From: (Daniel Mark Gessel)
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux
Subject: References for info on 386 and AT architecture.
Date: 5 Feb 92 16:22:32 GMT
Organization: Swarthmore College

Now that we can all do some kernel hacking:

Can anybody list some good books on system level programming for the
386 and AT architecture?



From: torvalds@klaava.Helsinki.FI (Linus Benedict Torvalds)
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: References for info on 386 and AT architecture.
Date: 6 Feb 92 09:47:57 GMT
Organization: University of Helsinki

In article <1992Feb05.183836.16346thinman@netcom.COM> thinman@netcom.COM 
(Lance Norskog) writes:
>The Intel 386 hardware books are ridden with typos,
>or so I have been informed by someone who wrote software
>for an embedded 386 gizmo.  

The best book around is definitely "Programming the 80386" by John H.
Crawford and Patrick P. Gelsinger. It contains everything, and doesn't
seem to have typos (not so you'd notice at least) - it may be a bit
overkill if you just want to learn the user-space assembly language, but
if you are interested in segment descriptors, pagine etc I can recommend
it: without it, linux probably would never have been written.

Sybex books, ISBN 0-89588-381-3

Re: AT-hardware books.  There aren't any good ones around.  Thom Hogans
book contains /some/ info, but it's usually not what you want.  Peter
Norton is a joke.  Most books seem to assume you have access to the
BIOS, even though they call themself "advanced" "hardware" or whatever. 
If someone can find a book that (a) even mentions the weird 386-387
coupling in an AT (no, it's not the intel standard way) or (b) doesn't
contain pages and pages of totally useless BIOS entry-points, I'd be
very much interested.  (Sanches & Canton: IBM microcomputers: A
programmers handbook is better than most, but cops out when it comes to
harddisks etc)
