Newsgroups: git.general,,atl.general,comp.os.linux.announce From: (Vernard C. Martin) Subject: LOCAL: Meeting for Linux Enthusiasts in Atlanta Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 13:48:06 GMT Approved: (Matt Welsh) You are all cordially invited to come and join the first meeting of the unofficial Georgia Tech Linux Enthusiast Organization on Wednesday October 12th at 5pm at the Georgia Tech College of Computing in Room 201. All students, faculty, staff, and others are welcome to attend. The meeting will last from 5pm to 7pm with a guru session afterwards that will start at 7:10pm and last until 8pm. Several topics will be covered. Hopefully, handouts will be available as well so that interesting information can be taken home in hard-copy. Things of interest that are sure to be mentioned are: What is Linux? How to install Linux (slackware 2.0 distribution) What the "term" package is on how to use it. How to make machines with network connections secure. How to use Linux with other operating systems. Hope to see you there. Vernard Martin -- Vernard Martin ( Ga Tech College of Computing Student at Large, High Performance Parallel Computation and Experimentation Lab Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Phone (404) 853-9390 "Live large and prosper." - MC Spock WWW home page--> -- Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce From: (Carlton A. Riddick) Subject: LOCAL: Atlanta University Center Linux Users Group Mtg. Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 16:18:25 GMT Approved: (Matt Welsh) ANNOUNCING THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE AUC LINUX USERS GROUP!!!! Thursday, October 20, 1994 Room 103, Brawley Hall Morehouse College for more info: -- _________________________________________________________________________ "I can do all things through Christ which strentgthen me" Phillipians 4:13 ________________________ Carlton A. Riddick, Grad Student Department of Computer and Information Sciences Clark-Atlanta University Atlanta, GA 30314 email: -- Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce From: (Greg Hankins) Subject: LOCAL: November Meeting of The Atlanta UNIX Users Group Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 15:29:21 GMT Approved: (Matt Welsh) From: (Lindsay Cleveland) Topic: LINUX: UNIX Unchained! Speaker: Mark Horton Mork Horton and Assoc. Atlanta, GA Location: White Hall Emory University Date: Monday, November 7, 1994 Time: 7:30pm Our speaker will tell us about the LINUX version of the UNIX Operating System. He will give a brief history of LINUX, and an overview of the system. Afterward will be a question and answer session which will include commentary from LINUX users. CD's containing the LINUX system will be available for sale ($20). Free "LINUX Journals" will also be available. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Prior to the meeting, there will be an informal, non-structured "guru" session open to anyone wishing to attend. This will start around 6:45pm in the meeting room, and we will have one or more gurus available to discuss whatever topics/problems/questions the attendees care to bring up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The cost of this month's mailing of meeting notices has been paid for by Our Corporate Sponsors. Their thoughtfulness and generosity is greatly appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------- It is with great pride that we recognize our Corporate Sponsors. Being aware of the contributions made by the AUUG membership to the UNIX community, these firms, both large and small, have made a commitment to provide financial assistance for defraying the operating expenses of AUUG. We are both pleased and grateful for their sponsorship, and hope that they will continue to support AUUG in the days to come. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subsequent Meeting: Monday, December 5 1994; 7:30 pm ------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who need some sustenance before the meeting, you will find kindred AUUG spirits at "Everybody's Restaurant" near White Hall. Drop in any time after 5:30pm to sit around and chew the fat (and pepperoni). This is a chance for folks to get together and exchange rumors, ideas, assistance, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PLEASE POST --- Corporate Sponsors: Hewlett-Packard Co. International Business Machines (IBM) Melita International Fourth Generation Software Solutions Data General Corporation Lindsay Cleveland ( 404-497-1902 -- Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: Be sure to include Keywords: and a short description of your software.
From: (Eric Zundel Ayers) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: LOCAL: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts Date: 3 Dec 1994 12:39:57 +0200 Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology Sender: wirzeniu@cc.Helsinki.FI Approved: (Lars Wirzenius) Message-ID: <3bphtt$gfg@kruuna.Helsinki.FI> Keywords: local, Atlanta, user's group ^ I ^ I ^ I ^ ___I____ /|\ ______ || | | || // | \ /| | || | | || // | \ | | oo | || | | || // | \ | | oo | || | | || ()/ | \() | | oo | || | | || ()()=========() | | oo |____ || | | || (/| o o o o | | | oo | || | | || |/| 8 8 8 8 | | | ooooooo | =====|| | | || | | o o o o | | | ooooooo | === =|| | | || |/| 8 8 8 8 | | | ooooooo | =====|| | | || | | o o o o | | | ooooooo |___=== =|| | | ||###|/| 8 8 8 8 | | | ooooooo |===|| | | ||###| | o o o o | | | ooooooooo +=======================+ 8 8 8 | | | oooooooo /[ * ** ***** ] o o o | | | oooooooo| [ *** ** ** ] 8 8 8 | | | oooooooo| [ ** ** ** *** ] o o o | | | oooooooo| [ ***** ** ** ] 8 8 8 | | | oooooooo| [ ** ** ***** ***** ] o o o | | | oooooooo| [ ] 8 8 8 | | | oooooooo| [ Atlanta ] o o o | | | oooooooo| [ Linux Enthusiasts ] 8 8 8 | | | oooooooo| [ ] o o o | | | oooooooo| +=======================+ 8 8 8 | | | oooooooo+/_______________________/o o o o | | | oooooooooooo |= =|| | | ||###|/| 8 8 8 8 | | | oooooooooooo |===|| | | ||###| | o o o o | A Linux Users Group is forming in Atlanta! Come and help the Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts get off the ground! An organizational meeting will be held on: Thursday the 15th of December 7:00 PM Georgia Tech College of Computing Room 101 We will be discussing the organization of the group brainstorming for ideas on meeting topics, and begin delving out administrative tasks. Everyone with an interest in Linux is welcome to attend. If you plan on coming, please RSVP to either myself ( or Greg Hankins ( To subscribe to the ALE mailing list, send e-mail to with the line subscribe ale < your e-mail address> in the body of the message. We'll see you there! Directions to the Georgia Tech College of Computing: URL: Here's the gist of it: If you are driving from the airport: 1. Take I-85 North to Exit #101 (10th Street/14th Street/Ga Tech). 2. Take a left onto 10th Street at the light at the end of the ramp. 3. Go straight through 1 traffic light. 4. Take a left onto Fowler Street at the next light, immediately after the basketball arena. (Big dome shaped building) 5. Take a right onto Ferst Street, at the first light. 6. Take a left onto Plum Street, at the first stop sign. 7. The College of Computing is the second building on your right. 8. Park behind the building in the small lot immediately behind the College of Computing, or along the street behind the building. 9. Continue walking down Plum street until you come to a set of stairs on the right between two buildings, walk up the stairs to the front door of the College of Computing. 10. Room 101 is the first door through the hallway on the left. Covered Walkway Front Door | | ----+ \|/ \|/+-------------- +---------+ | | MiRC| ----------- / | | | | | | -----------| College of | | Biology | | | | == | Computing | | | | | | == | | | | | | | == +----------------+ +---------+ | | | | | ^--- Loading Dock | Ferst | | | | +------+ | St. | --------+ | | | | | | | | +-- --+ | | ----------------------| |-------------------+ +---- Plum Street ---------------------------------------------+ +---- | | | | To Fowler St. | \|/ -- Eric Zundel Ayers E-mail: Snail Mail: 33021 Georgia Tech Station, Atlanta, GA 30213 USA URL: Georgia Institute of Technology CoC, IMAGINE, GVU, GTRI -- Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.