Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
From: (Martin Houston)
Subject: FEEDBACK: Linux User Group for the UK ?
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 1994 14:10:48 GMT
Approved: (Matt Welsh)

I am the Software Librarian of the "Association of C and C++ Users". We
are a European based user group for the C and C++ programming languages
and related topics with a bi-monthly journal (CVu). 

As a joint venture with the UK Unix Users Group UKUUG we are planning to
launch a jointly organised special interest group for Linux.

I am the co-ordinator for this effort.

Things are at a planning stage at the moment but I would be very keen
to hear from anybody in the UK interested in joining such a group and also from
people who have successfully organised such groups elsewhere.

Amongst the things that we hope to provide are:

*       An easy UK source for Linux related products from Tee Shirts 
to Linux books and magazines. (vendors of such wares please email me!)

*       Localy organised meetings where linuxers can meet face to face and
the sceptical can see Linux and Linux based packages actually working!

*       A newsletter to report what is going on in Linux from a UK/Europe

*       Promotion of Linux to raise its profile as something worth
looking into. 

Obviously you who are reading this are on the Internet but I feel that
Linux deserves a wider audience than those with Internet connectivity.
Indeed a Linux User Group that is not totally Internet centered will provide
a gentle introduction to novice Linux users before they take the plunge
and jack their Linux boxes into the net.

FEEDBACK PLEASE! Let me know what you think. Are you already down the path
of doing the same things - if so let's talk.

By the way if you are a C or C++ programmer and are interested in details of the
ACCU email me as well & I will get some information emailed back to you
about that.
Martin Houston
Librarian of the Association of C and C++ Users
ACCU/UKUUG Linux SIG Co-ordinator.
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: LOCAL: Linux UK User Group Mailing List
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:30:08 GMT
Approved: (Matt Welsh)


Thanks to Nigel Metheringham of the University of York us UK
Linux enthusiasts now have our own mailing list.

The purpose of this list is to be a communication channel for the
forming Linux SIG of the UKUUG. While it takes time and due consideration to
launch the group itself I see no reason why the mailing list cannot activate
now to provide a valuable communication channel for that formation process.

I am NOT saying that you have to be a paid up member of the Linux SIG to
use this list. We welcome anyone who has an interest in Linux, 
although I suggest that you will get most out of the list if you actually 
live in the UK as we hope to be using the list to arrange local events.

You are getting this email because you have expressed an interest in the
Linux user group or a friend of a friend thinks you may be interested.

I am mailing this message personally to all those who have asked me about
the user group. If you receive a copy of this message please pass it on
to anyone that you think may also be interested. I will re-post the messages
again in 1 weeks time just in case anyone's original mail got lost. After
that I will 'forget' my original list. 

This means that if you want to be kept in touch with Linux in the UK
then please subscribe to the mailing list.


To subscribe send a message to
with the command
        join linux-uk Firstname Lastname

If you want to unsubscribe then send the command
        leave linux-uk
to .   If you are going on holiday and
wish to suspend your messages for that period then the command
        suspend mail linux-uk
will do the trick followed by
        resume mail linux-uk
when you return (linux-uk can be replaced by all to
affect all the lists you subscribe to).

You can leave the subject of the message blank.
Be sure to send the mail from the account that you want to receive 
mail from the mailing list in. You will be emailed confirmation that
you have joined the list and also a handy mailbase 'reference card' for
you to print out and keep.

I hope to see you all on the list!

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
From: (John A. Cunningham)
Subject: LOCAL: Formation of Edinburgh Linux Group
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 18:06:10 GMT
Approved: (Matt Welsh)


	Recently I recieved a mail from kenny@festival.ed detailing
	plans for a UK linux usergroup.  Looking at the mail header
	30% of the addresses were Scottish and half of these seemed to
	be from Edinburgh (not including of course demon addresses. 
	On this basis, and the assumption that there are probably 
	three times as many people using linux in this area, it would
	seem that a user group in this area is a possibility.  I would
	be willing to do some work of course, but it need a lot of people
	to get involved and do some work in setting it up etc.  Affiliation
	to the UK one once it is set up sounds like a good thing too, but 
	setting up here would easier and quicker.

	I have had several serious responses after my initial post in 

	Mail me or post.


John A. Cunningham
Computer Science IV		          

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: LOCAL: Linux UK User Group Mailing List! (second posting)
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 17:59:07 GMT
Approved: (Matt Welsh)


Thanks to Nigel Metheringham of the University of York us UK
Linux enthusiasts now have our own mailing list.

The purpose of this list is to be a communication channel for the
forming Linux SIG of the UKUUG. While it takes time and due consideration to
launch the group itself I see no reason why the mailing list cannot activate
now to provide a valuable communication channel for that formation process.

I am NOT saying that you have to be a paid up member of the Linux SIG to
use this list. We welcome anyone who has an interest in Linux, 
although I suggest that you will get most out of the list if you actually 
live in the UK as we hope to be using the list to arrange local events.

You are getting this email because you have expressed an interest in the
Linux user group or a friend of a friend thinks you may be interested.

I am mailing this message personally to all those who have asked me about
the user group. If you receive a copy of this message please pass it on
to anyone that you think may also be interested. I will re-post the messages
again in 1 weeks time just in case anyone's original mail got lost. After
that I will 'forget' my original list. 

This means that if you want to be kept in touch with Linux in the UK
then please subscribe to the mailing list.


To subscribe send a message to
with the command
        join linux-uk Firstname Lastname

If you want to unsubscribe then send the command
        leave linux-uk
to .   If you are going on holiday and
wish to suspend your messages for that period then the command
        suspend mail linux-uk
will do the trick followed by
        resume mail linux-uk
when you return (linux-uk can be replaced by all to
affect all the lists you subscribe to).

You can leave the subject of the message blank.
Be sure to send the mail from the account that you want to receive 
mail from the mailing list in. You will be emailed confirmation that
you have joined the list and also a handy mailbase 'reference card' for
you to print out and keep.

I hope to see you all on the list!

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
From: zlsiial <>
Subject: Local: Manchester Linux User Group
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 15:38:00 GMT
Approved: (Matt Welsh)

The first meeting of the Manchester Linux User Group will
be on 22 November 1994 from 19:00 to 21:00 at the University
of Manchester.  The meeting will be in room G9 of the
Manchester Computing Centre, the building on Oxford Road
between the Precinct Centre (the building with a bridge over
Oxford Road) and the Mathematics Building (the 14 storey tower).
Further information, together with a map, can be obtained
from the World Wide Web; see under
'MCC supplied pages'.  By email, contact

By telephone, ring +44 161 275 6035 (Dr. Le Blanc).

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.