Pamela Griffith the Trustee, Susan Ford and Tom Stilley at Sussman Shank, Ewan Rose at Obsidian Finance Group at the Time and others.. I will see them all accountable for conspiracy, collusion, and white collar crimes in events regarding the Summit 1031 bankruptcy, and that is more important then at first hiring a lawyer and simply winning, now nearly 100 documents prove how dirty they are and the trial records WILL show Kevin Padrick flat out lied and I WILL PROVE It.. I am sorry if you need to judge me, slam me, so be it nothing I can do about it. My intentions are of the highest and best good for all involved.

Copyright 2011